Talk FNF

Diddy's Exposed HipHop relationship with DV, Victoria Monet Stole Baby Daddy, and The Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body - Talk FNF TV

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Bisexuality, sensationalism, and celebrity antics—topics too hot to handle? We think not. Strap in as we dissect the recent uproar over Joe and Diddy’s alleged escapades, while shining a light on the sensationalism that often clouds public perception of sexuality. The conversation takes a serious turn as we delve into the darker side of party culture, unpacking the troubling objectification of women through a hypothetical involving someone named Marjorie at a fraternity event. We don't shy away from the unpleasant reality of social media spats either, as we recount the fiery feud between former associate Raqi and Emanny, exposing the raw nerves and personal attacks that ensue when private grievances spill into the public domain.

From online personas to real-world confrontations, the drama unfolds as we scrutinize an intense debate that silenced the voice of black women in social spaces. The episode veers into confessional territory with Emanny's startling revelations about Raqi and Floyd Mayweather's past, offering a rare glimpse into the complexities of personal relationships. Prepare for an emotional ride as we lay bare the disturbing details of a leaked video showing Diddy in a moment of alleged aggression. Confronting the uncomfortable dynamics of victim-blaming head-on, we challenge the societal norms that enable such behavior, all while reflecting on the often-glamorized media portrayals of violence in contrast to their grim reality.

Speaker 1:

People like to think in my head canon, he's also bisexual. Yo, what the fuck? No, because it's so sexy. It's so sexy if they're both bisexual. How? And that attractive Like they're both obscenely attractive.

Speaker 2:

But why does he need to be bisexual?

Speaker 1:

It's just like it's sexier if he's also a willing participant in all of the things Joe had allegations. Diddy has a video of him like literally whooping a woman's ass, so I don't know why Joe would feel it necessary to go out of his way to defend Diddy, because y'all aren't in the same box.

Speaker 2:

Marjorie is like the white girl who, like, will finish the whole like 24 pack with the fraternity and then let them all take a turn. Like she's like one of those kind of white girls you know who I'm talking about in college. You done seen them girls that will come up to the fraternity house with the white boys, down a few beers with them and then let the guys take a turn with the white boys.

Speaker 1:

Down a few beers with them and then let the guys take a turn. This podcast is sponsored by Graffiti Tax Services. For all your tax preparation needs, you can go to graffiti taxcom we're going to put the link right here. It should be somewhere and yeah, you can head to them for during tax season and if you have any financial or tax preparation questions, head to Graffiti Tax Services. They're our new sponsor. Thank you to Graffiti Tax Preparation Services. That's it.

Speaker 2:

We got some good stuff to happen in this space. So let me set it up here. We have my boy, big Dub, shout out to you, so go follow my boy Dub at the Dub Files. He did a space man and he brought a former associate of Joe, budden Rocky. He brought her on stage. Let's do a little talking.

Speaker 2:

Folks ask her some questions, just normal running the mill stuff. He ends up having joe on stage, doesn't really speak the whole time, so they let her get her shit off. A lot of folks kind of question her saying like, oh, what's the goal here? One girl even told she needs to quit, she just needs to give up and just go incognito, change her whole, rebrand everything. So they really kicking her back and dogpiling on her and, uh, eventually he brings up Imani. So what nobody knows at this time, until Imani reveals, is that Dub had texted Imani because Dub did an interview with Imani. He says hey, shardy, over here talking to you Reckless, you might need to come here and defend yourself. Mind you, from all accounts again, I didn't hear everything because I came in an hour late All accounts, none of that was said. All she said was he was like a little brother and all this other stuff. But there's a little back and forth, goes on. Something gets said about Puerto Rico and Imani loses it. Check it out.

Speaker 3:

Don't bring my name into it. Rocky, I'm cool on all that, Like I don't have no disrespect for you. I don't have no heat for you, I don't have no smoke for you. But listen, I'm not doing none of that with you. I'm a grown-ass man. I'm not nobody's little brother. You've never met nobody in my family, so you can't call me a little brother.

Speaker 3:

And if I was ever a brother to you and if I was ever, in regards to Joe, what did I say about you where you felt the need to have to speak on me and disrespect me and call me a fucking liar?

Speaker 1:

I'm just disrespecting you.

Speaker 3:

You were absolutely lying. You were lying. You're the same chick that ran around with Floyd Mayweather sucking on his dick for 10 years. There we go.

Speaker 8:

There we go, wake it up, wake it up, wake it up.

Speaker 3:

You won't call him out.

Speaker 8:

You won't call him out.

Speaker 1:

You won't call him out. You won't call him out.

Speaker 3:

So it's cool to stand by him and support him because he gives you bread Because he gives you bread.

Speaker 7:

Because he gives you bread. But now you want to go ahead and bring me up in some shit.

Speaker 3:

Yo, rocky, I'm a stand-up nigga, I Bring me up in some shit.

Speaker 7:

You're Rocky. I'm a stand-up nigga. I never put my Stand up over here.

Speaker 3:

Stand up over here. You know where I'm at. Stand up over here. Stand up over here. We not do this. Stand up over here, little boy.

Speaker 1:

Who is that Stand up?

Speaker 3:

over here, little boy. No girl, shut up, let them do this. You looking for clout, little boy, you looking for clout? Find a place to secure your head, little boy, all I want to say is not get out of character.

Speaker 1:

You looking for a job. You need to exercise immediately.

Speaker 2:

Oh, and you think that that was just it, but no, I got more for y'all.

Speaker 3:

Are we not doing this? Because we was all talking like we're not playing? The boy. But that's not true. Stand up over here, little boy. Change the route. You looking for clout? All I want to say is not get out of character. This is you looking for clouds, you looking for clouds. She bodying him right now.

Speaker 2:

This is when you start taking advantage of him. See, this wasn't what cool, because Doug was just being hurt.

Speaker 3:

That's why you still wearing it. I know you good, I'm good, I'm good, rocky, you have to get up, rocky, you have to get a life. You have to get a life. Your whole life is revolved around talking about other people's lives. What the fuck do you think your pussy ass is doing on that podcast? Rocky, I'm going to show you pussy. I'm going to show you pussy.

Speaker 1:

Where is she? From. She's from New York. She said pussy ass shit. That was not New York.

Speaker 2:

I think she is, I don't know, that was not a way of New York said puss ass.

Speaker 1:

Like what she sounds, like she's from the South.

Speaker 2:

So just to give a little bit more context, Rocky, like I said, she used to formerly work with Joe, especially when he was doing the love and hip hop shit. She probably used to Like early love and hip hop Joe when he was really just needing to come up. Which I like to say I've said before I was, I you know, became a fan of joe was because through the love of hip-hop I thought him peter guns were some of the best television that was out at the time it was very interesting.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't say I was a fan of joe one bit the whole time he was on love and hip-hop, though that nigga frustrated me that's why I love him.

Speaker 2:

That's why he was my favorite character on there.

Speaker 2:

He just got all the women I would probably domestic violence him the level of glass lighting and just everything that he was doing on the show impeccable masterclass. But we got to talk about this space a little bit because there was some violations. That's going on and, as a WeWork member, I have to speak on it because, dub, you were wrong. You silenced a black woman on stage. You even brought her down, but I did say something to him in the DMs, but we can't have that. You silenced a black woman on stage. You even brought her down, but I did say something to him in the DMs, but we can't have that. You got to leave her up. You got to let them go at it. You got to silence everybody else. When you get into a space like this, you got to hold it down, doug.

Speaker 2:

But man, like I said, this was an impeccable space. I was excited the entire time because this is what I revel in. You know me, I enjoy when the mess is going on. When everybody's talking about each other, we get revealed. I didn't know this about Floyd Mayweather. I didn't know she was down with Floyd Mayweather.

Speaker 1:

No, it's probably mad women he had in different states that he went to when he was in that state for a certain time and then he probably had his best eaters in each state and then just stuck to them that's time, and then he probably had his best eaters in each state and then just stuck to him.

Speaker 2:

That's real. And then she, like I said, imani, even she revealed some stuff about imani to the point where he kind of had to give it up on stage and he talked about, like, what happened with him as a fiance and him having a baby out of their relationship, which I mean, hey, salute that thing. Stuff like that happens you. You just got to be a real one and just move on from it and learn. And so I'm not, I'm, and so I'm not here to judge nobody.

Speaker 1:

That's why she was calling him homeless.

Speaker 2:

I just think this is just excellent content, excellent spaces. This is what happened, baby. This is the side effects of a parasocial relationship. You know, we give you all $25 a month and you give us the tea on spaces. You pay for spaces. This is what it comes down to. No, you don't pay for spaces.

Speaker 7:

Okay, spaces this is what it comes down to. No, you don't pay for spaces.

Speaker 2:

This ain't Joe Budden podcast. This is what everything culminates to, to these big, epic points like this.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's just so crazy, man. We're so blessed. We're blessed to have such drama like this, especially on a Wednesday when we know we're going to record.

Speaker 1:

A lot of stuff be coming out on Wednesdays before we record.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I appreciate it and, like I said, I'm going to speak up for Dub because people were calling him a messy boots.

Speaker 1:

He is messy for texting Imani while the girl was talking shit about him.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

She wasn't even talking shit about him.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, the code of WeWork is content over everything and I believe in what he did right there. The only problem he did was was silencing her, was making her go down. That wasn't honorable. You should have kept her up the whole time. I know she was going off on your boy. I know you had the imani interview, but you got to be real, we got to keep it. You know, fair on the spaces we can't be, you know. You know sided to one side, but my boy dub is 100 tier. You want to be 100 tier, 100 tier nigga. So I understand the bias as well. Salute.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean? He want to be. He just has to pay for it.

Speaker 2:

No, he wants to make that up. That is not even a tier. He wanted to make it up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

He woke that up one morning, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Ultimate meat writer. Not too much of my boy Dub Like oh make us pay more for your things, please.

Speaker 2:

I want to give you more of my money. Oh, you know what I'm saying? Not too much of my boy Dub. Not too much of my boy Dub. He a legend man. He held it down, he did an epic space and I'm mad because I told Danny we could have Danny from the stop. I told him we could have did this Because I was, you know, bringing up the Love Hip Hop days and I even brought up Love Hip Hop Mall. I said yo, you remember Love Hip Hop Mall? He was so epic because I knew they had that pool scene that was like probably one of the biggest and most viral moment. I knew that we could have brought her up there and we could have had a great space and we probably could have had that moment. Or, danny, you could have had that moment in your space, but we couldn't. There was a thousand people in dub space. So shout out to dub man, yeah it's big for the small content creators.

Speaker 2:

I don't think you're a messy boots, no matter what they say about you I did not think danny looked like that don't do too much on what I thought.

Speaker 1:

Danny was literally gonna look like a fat Guyanese nigga from Queens.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, he lost a little weight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I thought he was big and brown.

Speaker 2:

No, danny, not a bad guy.

Speaker 1:

I had a certain prototype like a specific type of like Guyanese man from Queens.

Speaker 8:

All right, let's get to it. Started from the bottom. Now we're here. Started from the bottom now. The whole team here. Niggas started from the bottom. Now we're here. Started from the bottom now. My whole team here. Niggas started from the bottom. Now we're here. Started from the bottom now the whole team fucking here. I done kept it real in front of jump. Living at my mama's house, we'd argue every month, nigga, I was trying to get it on my own, working all night traffic on the way home, and my uncle calling me like where you at my mama, I'll see you, dog, you, every Monday. I was trying to get it on my own, working all night traffic on the way home and my uncle calling me like where, yeah, yeah, I gave you the keys, so you bring it right back. Now I'm on the road half a million push because we started from the bottom. Now we Okay, okay, okay, no, no, we don't like to do too much explaining. The South. Don't fuck with Diddy.

Speaker 7:

Like what problems? No, diddy. Couple friends turn foes. No, diddy, we getting higher than a kite. No, diddy say my artist double platinum. Diddy got me sipping on yak. No, diddy couple niggas got whack. No, diddy, keep shoes with the scrap. No, diddy, I'm in a room full of hoes. No, diddy. More money, more problems. No, diddy couple friends turn foes. No, diddy, I got a young man, this bitch from the city. I'm spending money like a trigger. No, did I walk this yellow damage? No, did it. But you can't be under age. No, did it. It's then dough with a switch. No, did it.

Speaker 7:

Falls peasant pills around like frisbees and booey truck going up on a Wednesday. I'm in a bag. It's a Monica Lewinsky. I'm fucking rappers, baby mama. No, I got these niggas and they feel like Jersey in New York moving prison. No, did I got the power and respect, but no, diddy, the CEO in the video. But no, diddy, cause I ain't dancing like a hoe. No, diddy, can't go out like pop. No, kizzy play Wap and get pop. No, diddy, she on the pills and the coke. No, diddy, I keep a mule for the dope. No, diddy, damage dancing on my chest? No, diddy, but I blow a nigga car up like Kid Kuddy. I'm on the yacht taking shots no diddy. Paper top from the thigh no diddy. So niggas wanna boss me? I'm not fit. But get a nigga to ask that Niggas get the bus, you'll blast back. Got no money, won't flash back, but the wheels come out and blast back.

Speaker 6:

Tell it to the men nigga mash that For your ass, end up in the casket. I said in the casket who shot Biggie Smalls? We don't get them nigga or kill us all. Man Puffy know who hit that nigga man, that nigga soft. He scared them boys, the best of us.

Speaker 2:

Shout out Shy Money MSG Unit.

Speaker 6:

Real bad Shot Money gave us. Rory Got me motherfucking running around this, nigga Mason. Now you want to play games. You want to make the deal nigga. Now, fuck your shit up, nigga. You crazy nigga. Matter of fact, you know what I don't want to do a deal, no more. Fuck the deal nigga. You want to play games. You want to waste my motherfucking time, nigga. Time is money, nigga. You wasting the motherfucking money, nigga. Time is money, nigga. You wasting the motherfucking money nigga. All right, I see what you're trying to do, but I don't know why you're doing what you're trying to do.

Speaker 2:

Talk about it.

Speaker 6:

Why you want to make me tell everybody what Mr Tobey did.

Speaker 5:

Are you tired of paying a lot of money for your vacation? My name is Shirley Proctor and I am a partner with Travodian, a traveling membership group. I can help you save time, money, help you and your loved ones see the world.

Speaker 2:

I think you kind of figured out my little theme there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't realize where we were going, but started from the bottom is sick.

Speaker 2:

But you know why, though? Right, Because that was the song Drake and Diddy was beefing over.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I thought you were saying that Diddy be doing the bending.

Speaker 2:

Okay, there we go. All right, we are now listening to Talk FNF TV. I'm your host, rhetoric, and I'm, with my lovely and amazing and gorgeous co-host, miss Reality. Hi guys.

Speaker 2:

All right, man, it's a hard. I come to you with a heavy heart. Like this isn't things that I enjoy discussing. Even though I love the drama, I love the mess. This right here, when it culminates to things like this, it's very uneasy. So we've all seen the video CNN released, unfortunately, a horrible, horrible video that included Sean Puffy, p Diddy Combs, assaulting his then girlfriend, cassie.

Speaker 1:

She was literally trying to escape, like she had a bag, she had a hood over her head and the way she was walking like she was really on a mission. And then she almost made it. Like she almost made it, she was right in front of, in front of the elevator.

Speaker 2:

And see, that makes me think of when I was in this space, and I'll talk about this a little bit later. But in this space one of the girls said why didn't she go for the stairs? Victim blaming Horrible. No, horrible, horrible. But like just to kind of just Well, I'm sorry, you can go.

Speaker 1:

I just feel like it's. The video was so crazy because he literally like not only did he lay hands on her and like she fell to the ground, curled up in a fetal position so you know she's used to this like she just assumed the position and then she was like, let me just protect whatever I can and just take this.

Speaker 2:

Which horrible like it's literally. I mean it starts even just at the beginning of the video. So like you see him charging down the hallway in a white towel and pink socks, coming full force, like you can already tell he was probably in a compromising situation, or he was asleep or something like that, and so he immediately jumps up and his violence is completely on her mind.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the only he like sees red immediately, like he's just running down and, like I said, it felt like a Tyler Perry movie, like it looked exactly like how he describes it.

Speaker 1:

Perry movies don't even be this dramatic, like they don't even be making the dark skin men and Tyler Perry movies this evil.

Speaker 2:

No, when they did. Diary of a Mad Black Woman. Diary of a Mad Black Woman.

Speaker 1:

He literally like.

Speaker 2:

So he, he's like she's on the ground and then he begins stomping, before before he even stomps on her. I don't know if he pushed her on the ground. To me it looked like he cold cocked her. He hit her like. No, I'm talking about like he punched her in her shit. Yeah, like, and that's what made her falling around this wasn't like uh he shoved her on the ground.

Speaker 1:

No, he didn't shove her. He hit her to the ground.

Speaker 2:

Struck her straight into her face. She falls onto the ground. Like you said, not only does he kick her once, he kicks her twice, and those being part of some of the sickest stuff in there.

Speaker 1:

And then he literally drags her back to the hotel room.

Speaker 2:

Before he does that, like he put insult to injury, this motherfucker adjusts his towel because, mind you, the towel didn't fall at all. I'm thinking to this, like what the fuck is going on? He ends up tucking the shit in there extra tight, is able to then grab her, grab the stuff, and proceeds to try to drag her down the hall.

Speaker 1:

He did. He didn't try. He successfully dragged her down the hall.

Speaker 2:

He did he didn't try he successfully dragged her down the hall, it was just, oh my.

Speaker 1:

God Like around the corner.

Speaker 2:

And just the fact that this is in a public area. There's other people in these rooms. That could have heard this and came out no fear of any kind of immediate consequences at this point, Like what kind of individual do you have to be dealing with? To where you can do something like that?

Speaker 1:

that publicly.

Speaker 2:

That's how you know when your abuser is getting close to either accidentally or on purpose unaliving you is when they're not afraid to whoop your ass in public like it was just a horrible thing to just have to see and just to see it just being played back and back and back and just everyone's reaction to it, just seeing people having to take back statements.

Speaker 1:

Slim thug, you should be ashamed of yourself, because why did y'all release statements going against this woman in the first goddamn place, like there haven't been allegations against this man all over the industry for decades now?

Speaker 2:

because, like y'all, should just shut the fuck up. Niggas are cowards and they're trying to hope that they protect something that they've invested time slim thug you ain't been.

Speaker 1:

I ain't even heard from you since, since check up on it. Beyonce on the fucking, um, what you might call it soundtrack fromgo, like you don't even need to dick ride anybody, nobody is thinking about you.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure them splits wasn't good on that checkup on it. I'm pretty sure he not getting shit.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying that's the last time we really heard from him for real. I'm just saying, that's the first and last time that me, as a New York bitch, had heard from Slim Thug.

Speaker 2:

As men, we have this problem where we think that because a guy is in the vicinity of money, that that's going to mean that's going to help us get into that same vicinity. And generally that's just not how it works, like it just isn't Like the fact that if anything was going on with Diddy, what niggas say it is, niggas wasn't really even getting money. They was just trying to get clout. They was just trying to be next to Diddy to help boost their value.

Speaker 1:

We know Diddy wasn't helping niggas get money. No. Diddy was doing the opposite. Diddy was trying to take as much money from niggas around him as possible.

Speaker 2:

Diddy was the nigga who was king of the look Like, oh, you going to do this for the look and then more money going to follow behind. Uh, then the diddy goes on a few days later and does a public apology. That I personally think was bullshit. It was nonsense. I think, especially after you do the first post where you say enough is enough, I'm not, you know, dealing with these allegations and that you know they're trying to grow. You know, discredit your name. You do that first and then you go and do this awful um apology where you can't even say sorry to who you the actions you did to because, you signed a fucking document with this civil case that you can't say the woman's name name anymore.

Speaker 1:

And then the apology just seemed like it was just like a lame attempt at accountability for your actions, and it wasn't like it was just the bullshit therapy.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to find the truth.

Speaker 1:

No, nigga you are therapy for that like.

Speaker 2:

You are just a horrible individual like I'm sorry, die reincarnate, try again and I think that we kind of just have to really pull the wool off for this particular conversation and just be really frank. Like this is hip-hop. Like we got to stop saying this isn't what we need to know, this is what hip hop is built on. This isn't the only quote, unquote hip hop great or legend. Who has been accused of this? Hell, if you go back to the inception of hip hop and some of the early rappers, krs-one was dissing a 15 year old girl on wax?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he definitely was.

Speaker 2:

Some of the foundations of hip-hop is has been built on disrespecting women and dominating women and unfortunately, if we're being honest, historically, so is being a man.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, 100 like this stuff right here. What I'm seeing is is you're just seeing the worst side of what a man can be on the coin. This isn't something that, oh, you can be, um, not looked at like. This can't. This is not you like at any point. This could be any man and that's just a real thing that you have to check and understand with yourself, because your anger can get in just one second. And now you crashing out and hurting millions of people like and I'm being honest with this because when other people saw that video that that hurt them, that triggered them, there were a lot of people like and I'm being honest with this because when other people saw that video that that hurt them, that- triggered them there were a lot of people who were triggered by it people are going to react to, and I think that's kind of what sparked the whole rocky thing and why she's been talking about.

Speaker 2:

Joe was, like when you see public violence like that, that encourages you to speak your truth. So, oh no, you about to say something else, were you? I was just gonna say like and like I said I don't, I don't want to say, when I say this is about this, is being a man meaning all men are out here slapping and abusing women? I'm not saying that but historically and with masculinity, like that is what this is, and we have to kind of address that in a real way, if we ever hope, because at the end of the day, this is just going to be a byproduct of the relationships that we've created with men and women right now. Like the violence is just an inevitability because of how we set this up, especially when you have such a dynamic difference in power structure. Like essentially, he gave her her first number one. Like this person is, it can be a foundation and build you, especially men of this status. They can build a person up to the point where, if they walk away, they feel like they're nothing. She had a new one.

Speaker 2:

Um, she, I think she had one song that was a number one yeah okay, it was just one, but I mean, like I said she was, she was one of those quintessentials one hit wonder she just was connected with diddy, so she never really got out of the light like that. But I, I just feel like we got to be more accountable as hip-hop. Um, we have to be more accountable as black men you're talking about cassie.

Speaker 1:

No, the number one, yeah, oh, okay okay, I thought you were talking about rocky. I'm sorry, oh no, cassie cassie.

Speaker 2:

Uh, we have to be more accountable with the number ones that we do. I mean number one we have to be more accountable with the black men that you know we are putting on these pedestals, who were trying to show like I was never a diddy fan, I was never into what he had going on no, I never felt like he can't rap. I wasn't about the rapping, it just I never was a big on the whole gaudy. I was never big on the gaudy lifestyle being all extra, being all in the folks very extra.

Speaker 1:

Making the band was my shit, though making band was good, but like if you look at that now, you're like wow this man just likes abusing people yeah, that's all that was was a whole trauma fest for your dream.

Speaker 2:

Like i'ma dangle your dream in front of you and you're gonna go get cheesecake from me, uh and cambodian breast milk.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if any of the day 26 dudes is gonna come out with anything, because q I mean more people got to speak up on this was very pretty and they have to just keep it a hundred, like we have to.

Speaker 2:

we have to expose these things and we have to, uh, as men just accept like, hey, this is a black mark on all of us in a real way. I don't think we should look at it again. All men are violent and they're going to be these evil people, but that could be us at any point and we have to be able to check that. Like I don't think there's any way that you end Cassie and D. I don't think there's any way you prevent that. I don't think there's nothing that can be done to stop that.

Speaker 1:

I think, as Like that prototype, like that relationship, that, like that relationship that abuse any, any kind of form of that abuse.

Speaker 2:

I don't think you can stop that. I think what we have to do better of and advocate more for, is the authorities to have more power in these situations to kind of help protect victims. And we need to have a better and more thorough investigation process, because we need to hear out women in these situations and also still try to be able to protect their anonymity in a way, because we see, once their names get public, everybody starts shooting at them, everybody starts going at them, everybody starts trying to expose them, trying to say you're X, y and Z, because if we don't, we're just allowing for powerful people to continue to do this.

Speaker 2:

They say he spent 50K for that video to get it removed. That's what.

Speaker 1:

Paris Hilton said right, that's his name, perez. Perez Hilton removed that's what paris uh. Paris hilton said right, that's his name, perez paris. Yeah, because paris hilton probably isn't saying nothing about this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what paris hilton said. He said that, uh, he alleged that it was 50k that he paid to get rid of the uh video or at least get the collected. You know, and they're not too sure. I heard cassie team gave this video to cnn yeah but some people said that that may not. It came from the uh federal raid and things of that nature.

Speaker 1:

I don't believe probably because, um, his son dropped the diss track, so they was like, all right, we got something for that ass I don't think it came out.

Speaker 2:

I think that they probably had that footage. I think whoever sold diddy the idea that there was only one copy, just finessed them yeah and yeah and double dipped and Cassie was able to get her ducks in order. They gave her the copy too, and he probably still has the original. So I'm not, like I said, it's nasty. We've kind of seen how hip hop has shown its true colors. We can get into what happened with Joe Budden. Joe Budden's situation I think was was pretty interesting.

Speaker 1:

He deleted part of his episode so he talked about diddy initially, when all of this, when the first like cassie came out, what did, what did he say about it? He didn't say anything about it, right, like when the um, the lawsuit came out, he deleted that part of that episode too Okay. Diddy is no longer affiliated with Revolt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he sold his stake in it.

Speaker 1:

Is Joe Budden podcast still affiliated with?

Speaker 2:

Revolt. So in the space that I was in where Joe talked about this and I actually talked to Joe about some of just my concerns with what was going on he said he wasn't with Revolt anymore and he said that he would never stand with for anything against like this okay, so I never stand, joe budden has no like business reasons to protect diddy at this time so this just his mans?

Speaker 1:

I mean because we both, we both beat bitches we okay.

Speaker 2:

So that's what I wanted to kind of get into allegedly so that's kind of what I wanted to get into with what you were saying. So do you think that Joe is somebody who's had allegations? Because this has spurred again. Like we said, when one woman talks about this, a whole bunch of women start to come out and talk about their situation. Not only has Rocky came out, tahiri.

Speaker 1:

Tahiri came out again and has been speaking about this.

Speaker 2:

She's been very adamant, you know, about the abuse she she suffered yeah joe's response was sick. Should we read that?

Speaker 1:

yeah, we can. I. I did want to read it um really quick, though I don't the. The joe had allegations. Diddy has a video of him like literally whooping a woman's ass, so I don't know why joe would feel it necessary to go out of his way to um defend diddy, because y'all aren't in the same box at all we don't have a video of you beating Tahiri up.

Speaker 2:

So you got it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, what you doing, tahiri's or his?

Speaker 1:

I was going to read both of them, okay. So Tahiri said this whole shit took me out so hard to watch, so sorry for Cassie and every other woman who is currently going through it or has ever gone through it. It's tough. And then she said fuck out of here who the it or has ever gone through it. It's tough. And then she said fuck out of here, who the irony this is so triggering. I remember joey throwing me down a flight of stairs, dragging me back into the house and me having to talk to him into letting me go.

Speaker 1:

so, um, before I read joe's response, you remember what that lady said about van van lathan yes, and how he like told diddy where cassie was, that was rocky and told joe where rocky was hiding. No, sin sin or was it tahiri? No, it was sin, yeah, and so joe has like being abusive to more than just.

Speaker 2:

Tahiri. Oh no, well, before you read that what Joe said, Rocky had posted a list of names on her story Of women. Yeah, she named Tahiri. Sin Kaylin Yaris, shireen Audelier I think that's how you say that Esther and then Etcetera. Audrea Audelier Audelier, I think that's how you say that. Esther, and then Etcetera.

Speaker 8:

Audria, is that Audily?

Speaker 2:

Audily? Yeah, I think Audily, but yeah, so she. That was about six, seven names, and then she put Etcetera, saying that there's more people. So you want me to read, joe, or are you going to read it?

Speaker 1:

Are you going to read it all dramatic, like you always do? Yeah, are you going to read it all dramatic, like you always do?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm going to read it. I was going to read it like I had just smoked a whole box of Newports.

Speaker 1:

No, I'll read it Salute. You are a lying, failed gold digger that has abused, targeted and manipulated many men Outside of me. You lack an identity, which is why you tried desperately to attach yourself to me over and over for 15 years. The last time I saw you, I purchased a mattress from you and you were happy. You made the sale petty. You were fine then. This nigga shady as hell. There was a night after Starlit six years ago where you invited me inside your new place. You were fine. Then, too, you were on my body your entire last stint on loving hip hop and tried your best to disrespect my son's mother in the process. I had to ask producers to keep you away from us, like the cancer you are. Yet you continue to slight my name online because it's your identity. I don't speak to you or about you because it's low vibrational Bitch shit, that was good therapy.

Speaker 2:

shit right there.

Speaker 1:

You're a low level Dykeman Con woman that has been lying about you already in parentheses for ages. I pray you heal and move on one day hopefully this is our last exchange prayers to all the real victims, to all real victims so this is what I kind of wanted to get the six women on the list where do you think in regards?

Speaker 2:

to having discussions on domestic violence, being critical of other men, because it's not just Joe. We got Charlamagne said his allegations, the list just goes on, like it almost seems like you can't be a part of the industry without putting your hands or hurting a woman. So I mean, where do you feel at where men who have these allegations talk and try to criticize men who now have public evidence about being, uh, domestic violence? What do you think that? Do you think joe should have not even said nothing? Do you think it's not his place to say anything? Or what do you think?

Speaker 1:

well, I feel like it would have been weird if he didn't say anything at all, because you're like a figurehead in hip-hop and hip-hop media, so you low-key you're, you have to say something. I think maybe let let mel do it. That's what you pay her for. Yeah, like you have, you have people on this platform who don't have those type of allegations and you have people on your platform who are articulate and they, they, they say things. Well, I think um, ish and mel taking that and them being the um like ahead, the forerunners of that conversation probably would have been the best, and then joe could have just been there and been like yep, and then let's move on, like don't, let's not focus on me, let's have something let's have.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, I agree with what my co-hosts like. I agree with their sentiments. This is crazy, this is nasty, it was hard to watch and then that's it. Move on.

Speaker 2:

Nah, Joe got to do more than that. Joe cried when De La Soul didn't get they splits.

Speaker 1:

Joe is yes, duh, but he cried on camera.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when they didn't get their splits for their records, he did. That's hip-hop. He is hip-hop. Joe is hip-hop. He is required to. When we see something fundamentally corrupting hip-hop like this, he has to speak up.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like the pot calling the kettle black, though.

Speaker 2:

But in this way he is the reflection of hip hop. He is a voice of hip hop. The problem I have with Joe when it comes to this episode is the fact that he did not stop everything and go straight to hey we got to start the show from the top.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 2:

And because you didn't do that, because you didn't see the seriousness to do that at the time, is why I'm looking at you questionable and I'm skeptical of the things that you're saying in regards to if you want to protect Diddy and things like that. I don't know what you said on it.

Speaker 1:

We were together that day and when Rhetoric saw the video come out, he was like Joe is recording right now and he's probably going to start everything over, like that's what you expected or that's what you thought that he would do, being the podcaster that he is, fuck all the hip hop, this, and that, the podcaster that he is, you thought that he was just going to start over and be like this is what's happening today. This is what we need to talk about, but that's not what he did, and I think that is because he has those same allegations. So he's treating Diddy like he has a soft spot for this shit, because you've been through the same shit for this shit, because you've been through the same shit.

Speaker 1:

I accused him of throwing softballs at diddy and he definitely has. And then if it was anybody else like, if it was like fucking like drake on this video whooping a girl's ass, joe would have ran the whole shit back yeah he would nah he would have been going through your outfits. Go home, come back. This is a fresh new.

Speaker 1:

Come back today because we got to get into this yeah, we got to figure it out and that's what it was, his mans and you're right, and that's where I feel like that was just a problem with this, because, at the same token, man like if your mans is whooping a woman's ass, like if one of your close friends you find out, is like beating his girl up you got to say something.

Speaker 2:

You have to be a voice of that. But my thing is this when it comes to having men who have been victim not victim have been accused or have done domestic violence, I think in a way it is kind of up to them to speak out on it, because they have to one, show, rebuild, rehabilitation is a real thing. They have to be able to be an example of that. And, in the same token, when you go to an aa meeting I know a lot of people probably haven't, but when you go to an aa meeting it's not ran by people who've never had addictions they're ran by people, but former addicts.

Speaker 2:

So those are the people who, if you really should be looking for them to be guiding, you, would be someone who has had that affliction or that problem in the past. So that's why I feel like, really, joe, you should be the main one being a voice of that and being an advocate for women in that regard I completely agree.

Speaker 1:

I don't think joe is emotionally like developed enough to do that. I don't think joe is willing to be that vulnerable with his fan base admitting something first of all, he would have to own up to the fact that he did this shit in the first place, because he's always called it a lie yeah, he's never done that.

Speaker 1:

So if you don't take accountability for your actions, you can't like give people advice from a place of oh, I've been here before like one woman, two women, I can see getting that off, but once you get to five and more, like okay, dog.

Speaker 2:

Come on Something about your behavior is a little off.

Speaker 1:

You're beating bitches up.

Speaker 2:

Allegedly, but that's. We can't go with that. But there's something about your behavior that is giving off.

Speaker 1:

It's alarming.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's alarming.

Speaker 1:

Like alarming yes, that's alarming Like there are women who felt like they had to hide from you. That's not okay, and I mean no matter how much a nigga has annoyed me in my life, I've never felt like I had to hide from a man for fear of anything Physical or emotional harm Of any sort.

Speaker 2:

It's rough, it's rough.

Speaker 1:

That's not normal. It's not, it's not, it's not but we still would have really had to come in there and been like yo I have lost my temper in the heat of the moment before I know like he would have really had to have a like, honest conversation with men from, uh, a place of vulnerability and honesty, and I will never, ever, ever, ever see joe doing that.

Speaker 2:

I could never see him doing that I mean, and I'll say this, and we can close this portion of the conversation off this when someone alleges you sat on their stomach and you say I saw I sat above their breast, like it shows what kind of mindset you on Really quickly though because that reminds me that I wanted to play something I found.

Speaker 1:

So Esther Baxter is Joe's ex One of them. One of them. She's one of the ones on the list, right, mm-hmm? Yeah, so um'm going to play this for you guys.

Speaker 4:

I heard that he's talking about the fact that he killed our daughter on this song.

Speaker 8:

I lost my unborn daughter when we fought. I'm thinking I killed Aspen, and that's when I thought that we'd be dead a while.

Speaker 4:

So I felt like it was my responsibility to let everybody know what actually happened, the truth of what happened. I didn't cheat on him. We weren't together. We aren't together now. We broke up that night that he decided that he was going to take an argument and make it physical and we lost our daughter because of that. Do you feel like he's doing it for some type of personal gain. I don't, you know, I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, that's Joe Budden's ex and she talks about. They got in a fight and she was pregnant and she miscarried as a result of the assault, so and then he rapped about it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was nuts. I didn't know that bar was was what he meant when he said that.

Speaker 2:

I thought he was talking about something else, but damn like that was nuts and I feel I don't want to say too much, but I feel conflicted, like when I do listen to him in a way, because I feel like, am I assisting someone who's done something wrong and is he truly apologetic? I'd be one to believe he is, I'd be one. I think that I probably convince myself and tell myself he is apologetic of it. But then when you like say we talked about the shit that happened with the girl girl, the bat was good. Mom, bad decisions podcast recently and it's just like bad decisions.

Speaker 2:

It makes it hard just to say you're joe budden like supporter.

Speaker 1:

It does young but no there's still some more be one.

Speaker 2:

There's still some more elements to this that we got to talk about with diddy, so did you see the camera on interview?

Speaker 1:

I did, um, not because I don't like watching people just embarrass themselves. Just show your ass. On national tv.

Speaker 2:

I watched like the first seven seconds of it and then I got secondhand embarrassment so intense that I locked my phone and I just went to do something else so I was listening to Rory and they said that they had also got offered they didn't say it was cnn, but they said they also got offered to be on a show and appear kind of like this. And rory kind of did what uh cam tried to do on there. I just don't think cam is tactful enough to do that kind of uh trolling that he was trying to do on screen, like I think he took like a shot while he was talking to the lady. He also, uh, was just very belligerent in regards to her questions and commentary Because they wanted him to talk about Diddy and they wanted him to kind of go and have statements about that.

Speaker 2:

He wasn't really having it. He tried to basically be like, oh, who signed me up for this and all this whoop-de-whoop kind of jazz, and I think he was basically trying to take a stance. He was like, oh, y'all only want to talk to me because something's going on with Diddy and you want me to kick a black man while he down. I just don't think, especially with his history with the Bill O'Reilly show, he doesn't understand he is being used as a tool, regardless of how you go up there and act. Yeah, like if Roy would have did that, it would have not been perceived the same way when Cam do it, because, like you, can't you can't do what he's trying to do and then not have something articulate to respond by. He wasn't responding with articulate, uh tactful comebacks he was just.

Speaker 1:

He was just being ignorant. He was just being ignorant and it was a black woman interviewing you.

Speaker 2:

So you being belligerent and like that's another thing where it's like it just doesn't yeah it.

Speaker 1:

Just that doesn't come off right. It just feels like you're being unnecessarily combative, to like your sister.

Speaker 2:

And it makes you more, you know, egregious to look like you're a clout chaser.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because this is kind of funny and I was kind of bringing this up around some people where I was asking, like do we think Mace is tired, that Mase was upset about Cam showing up late and they try to act like Cam is the mature one to dip set. But that ain't really saying much. Nah, like that's not saying much being the mature one in dip set.

Speaker 1:

And then also in the comments of that video, because I did come across that the people who watch that podcast on a regular basis. They said that Cam is regularly late. Mm-hmm, that's what you you say, like I'm tired of being my time wasted and Mase is regularly pissed off, so I don't think this podcast is going to last that long, because we've seen this before with See. The Thing Is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it depends on what the deal and how long their deal lasts. They get 30 million from underdogs.

Speaker 2:

Oh, lord, okay, but I wanted to finish I wanted to finish all this just because I I wanted your thoughts on it. What do you feel like when, like we, we go back to ray rice? Uh, and we could just think about the number of other instances where women were abused on camera. What do you feel like in regards to this? Uh, why do you think that? Is it an awful feeling? Or what does this give me your overall gist where you see that women's pain has to? Or what does this give me your overall gist where you see that women's pain has to be publicized for them to be taken with any kind of real consideration?

Speaker 1:

because it is an awful feeling, because I feel like that's that's saying that society is giving men the benefit of the doubt way more often than they give women the benefit of the doubt. It's like the the? Um chance that she's lying is higher than the chance of a man being violent. When we've like numbers wise we've we've seen it time and time and time again the chances that she's lying are lower than him being violent. Women gain absolutely nothing from this.

Speaker 1:

So it is like it does hurt to see that like there are people who are issuing apologies and stuff like y'all should have never said anything against or going against this woman and what her, she was telling us. Her story is, in the first place, not it doesn't even have to do with, like Cassie's character and stuff like that, because she rarely speaks. So if you were going off of that she barely says anything the fact that she came out and had a whole lawsuit of course she's not fucking lying about it, but like it's it's like what lengths do we have to go through for us to be believed?

Speaker 2:

And even then, like I seen people, there was a dude named OG Paru. He was doing a call-in on another podcast and he even tried to validate this by saying she was stealing $100,000 in jewelry from him and that's what he was trying to get back from her. And I'm like if he was trying to get that back from her wouldn't have grabbed her through the try to drag her back to the room she dropped the bag and he was beating her up while the bag was on the floor.

Speaker 2:

He could have just grabbed the bag if that was the case like that's not the case- so it's just, it's just crazy to see like, even with the evidence right in front of your faces, there's still gonna be individuals who are gonna try to challenge what's going on.

Speaker 2:

Challenge our reality and it's just awful, say it's not him in the video, say it's fake, because the thing about a lot of the men that say, oh whoa, we have evidence right here, it's like yo, do you hear what you're saying? You're saying that a woman has to get her ass whooped, not only get her ass what. It has to be publicly displayed for you to give her any kind of proper empathy validation sort.

Speaker 2:

Like that's just an awful and disgusting feeling. And I'm not even one of them, niggas, who like, oh, I got a mama, I got a wife, I got a daughter. No, I'm not on any Like that's just awful for anybody. I wouldn't want my worst moment, my lowest moment, to be projected for the world to be able to consume at any time, and I'm just sitting here having to be affected by that. Yeah, like that's just an awful, awful feeling. And for all that to happen just for you to even validate me just a little bit, because it ain't like niggas is trying to go out and go for Diddy Head Diddy out walking across the street in Florida, still with Lowe's yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then King Lowe's, did you? You saw that video? Yeah, he was.

Speaker 2:

He said he tried to cover his face.

Speaker 1:

Ha, ha ha.

Speaker 2:

You picked a side nigga Like yeah stay over there, nigga, forever. You picked a nasty side, nigga, you picked a nasty side.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But was there anything else we wanted to wrap up with this Diddy situation? I mean of broke it down in in a few little little cut-ups here for us?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I don't. I feel like we've.

Speaker 2:

We've thoroughly broken down what um has gone on so far, and I'm sure we'll have more news to come uh, hey, man diddy, you were someone who advocated for a lot of uhism and ownership in the space and, while I know in the realm it is important, it probably is also to your downfall, because you lost your worth to people and now they're able to expose you and, like I said, you live that degenerate, disgusting lifestyle. You give people the opportunity, even if you didn't do anything wrong, to portray you as you did, but clearly you are a bad sucker ass, nigga, so fuck you, nigga.

Speaker 1:

So before we move on, that just reminded me that I wanted to talk about Ekaine and Chris. So Ekaine is a TikToker that I've been following since the pandemic so she has been like gaining popularity. She has a lot Like. She probably has over a million followers. Now she is in an abusive relationship with her baby dad, chris. So we've been seeing her get her ass beat by Chris and going back to him over and over and over again saying she's going to leave, and going back to him over and over and over again saying she's gonna leave. Then go going back for years now. Um, he beat her up on live. I think that's what happened. I didn't see the video. She was like she came, she went on live. She was like crying. She was saying that. She was like, finally done. She called the police. Um, where is this at? Again, I don't know exactly where she lives. I've never like been 100 sure is it overseas?

Speaker 2:

does it feel?

Speaker 1:

no, she, they're black, they're african-american people. Um so ekane got popping on tiktok for telling us that she has over 90 bodies oh, that's, this is who we talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've seen her before okay.

Speaker 1:

So since then she's cleaned up her image a lot. She has a lot of like hair deals. Now she's been traveling. She's like a full-blown influencer. She does not talk about all of the hoeing she used to do back in the day, um, anymore. Chris is her baby dad, so he was like fully homeless, like bum, poor, poor still is to this day. But he's like apparently he's a really good dad. He's like. She's always like oh, I can just drop my kids off, um, so yeah so he's a really good babysitter and, I would say, a really good dad.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, he's a good.

Speaker 1:

That's what she says she he's a really good babysitter and I would say a really good dad. Well, yeah, he's a good, that's what she says. She says he's a good dad and then she loves the dick. So she keeps going back. So that's why I wanted to. There are instances where like because you said there should be, like, better parameters in place for women to get help, but sometimes women don't be wanting help, or women don't. It takes them a very long time to even know that they need help. Like he came. Is she be coming on tick, tock, live with black eyes, I mean, and then you can, you can see her like. You can hear her rationalize. She's like I don't know what I did yeah, I mean I wish I didn't make him mad.

Speaker 1:

I'm so upset that I made him that mad no, that's what she was saying while crying.

Speaker 1:

No, you're right about the trauma stuff, but you also gotta think about the stuff that she probably experienced, with her revealing her body count and shit like that, like she probably feels devalued in the largest of sense she said she's always been very transparent that like she did that because she had daddy issues and her father did not love her properly, so she was seeking male validation in a bunch of places that she shouldn't have been um, seeking it like that's already been a thing that she has been going through before she met chris. So it's just sad to see and then I just I really hope that she gets to a point where, like she wants help because she doesn't want help right now.

Speaker 1:

She was with the police. She was like I hope he doesn't get arrested. I hope he doesn't get arrested. I love him so much. I'm so sad that I got him in trouble because I made him mad enough to beat to beat me.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean, it's a. It's a horrible cycle. Like you, you kind of can't really address any one part of it, just because, like it's so late. That's why it's dangerous to kind of get involved in situations like that. It is. That's why people are oh, you let your homeboy beat up on women.

Speaker 1:

It's like, yeah, because if I stopped him from something, he gonna she gonna go back to him anyway she, you have to wait until the the person is ready for the help, because if they're not ready for the help, then you are just putting yourself at risk.

Speaker 2:

Yeah I mean, I had a situation like that where the girl threw a controller at my homeboy face. He kind of jumped on her. He didn't like swing or beat on her, but he took her to the ground and like he was kind of like shaking her a little bit and I had to grab him off of him but like I would have stole off on that nigga me and this nigga would have been fighting for a chick that they got back together a few weeks, a few days later, yeah, so it just. It's just. It's a part where it's like you kind of gotta stay your, stay on your ground and also just make sure at the at least your job is make sure nobody dies, if you are around at least.

Speaker 2:

But I'm not gonna say you need to be somebody's superhero yeah and then put your life on the line, uh, but what else we got on the list we gotta talk about someone who thinks of himself to be a real superhero. Former marvel, uh war machine Terrence Howard was on Joe Rogan. It was doing the numbers man, like. The reason why I think it did as well as it did was because not only because of the stuff he was talking about, how he started this off.

Speaker 1:

I didn't watch this interview at all because Terrence Howard gives me like secondhand embarrassment.

Speaker 2:

This nigga, terrence Howard, is talking about way his life, life operating, way his, his understanding of the world is. He said I thought everybody you know had this experience. This nigga said he first. His first thoughts and memories start when he was in his mom's womb you're a liar and then you know, starts, goes from there like okay, baby boy, what the fuck like so, like I said, there was some capping to it, but he he was speaking to like some really interesting points.

Speaker 2:

Because, okay, I'm not gonna say I'm a hundred percent on his side, I don't, I don't think he's a right with everything he's saying, but I'm not gonna point and say that he doesn't have a point. Uh, you know, he doesn't have a point. He doesn't mark things. That should make you question how we think about certain things. He is like the opposite of a flat earther. He is like everything is curvature, everything is round, everything is moving and straight lines don't exist. That was probably like the biggest takeaway from this lecture that he was giving. That's what it was, this lecture that he was giving. That's what it was.

Speaker 2:

This was a lecture of how he created and understood, you know, his version of science and universe. So he says that he's been having these experiences since he was a child and he would have these dreams where he would go into, like this palace and the palace would have all of these designs, uh them, and what he was looking at was different, like elements of the periodic table, like he showed one person's periodic table. That's not like the box unit. You know how we normally see it in school. You're seeing it like where it's kind of like curved and like you can look down of it and it makes like a winding circle. And so essentially what his kind of main belief is like gravity isn't real. And so essentially what his kind of main belief is like gravity isn't real. It's a byproduct of all the electromagnetic waves swirling in the air and off two different points creating this.

Speaker 2:

I you know what we see is gravity. He's also like obsessed with these different like structures and points Like he has like a bunch of. He claimed to have like ninety seven patents. Like one of the patents he even said was supposed to be like a VR AR system that a whole bunch like IBM is all using now and they looked it up and from what I saw, they like they were authenticating like yeah, they're using his patent for the VR systems that they're they're working on the AR system that they're working now.

Speaker 2:

So the nigga again might sound crazy, but he had a lot of information backing up what he was talking about. Like he goes into like this little flying structure he built which is like it's basically like six pentagons meeting at one point with a fan in it and it flies and it's like a drone type of idea and his claim was this is a propulsion system that he developed that would help you go deep into space. This is a propulsion system that he developed that would help you go deep into space, because what his argument is is like pressure changes the closer you get to like the sun or different forms of, not gravity but um once you get to the pressure of the sun so basically what he was saying like to go actually through space you have to have a different type of propulsion system, um, to counteract that pressure change.

Speaker 2:

He was basically saying his ideas, his science is going to completely revolutionize and change the world. You know he talked about Tesla and other individuals who spoke on this, even some Einstein quotes that he went off, and I'm not saying that is wrong because at the end of the day it's theoretical physics. So we're just making up shit of what we're going on.

Speaker 3:

For real it is.

Speaker 2:

Like the way that they operate in science is science is the collection of observable math I'm not math but of the observable world. So what you're doing is, of course there isn't a straight line, like if you were to run a 40, right, and you ran it like every day at the same time every day, and we had different tools to check your time, like a laser, somebody had a hand tool, somebody had a stopwatch, like we all had different objects. Nobody's time would be the same. Everybody's time would be slightly different. And that's what he was kind of saying. You gotta, what we do when we make these statements is we account for that, like the straight line shit. He was like there's no straight line, even if you try to draw, you look under a microscope, it's just a bunch of the circles you see. So and he's saying is that when we do the math of the world of physics and I think that's where it kind of separates from that one times one equals two shit. And what he means in that is like when you look at the world and you're trying to measure the world and the globe and the universe, we have to do it and include those curvatures and those inconsistencies, because those are the actual reflection of what's going on in a real, tangible way, not what way we're doing now. Basically saying like all the models that we're doing now with straight lines is like a bad guess. That's holding us back from our true potential and I I get what he's saying with some of it.

Speaker 2:

My thing is, I see, with his patents and some of the conversations he's had, it seems like he's very much so capitalistic in his endeavors and I feel like what he doesn't understand is the reason why if this is true 100 the reason why no one's going to take this is because you're are you are inherently damaging the market, like people are doing this, because it creates things that need to get replaced.

Speaker 2:

It takes things you know, more and more information. It creates capital and with your model it doesn't seem like it creates capital unless our new capital is going to be adventure and, you know, operating and trying to understand the world on a fundamentally slightly level. Because he was just dissing like common science, he was going at his head, it was, it was. It was insane, like all the stuff that he was talking about I wasn't too, too mad at it was one part that I thought was really funny. He talks about his current wife and how she saved him. He said before her I was toiling with my thoughts to use these, this information that I'm I'm creating to to destroy mankind, and she, uh, she helped him and turned him back into it this is very cinematic.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's very, it's insane. Like they even had one part where he had like a guy, uh, he'd been working with and they created this model that basically showed Saturn with his ring, with the hexagon, at the top of the planet in a model with no gravity, like they created basically a video where there was no gravity to be used but we could create this planet from the information that their math showed. So I mean, it's interesting stuff. I think that if you do get a chance you should listen to it, because it's not.

Speaker 2:

He also talks about another thing called the ethereal, and he's saying that's kind of like what's part of us, that's really what's moving everything in reality, and that's the part that they're ignoring. That's the void that they're ignoring, because he talks about this too, where it's like dark matter, dark energy. All that stuff is like what we put in there because we've determined it can't be anything else, like a deductive reasoning. And his mind frame is like we can't be doing deductive reasoning, we have to really look at the universe. And you know he does all the little connective jazz like oh, if the, if I breathe out, you know, carbon monoxide, the plant breathes it in and pushes out oxygen, it's all together.

Speaker 2:

So again, I'm not. I don't think he's 100 wrong. I just think that his math equation is still funny business because you are being uh, not true with what the language of one times whatever means Like you got to hold it down a little bit better than that, but overall I'm not mad at it. I would love to see him back on the show. I would love to hear more talk. He got to have a lot of bit of his tools and props and we went to remember I told you he went to that college and talked. He wasn't allowed to have his props on a projector.

Speaker 2:

So, I thought it was pretty interesting. It sounds like it it was a good, really good interview. Um, it's gonna be funny if you, if you see him teaming up with anybody now that he got good with joe rogan, so all right, uh, amber rose and donald trump. Did you see that? Yeah, I did. I think we have to give a round of applause to jocelyn. I think that's in order. Uh, would you agree?

Speaker 1:

yeah, definitely because she clocked her mad long ago on that college hill show. She said your problem is that you want to be a white girl, and that's exactly what amber rose wants to be is a white girl. She fucking took a picture with Donald Trump and then everyone got mad and then she replied. So she left a reply. She said LMFAO, y'all think Biden cares about black people. Sad, do your research. I did. I'll always put women first. Y'all want biological men in women's sports. Trump supports the most reasonable compromise on abortion. Stop making making, stop being brainwashed because were people of color, she put were in in caps. Make your own decisions, first of all did she have an apostrophe when she did work yeah, I have like two my main, my main things.

Speaker 1:

Biden doesn't care about black people. Do you think trump fucking does? Like what? So that's, that's stupid. And then you call trans women biological men. So not only are you a dumb bitch, you're a transphobic dumb bitch. Like you were having all those slut walks and there were, the lgbtq community was 1000 behind you. You were calling yourself mother, this and that, and then turn around, come out your fucking neck, your forehead with that stupid ass tattoo on it talk about it and talk about?

Speaker 1:

oh, biological men, bitch, are you dumb? This is what I. This is this is the thing about. Do I want to say this is this is the thing about? Do I want to say this? Yes, this is the thing about black women who are interracial, like me. Specifically, if you believe in intersectionality, I choose my blackness over my womanhood, one hundred percent of the time. Bitches like this. This is you chose. You chose woman, woman things over black things, which is a decision. You can make that decision, but I feel like you made that decision because you want to be a white woman, so I think she picked greed over uh anything, because at any day when you align, she probably is getting paid.

Speaker 2:

When you align yourself with donald trump, you're doing it for a financial component, like but when? When the fuck did you start being trans?

Speaker 1:

a financial component like but when? When the fuck did you start being transphobic, bitch like since when?

Speaker 2:

well, you know, that's just a new sauce. Now, people, when people fall off, they have to, like, go conservative, because those are right now the people who are going to pick you up and take you out, you know, and and be like oh see, the example of the whole turned into a good woman. Now, like, those are the people who will take you in and platform you, but they'll talk shit about you while they're doing it and make you feel like a low down dirty.

Speaker 2:

No, you know, no good bitch, but your baby daddy out here running the streets with madonna, which, oh okay, because I said, we got two out there, we got whiz, that's out here too yeah, whiz is out here, finer than he's ever been being a single father looks like he being a single father handling all the responsibilities I don't even know if he's single, he's been like. Well, I say single because he's not with her and he's oh, yeah, he seems to be the main custodial parent with the yes, right.

Speaker 1:

And then your second baby dad is out here gallivanting the streets with madonna. He's not even.

Speaker 2:

He's not even thinking about you that is a red flag too, though that, that definitely is like when, if he got the custody, it's a red flag. You know, I don't think wiz has custody.

Speaker 1:

He was recently on poor minds.

Speaker 2:

He said they have an amazing co-parenting relationship that doesn't mean I don't have full custody, that doesn't.

Speaker 1:

That just means that we have a good co-parenting relationship no, but he was saying like when he goes to get his son and stuff like that. Like the verbiage made it seem like he doesn't have full custody.

Speaker 2:

Oh, OK, I can see that. I mean, of course he's the one who's on the road, but I just to me at some point. You kind of just is more cost efficient to just have your mama and a couple of babysitters than it is just to have her and give her whatever you got to pay out. You know, know, it's better to just get that full custody. Hold it down at the crib.

Speaker 2:

But man, I just I feel like anytime we have these situations where these celebrities team over trump, I know I want to kick their back in. I want to shoot them because they're just stupid, like there are people who don't understand. You're just being manipulated for a small dollar no, no, they understand they're being manipulated.

Speaker 1:

They're letting themselves be manipulated because there's no point now, in 2024, as a black, anything, that you're getting email from Trump's team asking you for your support and you don't think that there's an ulterior motive behind it. You know what the fuck is happening and you're letting yourself be used as a puppet. It's even more pathetic.

Speaker 2:

You're right. You're right. I think what we had Lil Wayne so far, kodak Black Waka, flocka Waka was a very recent one as well. Y'all niggas is all Clayton Bixby. The way I see it, y'all might as well just get a white hood, because that shit is just it's frustrating.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I would rather y'all just not Support anybody. Just don't support anyone and vote which I want to vote, rather than be so disingenuous and saying that somebody is trying to support a community when you know he's not. Like y. Y'all would just be nigga bugs if y'all wasn't rappers, celebrities and shit like that. Like y'all would be just a bunch of black specks that he would want to walk over and not get too close to. Yeah, all right, we got to talk about your girl, man. We got to ask the question what does it mean to be a girl's girl? So, victoria Monet, there's been allegations that her baby daddy was stolen from another woman.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, apparently I think his name is John.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this the guy that we talk about, john.

Speaker 1:

Gaines is his name. I think I didn't forget what y'all did to him. Apparently, he had a fiance when he met Victoria. I think it's hilarious that Twitter's general reaction was if the man can get stolen, that's where he belonged in the first place. They're like that baby is beautiful, ain't nothing I can say about that, that's her man. If my nigga got stolen and then everyone was like, yup, he got stolen into the place that he belonged, I would fucking just hope not horizontally that would be.

Speaker 2:

That'd be your 13th reason yeah, like what?

Speaker 1:

what do you mean? And then everyone, so apparently the tea is that, like she didn't know, she invited him to a music video in africa to like be her, like supporting man, and he was like immediately yes, immediately yes, and then went over there and then that's, it is his, it's that, that's it from then on so he was derwin.

Speaker 2:

Davis is what you're telling me yeah drew. Sador told him to come to the video shoot but he didn't go back to girl Melanie.

Speaker 1:

Nope, he didn't go back. He never went back. He never looked back. And then, like Victoria, they're so gorgeous, like she's bisexual People like to think in my head, canon, he's also bisexual. Yo, what the fuck? No, because it's so sexy. It's so sexy if they're both bisexual. How? And that attractive, like they're both obscenely attractive. But why does he need to be bisexual? It's just like it's sexier if he's also a willing participant in all of the things that I'm imagining.

Speaker 2:

That's sick yo. You need to really get that. You need to go to therapy for that.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't. You need to go to therapy for not thinking that bisexuality is generally sexy, because everything is on the board, everything is on the plate. Why would that not be sexy?

Speaker 2:

You need to go to therapy Just because there's chocolate and fish on the board.

Speaker 1:

Don't mean I'm going to eat both, everything that's on the board, okay, but men and women go together better in sex than chocolate and fish.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you said, he it's more like an.

Speaker 1:

You know what it's more like chocolate and cheese. You know that brazilian hot chocolate that's the cheese, is on the bottom. You're like this is this is going to be disgusting, but it's actually not.

Speaker 2:

I don't think.

Speaker 1:

I don't see why I don't see how that could be. But you have a different palette. It might. No, this is not just me.

Speaker 2:

No, you said it was your headcanon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I got it from the internet.

Speaker 2:

Y'all are a sick group of people. On there we are they're. Y'all are a sick group of people on there.

Speaker 1:

So do you. We are. They're both so sexy. I don't give a fuck what she did to get him.

Speaker 2:

That's your man so does she lose girl, girl status no so you don't feel like stealing somebody's. Man is girl, losing girl girl status once she found out that he had someone else and he left. We don't know the specifics of the story or whatever the fuck happened you gave out a pretty good detailed well, yeah, yeah, yeah, um, but I don't know the specifics of the story or whatever the fuck happened.

Speaker 1:

You gave out a pretty good detailed. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I don't know when in this that she found out that he had been engaged. You know, when she initially invited him out, she didn't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I mean once she found out that he was engaged and he picked her over somebody else.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you find out something that you don't necessarily love about a man, but you're already emotionally invested, so you gotta kind of just make a decision I felt like that was a personal shot.

Speaker 2:

That felt like a very personal attempt at shooting at me.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you just gotta make that decision and I feel like she eventually probably, maybe she eventually found out that this, that information, that he was engaged when he first met her. But, like baby, I broke that off, I'm with you now and she was like all right, whatever see, now I'm kind of thinking about what that could be now with me.

Speaker 2:

Is what you, what could be that you? You just have to accept with me that you fell for you want me to tell you?

Speaker 1:

you can't yeah the fuck I had to, I had to come to grips with that one that's what I thought it was, though. You knew exactly what it was. Just had to be sure, just wanted to be sure, that's the only thing that I had to really be like I understand.

Speaker 2:

I understand it could be a lie, all right, uh, so, speaking with the, stay with the, we'll go back to politics real quick. There was a fight on the congressional floor oh, I saw this there was two women who went at it. Let me make sure, this white bitch we have to make sure we name them let me not, okay, cut that out what or you know what.

Speaker 1:

Leave that in if you want me to trigger the conservative whites this white bitch I don't know, why I said it the second time but she was like oh um, blah blah with her long fake eyelashes that was very, it was right that was a microaggression.

Speaker 1:

So let's, let's, give the people their names yeah let me make sure we do that also I, I, um, as a result of this video, a lot of like Congress, not Congress, but like Parliament and like other countries, messy like Congress, like videos have come out and dumb niggas be wild and they be taking their shoes off and throwing them at each other.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, it's wild over there, so it'd be wild. This was Jasmine Crockett and Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Speaker 6:

So I actually got a homeboy that's which one is the black woman. Uh, jasmine. Okay, I know I got a homeboy.

Speaker 2:

That's actually cool with marjorie marjorie. Everything he said, everything jasmine said about marjorie was 100 correct she's a bleach blonde.

Speaker 1:

Bleach blonde, bad built butch body.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was a hundred percent. That was a read of the century she had that in her. That was in the tuck.

Speaker 1:

She like the way she she spit it out so fast, like she didn't even have to think about it. She was like, oh, I had this.

Speaker 2:

I had this in the clip for you marjorie is like the white girl who, like, will finish the whole like 24 pack with the fraternity and then let them all take a turn. Like she's like one of those kind of white girls. You know who I'm talking about in college. You didn't see them girls that would come up to the fraternity house with the white boys, down a few beers with them and then let the guys take a turn and they all was cool.

Speaker 1:

I did not hang out with white women in college, that's that's it though I like. That is a fully factual statement. Not once in my college career did I have even a single night of hanging out with the whites oh no, I hung out with a few and I seen no I'd rather stay inside by myself with netflix, pizza and a blunt no, I'm trying to tell you that's.

Speaker 2:

That's the kind of energy that she gives off to me, like she's one of those kind of like slick adjacent trailer part, like maybe she's like one generation away from the trailer part. She gives me like that kind of energy. Yeah.

Speaker 8:

And I'm proud of.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Old money is usually classy. What'd you say?

Speaker 2:

I said old money is usually classy she's, she's nowhere close, like she has the weird stance when she wears a dress, like when she wears like the little slim dress now. She has that weird stance, her knees kind of like bow out. She got that kind of she bow-legged slightly slightly. This is a bad built woman, like we said.

Speaker 1:

Jasmine spoke correctly to this she has been thinking about this for a long time. This is the real deal. Sun dodger like let's be, let's wake that up she's just been noticing things a couple weeks, like maybe. Like a year ago she was like I think she's bleaching, yeah, like that. That sun is just destroying her hair and then she saw her from a certain angle a couple months ago and she was like she, she not really built well.

Speaker 2:

And then, the moment she said something about her eyelashes, she woke it up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and she was like this bitch's shoulders is a little broad, she kind of butch.

Speaker 2:

And it just rolled off the tongue.

Speaker 1:

It was just the most natural.

Speaker 2:

She didn't stutter at all with it at all, no.

Speaker 1:

Like that's the thing. Like I can never insult people the way I want to. It doesn't flow like that. Like I be getting so frustrated when I can't. It doesn't come out of my mouth the way it did in my head. But like she, it was just so seamless. The words went from her brain, her synaps, everything connected the correct way. They flowed out of her mouth so quick. So it was the ancestors okay. The ancestors took the words and just flowed way in the water down to her mouth.

Speaker 2:

Just to see a beautiful woman of color. Just dismantle a sun dodger with the queen's english sun dodger is crazy, it's just I saw. It's just an amazing. You know it was a master class at the end of the day it was a master class of just white jonin I.

Speaker 1:

I really wish I was that slick at the mouth. I wish I was that, that snappy. You know I'm not that snappy. I'd be coming up with shit hours later. I be in bed about to go to sleep. Like fuck, I should have said that that be the worst time.

Speaker 2:

Shit, that be the worst time. You be sitting at home and you just know you wanted to say something to a nigga but you just couldn't piece those, you know piece them, words together in the right Fuck and another thing bitch With your old pussy ass. Like he just be wanting to bring that energy, so I mean I understand that I've been there before. I've been there before.

Speaker 1:

All of us have.

Speaker 2:

We needed that, though, like we needed to see that moment right there. That was a beautiful time. That was a beautiful time. So Kevin Hart and Catwoman the Beef continues so at that was a beautiful time. So Kevin Hart and Catwoman the beef continues so at a recent Netflix party, the two men were seen both being there, but not at the same time, and your girl, tiffany.

Speaker 1:

Haddish, that's not my girl, that messy bitch, she is in full form.

Speaker 2:

And she said basically that Catwoman. She basically implied that Cat Williams left because he heard Kevin Hart was on his way or coming. But my boy Cat, he said all truth will be revealed. He came out and said no, y'all told him I left so he could come.

Speaker 1:

So he pulled up because he knew it was safe.

Speaker 2:

So do we think this is going to be a forever beef, or do you think we get these two gentlemen to ever make bygones be bygones I think it might be a forever beef, because I don't see kevin addressing this directly.

Speaker 2:

Enough to end the beef yeah and I think when he did that whole drug shit on the breakfast club, that was kind of a mark where we can't ever come back from whatever we had beforehand. Because for you to come up there and put my you know alleged drug addictions even though he's never copped to them, his alleged drug addiction on Front Street on a national platform in that kind of manner, we can't come back off that. Even after we fight we can't come back from that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because you just completely tried to belittle my brand, my personality. I got kids, uh, I got family members that you just sullied my name and then you did it for a comedian that, arguably, is only there because you're giving her a handout, and tiffany haddish.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, I think it's interesting just seeing how netflix is like we don't give any fuck we're gonna have both of y'all yeah, and then we're gonna post y'all specials within weeks of each other.

Speaker 2:

That wasn't even a special the weeks of each other. He did the fucking his special yeah the next night with the tom broy, tom brady rose that was hosted by kevin hart was the next night, so I mean and then kevin, there was something that Kevin dropped.

Speaker 1:

It was like with Dave Chappelle, like a friend show thing.

Speaker 2:

I mean, don't get me wrong, kevin is making plays. He still hasn't slowed up. He hasn't shown any sign of falling off, no matter what you do to him, he's been in car accidents. He's been in car accidents. He's been in car accidents. He's been in accidents, nigga, that had cheating scandals uh, multiple cheating scandals. Like you can't stop kevin hart from being bringing the funny at this point, no you can't.

Speaker 2:

I mean, in a way, though you kind of got to think about it he is kind of has a great little tragic, uh, actor comedian story in a way like that. You know that quintessential, oh all this bad stuff going on in my life. Like he has enough to do multiple series on his life Because just alone the friend.

Speaker 1:

I mean, he already did that limited Netflix shit.

Speaker 2:

But there's so much more stories you could do that.

Speaker 1:

That was like people were saying that was loosely about his life.

Speaker 2:

It was loosely about the situation where he got exposed for cheating on his wife and a friend was blackmailing him. So it was loosely based on that. But he has tons of experiences now Like he's literally went the gauntlet of comedians Like when you just think about that tragic, sad clown. In a way he kind of is that Is he More than anyone else? Because he's still going in front of the camera trying to act like it's all good, but you can see the pain. Like there was an old. There was a video where he was like it was him usher and lotto, I think, was in the club and you see like usher looking tired and old they go to lotto. And then you see kevin hart. He's just like yo. When can we go home?

Speaker 1:

like I'm fucked up but usher looked a little lit. He was like, ah, with lotto. Lotto was like rapping at him. He was like, ah, get it girl, and then they pay into kevin. And kevin is like, please, I'm in my 40s, he's like free me from this trauma it. It's hilarious, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So we'll see where things will lead off to. I wonder if he's going to take because do you feel like he's taking a break in any real capacity? I think he may have slowed down in some of the movie department.

Speaker 1:

He definitely has slowed down but, like, as compared to other comedians, kevin Hart's breaks like aren't long enough yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think that's that kind of reason why it doesn't resonate at least the specials haven't resonated as of late because it just it doesn't feel like it's him working along the joke. It seems like it's somebody else's joke, that he just tries to do the drake thing we talk about. We're adding your own kind of sauce to, when it's like you haven't really lived with this joke yet.

Speaker 1:

That's what I was literally about to say. Kevin hart calls himself a comedic rock star and he puts out specials at like a rate where, like they're watered down, you have a specific formula. The art is not really there, but like it's basic and it's enjoyable enough and it reminds me of drake, like kevin, and kevin hart, comedian wise is is like the Drake of the comedian community.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and we didn't talk about I think we had some technical issues somebody but we didn't talk about Kevin uh, cat Williams special uh and how it was received, because I saw a lot of people giving it not the best uh it wasn't the best, but it wasn't. He didn't really come with a lot of heat and I think for a while now I've noticed it after he did the Joe Budden interview, like during the pandemic where he talked about. If you can't be funny in the type of climate, then it's on you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, don't it's on you, not on the audience, to accept you and what you're saying. And ever since that, I just feels like his comedy has been so watered down. He talks about oh I don't want to get canceled, and all this other stuff.

Speaker 1:

I feel like Cat Williams' comedy if you look back at the best specials that he's had. His comedy has never been offensive.

Speaker 2:

It's been relatable. Some could say poor little Tink tink was offensive. That's literally the only joke.

Speaker 1:

I was just about to say poor little tink, tink, but that's the only one there's some other ones. That's been close to that I can think of like off top of my head.

Speaker 2:

There's something that's been close to the edge, but to me I feel like the way that he's been a comedian over the years like that's just a that's part years, like that's part of course Like you should be able to go over those lines and, you know, dabble here and there and still be able to find the humor in it if you're that good and still be able to not feel like as an audience member he's holding back. That's what I felt, what he's saying.

Speaker 1:

In Kat's latest special. What I've like the overwhelming sense that I had was that, like he wanted me to think that this was more hard-hitting than it actually was. He, um the main thread of the special was like, oh, I'm not afraid to expose these things. And then all of the things were like yeah, nigga, we know like you're not exposing anything for real. So if that was like the, the foundation of the special, then it didn't hit. So that's why I didn't enjoy it. I was like, nigga, you're not exposing nothing for real, like you did that in Shannon's interview. It had the impact that it had. And then I felt like he was trying to ride the wave from Shannon's interview to this special and it's like you didn't let. Comedy is not, um, something you can do where you like, try to like you can't chase moments like you have to let things breathe naturally and develop so that you can do your job as a comedian and tell us the story the way that you tell us, like it has to be in hindsight. It can't be while it's happening.

Speaker 2:

That's how I think and the element of it being risque is just important, like that is part of the taboo that comedians challenge.

Speaker 1:

He kept trying to make us think that it was so much more risque than it actually was and it was taking away from the comedy. For me, I don't, it doesn't even matter if what he said was funny, like you're trying to make it seem like you're telling us this intense thing, and it's not that.

Speaker 2:

It was like an Amish woman just showing you her ankle and feeling like she's the biggest slut in the world.

Speaker 1:

Yes, like bitch, show me that clit oh shit, Not that dirty Amish clit.

Speaker 2:

Um we gonna have to. I can't say that.

Speaker 1:

Nah, nah, I don't think TikTok is going to.

Speaker 2:

let us say oh well, yeah, we already cleaned it up for TikTok. All right, we got some more things to get into. I'm disgusted with you women.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of clits.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm disgusted with all of you women. Y'all are vile in the highest of orders.

Speaker 1:

So again.

Speaker 2:

I've seen nasty men put the cucumber, the sock. I've seen that you know they stuffed the sock.

Speaker 1:

I've seen all sorts of horrible and disgusting and vile men who try to act like they're packing, yeah, doing dick print, thirst traps.

Speaker 2:

Like that nigga for the news, the news anchor who had his shit in that little, his little uh uh bike pants.

Speaker 1:

you didn't see that no, you pointed to me like yeah, bitch, you, freaky bitch, you saw that no, but he had his fucking.

Speaker 2:

That shit looked like a fucking snickers in his fucking no I didn't?

Speaker 1:

Snickers you mean like veiny?

Speaker 2:

Like king size, Like you could just like he had it, like you could see it packed in and shit.

Speaker 1:

It was very. I thought you were saying that you could see the veins through the bike shorts like sir.

Speaker 2:

No, but this was what I was going around, was that?

Speaker 1:

it was Please get new bike shorts.

Speaker 2:

You could see his riding around with his junkie.

Speaker 3:

Well, why?

Speaker 1:

didn't they tell him no they did.

Speaker 2:

He was doing this off work. This isn't him at work. This is him off work when they were upset about him and the type of bike pants he went on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he can have that dick out if he want to. For real, I don't know what y'all can do about that off the clock.

Speaker 2:

But man, you nasty, vile women, y'all disgusting, wenches, young Like.

Speaker 8:

I got to speak on this.

Speaker 2:

Yes, in the nastiest of order. Okay, so there was a woman. What happened? There was a woman Her name is HiAlexis on Twitter, so she said she drew a little thirst trap thing where she shows that she's, you know, trying to get a little six pack, but she's got a moose knuckle, all right.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit that thing. It's very pronounced. It's gnarly, can we even put that?

Speaker 2:

up. I don't know. I think I'll try. I might just have to put like a little moose knuckle above it, but she has a very pronounced moose. You know what do y'all call that? That's moose knuckle, right um camel toe that's a very pronounced camel toe in those gym shorts like it looks almost like her shit is like. You know, when you was a little kid and they had a little thin film you could put your face through yeah that's what it looked like her clits. Do I just want to go like that, like it's?

Speaker 1:

it's. It's literally like a little pinky pointing out of her pants, but it's not that. It's like three whole things.

Speaker 2:

The women are exposing each other. Y'all not keeping it real and I learned about something I didn't even know existed on this planet Fake vagina panties. What the hell is going on here? What the hell is going on here?

Speaker 1:

It's not fat hell is going on here, not fat pussy pads.

Speaker 2:

Y'all are faking the fat puss, it's insulting.

Speaker 1:

Y'all are gorilla grip grifters I like that.

Speaker 2:

Wake it up.

Speaker 1:

You guys are doing disgusting things in your pants and it just can't be acceptable when did um yeah, because I've been seeing this on tick on social media in general for a while when did all y'all get so obsessed with having like big juicy fat?

Speaker 1:

making good making good show that it's, it's been, it's been a thing for much longer than that, since, when we're just like the general, the general girl on on social media, you just want a big old fat pussy and if you're, if your shit is kind of like that, like you probably got too much testosterone going on in there, baby girl, let's just be honest, it might be a hormonal imbalance. That's just for the clit, not the like labia majoras.

Speaker 1:

This shit right here got it all, because that's what you're seeing it's two sets of lips. I think the majora is the outer set, the set that gets, that's the bigger set. Yo, they got. That shit be mad pronounced. Why is your clit erect at all times at the gym in leggings, ma'am Please?

Speaker 2:

They got an extra large clit in a medium sized clit. Like what are we talking about here? All right Wait wait, let me see this is. This is vile and y'all need to be exposed.

Speaker 1:

Oh wow, so they. They have like a pair that's just like the slit right, and then they have the pair that's like pronounced. So, if you want, like labia minora, majora and clitoris, they got that too, which is crazy like having a variety of different pussies that you can apply at any time.

Speaker 2:

It's disgusting behavior. When did this become a thing Like that? Shit looks like D-Way. D-way used to have these little training packages or these training pads that you could put on and practice and work out in. That's what that looked like for a vagina.

Speaker 1:

What is the end goal when you go out with this on? Is the end goal when you go out with this on? Like what do you, regardless of which gender you're trying to attract, you want the attracting party to be like ooh, I want that big, juicy lip. That's what I want. I want that pussy. Like what? I don't understand it at all.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to figure out. What do you do when you got you a nigga that is fully engaged on mouthing that big moose knuckle? You pull it off and then he sees that fake ass bullshit you call a vagina underneath Mouthing that big mouth thing underneath that big mouthing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that big ass moose knuckle. That is just the most vulgar language that we have. You mouthing that big moose knuckle.

Speaker 2:

But then he takes off your clothes. We are going to have to block our parents. That's an attached clip. Like what is he? I would be upset. I would be too, like if you, if you into that, and then you see that she faking the funk you're gonna like as a, as a man who likes a fat pair of lips lower, I feel like he'll.

Speaker 1:

When you take them off, he'll probably be able to notice. Yeah, he's probably gonna feel not. You know, I might be giving men way too much credit because they don't be knowing what's happening down there any.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, see, that couldn't feel like that could happen to me because, like part of my method of assuring that I'm getting consent, like I'm already touching you prior to us even doing anything in that area. So I'm gonna know what's going on on. What's up with this extra padding around your cooch, what you got going on down here, miss Lady?

Speaker 1:

This extra padding around your cooch. You know what you sound like.

Speaker 2:

Talk about it.

Speaker 1:

You remember that video with that little boy. He was like you need these for your butt, For your butt, the pads. He was like you need these for your butt.

Speaker 2:

That's what you sounded like. Your little boy voice is fucking sick. It makes sense why they always choose women to be the kids in shows, just so on point, you're a fucking grown ass woman.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to Regina King hey, there's a lot of people.

Speaker 2:

Bart Simpson, she was a woman. Oh wow, a lot of people, people people.

Speaker 1:

Bart bartsinson, he, she was a woman. Oh wow, yeah, it was really.

Speaker 2:

I was shocked that huey and yeah huey and riley were both voiced by a black woman amazing now, I was familiar with her uh her other work beforehand, you know, because she was in like a boys in the hood and shit. But I read the credits too, so I knew she was both oh, you'd be reading credits.

Speaker 1:

I mean bye, turn that shit off. I don't give a fuck who made this.

Speaker 2:

We got to tear one more brother down here, lamelo Ball. You know LaBarbera's son. The one that's actually really good. A lot of issues have been going on in the Ball. Household Paws have needed no diddy. You know the oldest one is trying to recover from a knee injury. He's been out for like two seasons. The third, you know the second one hasn't really had too much success professionally as a basketball player.

Speaker 1:

Which one is having a fucking child. With Miss Nikki, baby Jello, we talked about that remember. Which is that first, second, second one Okay, the one who didn't make it to the league.

Speaker 2:

Okay, he played a few games, played in the G League a little bit, but he didn't make it to the league. So they're doing a podcast together now.

Speaker 7:

The oldest one and the second, and then they have like one of their managers somebody else.

Speaker 2:

They're all doing a podcast right now together, so they're trying to get on that little wave.

Speaker 1:

Oh Lord, they need to have their father on that podcast. That's obviously the star of the family. The fact that he wasn't, I wouldn't be nowhere is sick. Like yeah, that should have been done. Episode y'all would have been nowhere without that man. That man needs to be the main host of the podcast. It needs to be his podcast and y'all need to be the supporting team but they said, because your dad is the star.

Speaker 2:

But I think they're saying they're kind of in the outs. There was a lot of you know business situations that happened and with their father yeah, so you. So they're no longer with the BBB, the Triple B's and all that stuff.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy. Go back to your daddy.

Speaker 2:

I mean, at this time you got the big contract, yeah, but he got y'all that big contract.

Speaker 1:

Go back to your father. The fuck is good with y'all.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm not going to say that he should rush to that because, there's argument that my fucking dad and his corny ass weak ass shoes is the reason why I'm in this situation, so that there's a there's an argument for that, where he talked about like the shoes tearing up while he was playing like so there's, a lot of that where it's like I don't think him and the dad are are 100 on good terms and I think a lot of people don't realize that.

Speaker 2:

Uh, but I wanted to say this was going on with lamello. So lamello has been in the news. There's been a mother who is alleged that he hit her child with his car. So the way that the article wrote this up it said that basically allegedly the child at 11 years old at the age he's 12 now walked up to the car while it was at a traffic light. Him and a bunch of other fans were attempting to try to get autographs. Lamello then looks down at them and scoffs and speeds off without signing anyone's autograph. In the process of doing so, he strikes the kid foot, breaks his foot and he also injures his back when he like falls down. Uh-huh.

Speaker 1:

And so the mother right now is trying to sue lamello ball I have a list of questions wake it up so immediately when I heard this I said he's at a traffic light, probably like he stopped. Is he at a traffic light like is he at a red light and a bunch of people rush to his car if the light turned green, y'all need to move the fuck out of the way y'all are hindering traffic.

Speaker 2:

He needs to go okay, so I want to write second really quick If he.

Speaker 1:

This is a child and he's in a car. Of course he's looking fucking down on them. The only way he can fucking look at the child is if he physically looks down on them. So let's throw that out the window, right? That's not a thing. If he scoffs, that's OK. Fuck these kids. I'm fine with that too, honestly.

Speaker 2:

So my issue here is you're probably not aware of this LaMelo has a trend where he leaves the arena after games in a very aggressive and not safe manner when he drives his car. So he's driving sports cars and you'll see him like. There's actually video of him cutting off a car.

Speaker 1:

Regardless of whether he wins or loses.

Speaker 2:

Yeah this is not necessarily about what happened at the game, it's just him flexing and so he came out and there's a car coming down, he just cuts the car off and runs out. There's another one where he runs a red light. So, like I said, he's had a history of being irresponsible while driving.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that's. He's just an irresponsible driver. He wasn't being a dick to the kid. I feel like the mom is trying to stress that maybe he was being a dick to the kid, but you just, just just, um, you need, the only thing you need to stress is that he's an irresponsible driver. Yeah, because, um, if he ran over the kid's foot, if it's a red light, it turns green and then he just immediately speeds off without making sure that nobody, that everyone backed up.

Speaker 1:

That's a completely different story you know, like you should have made sure that everyone backed up and then you split you speed off. But other than that, fuck them kids like why are you teach your children not to run up to cars in traffic, first of all, regardless of who the fuck is in the car? Because that's weird and that's dangerous. And then, um, yeah, lamello yeah yeah, you need to look around your car and you need to calm down.

Speaker 2:

Look at here a little half and half red nigga, you need to be a little more safer when you're out here driving. Okay, them damn kids and them damn fans are the reason why you make all that exorbitant amount of funds that you make. All right, clean up the fucking act, stop being on the bullshit and sign some fucking autographs for these kids, ok.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I need to get on your Michael Jordan. If you're outside and you're being seen by the public, then you're a man of the public. You're wake it up. You're their favorite. If you don't want to do so, you need to pay for. You need to pay for the the exclusivity and privacy that you so require.

Speaker 2:

You know me, man. I'm not about. I'm not about holding regular people to a higher standard or more accountable than people at a, at a higher tier, bro, I'm not trying to hold them to a higher standard.

Speaker 1:

But like speaking on my feeling.

Speaker 2:

I'm not speaking what you're doing. I'm speaking on my feeling of it. I'm always going to tell you, niggas, it's your duty as uh, public figures to give to the public in that manner and to be respectful in the highest of orders, if you can be so. No, I'm not going to sit here and say, oh, you don't come up to scar. No, nigga, he see you a car, you a nigga hero. Bro. You got a shoe, signature shoes. People buying people buying your clothing line. Bro, stand up and actually stand for something.

Speaker 2:

Nigga, stop trying to be some niggas fucking on these old ass bitches over here saying, man, stop, stop it, it's not a good look. You sleeping on all these old women, you trying to do all this other goofy ass shit. That's why you got exposed, smoky, a little blunt, online and all that shit Y'all niggas is not serious about this game and y'all need to get y'all minds right and and maybe this can be a wake-up call for you to see to get fucking serious about what you got going on. It's not just about putting in the work, it's about a mindset. It's about being a very good person when you have this opportunity to be a leader of a franchise. Like no, bro, if you're falling short, nigga, you need to get called out on. And the fact that you potentially injured a kid? This kid could one day want to play basketball and now you just ruined it. You just took that opportunity from him. If you hurt his foot severely enough.

Speaker 1:

No, but you'll probably have to financially take responsibility for that, because running over a kid's foot is crazy.

Speaker 2:

Don't let it be a video of anywhere.

Speaker 1:

There's probably a video.

Speaker 2:

That shit going to be up.

Speaker 1:

If it was a crowd of people that ran up to your car there's a video yeah, so that's my main thing.

Speaker 7:

I think we covered everything I think we got a lot, of, a lot of good stuff man that diddy that diddy conversation, man.

Speaker 2:

I think we did a really good job with that yeah, that was good, yeah, so uh, anything else that we forgot about?

Speaker 1:

anything let me uh young miami is selling the gays shirts. Like the shirts, they say the gays on them. If y'all remember, not too long ago she said she will whoop her son's ass if he was gay and she would not be okay with that. You are pandering to the lgbtqia plus community because you see who she's outside with she been back with her baby daddy since. Since uh diddy's allegations came out, she's been outside with him y'all niggas, y'all niggas you bitch.

Speaker 1:

You're trying to pander to the gay community because you're not making the money that you're used to making with diddy now. So now you have to walk back the ignorant bullshit that you said, just so you can try to have some resemblance of relevancy in your fucking career now I hope that they see right through you. I am looking at Santana sideways for not like sitting down next to you and forcing you to apologize on live for that ignorant bullshit you said. But he's also in a space where he's desperate. Y'all are both in a space of desperation, so y'all are gonna do ignorant bullshit. That doesn't make sense. It's desperate. Y'all are both in a space of desperation, so y'all are going to do ignorant bullshit. That doesn't make sense. It's sad.

Speaker 2:

No, for real.

Speaker 1:

And JT is. Jt is dancing all over you. She got hits after hits, it's, it's, she's doing the damn thing and she's, her solo career is going to take off. And, santana, you obviously attach yourself to the fucking wrong city girl and y'all are both going down Young Miami and Santana.

Speaker 2:

Southside you looking real suspect man, because I understand trauma bonding.

Speaker 1:

He probably fucking pimping her or some shit.

Speaker 2:

Well, hopefully you making a coin, because I can understand trauma bonding Because Southside makes a lot of money. I can see trauma bonding with a chick in regards to her being your baby mama and all that bullshit, but like I'm not bringing you back around me, once you already been a high-tier slut.

Speaker 1:

Exposed as a full escort Escort. We have a daughter together. You look goofy.

Speaker 2:

I mean, didn't he put hands on her or something? Did he hit her, or something? I've never seen her say anything about him Okay, but I just know that that's just a stupid and horrible look.

Speaker 1:

All I've seen is that maybe he cheated on her or some shit like that, but that's it.

Speaker 2:

That's just goofy behavior, bro, you taking her back after she didn't got her miles ran up by the rich nigga like that's ludicrous she wasn't do by getting shat on, probably allegedly you're taking your pissy baby mama back. It's disgusting, like ain't no, ain't not enough cleaning that you could do for that. It just ain't like for me I couldn't, I'd rather I would do.

Speaker 1:

Hey, my 13th reason I'd rather pick that than take you back shout out to jt, though you're again for like the quadruple time on this podcast. Your solo rollout is amazing and I'm enjoying it very much, and I hope you all of all of the success and like prosperity in your career did you see uh, megan and gloria, new york with cardi yes, saw that. They were all like they were cute and whatever. Meg and Cardi are just such like glamzons compared to Glorilla, like she's getting there, but yeah, I saw them.

Speaker 2:

Did you see the fact that Cardi couldn't even keep up with her own lyrics? She?

Speaker 1:

was struggling. Cardi is done Like. Cardi looks like it hurts for her to breathe like everything like movement is not fluid.

Speaker 2:

She doesn't look like a dancer anymore out there she's never. Her movements have never been well she had a, she had stripper movements when she first was coming out. She, she had, she, she could dance and flow like there was plenty of choreographers that were saying that was. The one thing that surprised her about her was the fact that she was able to catch on to the dance.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay. I've never seen that. This performance right here was ass.

Speaker 2:

I never would have thought I would have seen Cardi B give this kind of performance, she looking like a bumblebee in the little suit that she got on.

Speaker 1:

She got too much work done. She can't breathe.

Speaker 2:

She can't enunciate her, she can't even keep up with the lyrics, like the whole time. She's like five or six paces behind where the song is yeah, I don't that shit is bad. Yo, we was talking, we was just bigging up the girls and their performances, like a couple months ago, and just to see that and you being that one of the top women out there, that's, that's trash.

Speaker 1:

That's trash cardi hasn't dropped an album in six years and now it seems like her label is shelving her, Like they're not trying to push for her anymore. Dua Lipa is on the same label, so they're genuinely putting way more power, marketing and money behind Dua Lipa. She's doing way better. So Cardi B seems like she's being low-key, about to be shelved, and Nicki is cackling yeah, joe said that she looked like she's scared to put out another project.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the um, the song she just put out seems like people were saying that. It seems like that song is probably from the project that she was supposed to put out during, like, the pandemic time. Y'all need to. This is what happens when artists chase like a moment and they're trying to do like the tactical thing instead of just like feeling the music, making your art and just releasing it when you feel like you've said what you needed to say. That's why I like artists like kendrick cole. Saba schoolboy, like I don't need you to drop consistently, I just need you to drop like quality when you do so I feel you on that and I feel like cardi just missed her moment.

Speaker 1:

She overthought and now it's done yeah, you're right.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, it seems that she had an opportunity. If she really wanted to take this shit serious in regards to the music, she had that over the last few years. She should have gave us an album at one at some point, at least now, I think today. I think 2024 is the last year that people will run to the the high numbers for a cardi b album, and I think she's missing. She needs to just drop something.

Speaker 1:

She needs to drop the album. It's like she like it needs to be at this throttle regardless of like. Stop fighting with the label and just take what they give you and just drop it because I don't know what. What the fuck else like. I'm going to care less and less and less and less and less. The longer you wait and you're trying to wait for more money, you might get more money and it don't matter, because we don't give a fuck. No more, because we have very short attention spans now no, it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Um one last thing here. So did you hear about the girl who denounced delta?

Speaker 1:

I think she was a delta sigma theta yeah, she was a delta um, it was like the alpha line at howard um and she denounced because of like religious reasons there have been like I don't even think it's worth breaking up because neither of us are are part of the d9 organizations. But if you feel like you don't want to be associated with the letters anymore, then you just stop paying your dues and you stop wearing the letters. There's no reason for you to go on a public forum to bash this black institution for religious like it's.

Speaker 2:

It's just to me it sounds like fucking nonsense. She's exposing it for what it slick is on the low. It's a cult like it's it's. Just to me it sounds like fucking nonsense. She's exposing it for what it slick is on the low, it's a cult like it's. Again, she's doing it for religious, like she's trying to go to her other cult but yeah, but at the end of the day, this is a cult.

Speaker 1:

That's she's trading cults, but that's what.

Speaker 2:

That's what my problem is with it, like you're saying that this cult is better than that cult, basically but like I mean, what she said was she had to kneel down and take whatever little oath and she felt that that was too accustomed to her religious practice. So I can understand that. I just thought it was interesting her doing every organ is yeah, every, or it's, it's, it's it was unnecessary for her to do it publicly.

Speaker 1:

But every organization has their like, their things, their oaths, their um. They have, like little you know, their whole like histories and things of that nature. But if it's something that you don't agree with, like, I don't think it was necessary to denounce the entire like organization or the entire.

Speaker 2:

Just it wasn't just her denouncing delta, it was just her denouncing sororities and fraternities all together yeah, I mean again, when you take a look and have a different perspective of something that you're engaging in, you start to see where it is and like, okay, this isn't what the pure intentions I thought I was getting involved in, and then you kind of see what it really is.

Speaker 1:

This isn't the first time that I've seen somebody denouncing their letters because of religious reasons. Every time they do it, y'all say that oh, it's a cult, there's witchcraft. Like to me as somebody who isn't somebody who's necessarily super religious, like I consider myself more spiritual than religious than religious, I do believe in God, but y'all sound like crazy people like y'all sound like y'all hold your religion way too close y'all found y'all sound like y'all aren't very educated in religion and spiritualism. I, low-key, don't respect black people who hold christianity is very near and dear to their hearts, because I feel like you don't know too much about christianity if you do hold it near and dear to your heart. Butorities that were built because black people were being kept out of these spaces.

Speaker 2:

Other fraternities In.

Speaker 1:

PWIs yes, white fraternities, like something. That was its conception. Was made out of our exclusion. It has nothing to do. Was made out of our exclusion. It has nothing to do. The foundation of sororities and fraternities in D9 has nothing to do with religion or culture or anything it had to do with, like. Black people wanted their own version of this. It might have eventually morphed into something weird.

Speaker 2:

Well, you can't have black organization without black church. That, literally, was how we had any organization before. The church was involved, yes, but like the 70s like everything was in the church.

Speaker 1:

I just feel like I don't know. When you take that as your reasoning personally, it invalidates your intelligence.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean again, I'm always going to look at people separately for religion, just because I'm an atheist. So I'm always going to be looking at that agnostic. I'm looking at with a, you know a side eye I'm looking at.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking at it with a side eye, but I can just understand if, if I believe one thing more than the other, I don't think that it's a problem for me to verbally say, hey, no, my creator and God is over this entity and even over this organization who I feel as though is propping up satanic views. So I just think that that could be a real thing.

Speaker 1:

It don't even be entities that the D9 organizations be looking up to. Like for most of the entities, like for the sororities, it'd be like six black women from the 60s. But I'm saying but the practices the entity.

Speaker 2:

what I mean is like the practices that they do, so the branding, which some people have issues with.

Speaker 1:

That's only one male. D9 organization we not.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying that's an example though. Branding there's also okay, like when my sister was pledged, she brought the people to our house.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to have this conversation without somebody who is part of this one of these organizations okay, we'll call my sister on the next one. I do feel like it is important for us to have somebody who's a part of this, because I had this conversation with somebody I know who is an active member of one of these organizations and they they had very passionate feelings about it, and we're both like civilians when it comes to this shit.

Speaker 1:

So I do, I do want to bring it up to somebody. We'll talk about it again, because I think this is something that we we should talk about. We can break it down a little bit more. We're a black podcast we talk about. We can break it down a little bit more. We're a black podcast. We talk about black culture in general.

Speaker 2:

Black variety show.

Speaker 1:

Black variety show yeah.

Speaker 2:

You don't like that.

Speaker 1:

No, that's the perfect. I've never liked a description for what we do, because it's not a TV podcast, it's not a pop culture, it's a black variety. It's not a pop culture, it's a black variety, it's just a black culture show.

Speaker 2:

No, it is All right. So let's get out of here, man. Yeah. Life is a labor of love, so keep building these moments together and remember your job is not your family, and the only thing you should be exploiting is these corporations. Talk FNF TV. We are here and you should be exploiting these corporations. Talk FNF TV. We are here and, baby, tell them what they need to do.

Speaker 1:

What they need to do is follow us on all of the social media at talkfnftv, at Twitter, facebook, instagram, tiktok. On all of the social media. Follow us there. Thank you very, very much for watching. Like, subscribe, leave any comments if you have any thoughts, and we love you so much. Bye, like, subscribe, leave any comments if you have any thoughts, and we love you so much. Bye, spear fingers. It's not like this. It's like this.