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Ice Spice/ Cleotrapa Tour Drama, Cardi B's Maternity Photo Backlash, and Finesse2Tymes Polygamy Live - Talk FNF TV
Why do some celebrity fashion choices spark cultural debates while others go unnoticed? Tune in as we start with some strong opinions and plenty of laughs about Jason Lee and Logan Paul's podcasting skills, before diving into the lives of Cardi B and Margot Robbie. We share a hilarious story about family dress codes and the societal norms tied to fashion. Our conversation is a blend of humor and genuine reflection on how celebrities navigate their public and private lives, all while touching on broader cultural implications.
Next, we recount a lively household debate about appropriate clothing, challenging cultural norms with humor. Feel the nostalgia as we reminisce about the electrifying music of DMX and the energy of Fatman Scoop. We also tackle the drama and complexities of friendships and professional relationships in the music industry, focusing on Ice Spice and Cleotrapa's tour debacle, from accusations of mistreatment to the need for professionalism in handling business arrangements.
Finally, we dig into the thick of industry gossip and societal disparities. We explore the financial struggles of artists, the precarious balance of maintaining public image, and the influence of white privilege in the media industry. We touch on the controversial consumption of Taylor Port wine, Cardi B's maternity photo shoot backlash, and Megan Thee Stallion's rumored relationships. Join us for a critical and entertaining discussion that blends humor with serious insights into the world of celebrity lifestyle, privacy boundaries, and the relentless pursuit of success.
I think Jason Lee is a shady piece of shit and I think that he's trying to make it seem like he has to take like a genuine, like I'm concerned angle to it, because you're breaking something that you have not fully confirmed yet.
Speaker 2:Take your old dollars. We're going to burn them and make new dollars, and now the dollars are in your pocket New dollars, new dollars, new dollars worth more than old dollars.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, oh my god, who get?
Speaker 2:don't do drugs like this could you imagine passing the baddie, the bag of glue yo? Um, I think I've realized now 100 fully that probably logan paul has to be probably one of the worst podcasters out right now.
Speaker 1:The whole thing I got from. Let me tell you what she said in part five and six. She calls her dark and soulless. She basically says she's a demon. She says ice spices. Yes, she basically calls her a demon. The lines are blurred and people feel like they have to be let into your life and they have to know you. Feel like they have to be let into your life and they have to know you and especially cardi, since she started as like a like she. She was a social media personality, so like people feel like they need to be let in and a natural amount. But someone like margot robbie, I feel like, is more of like a traditional hollywood celebrity having a cup that cool, but she was getting drinking to get drunk.
Speaker 1:Taylorport is not what doctors say is okay to take a sip of when they talk about wine. That is not wine, that is grape Hennessy. This podcast is sponsored by Graffiti Tax Services. For all your tax preparation needs, you can go to GraffitiTaxcom we're going to put the link right here. It should be somewhere. And yeah, you can head to them during tax season and if you have any financial or tax preparation questions, head to Graffiti Tax Services. They're our new sponsor. Thank you to Graffiti Tax Preparation Services.
Speaker 2:That's it, your whole life is revolved around talking about other people's lives I know I'm real vehement on the on the pod about like not wearing shorts and stuff like that yeah I just think that's weird for grown men to wear shorts on their shows it's because I picked out shorts for him to wear today and now he throwing shade at me.
Speaker 2:I'm just saying, like he's starting with shade, I just feel like if I'm going to be in a broadcast, I shouldn't be wearing like shorts, like nobody should see my knees on a broadcast it's because you'd be talking that hot shit and you've said that before.
Speaker 1:You don't want nobody to cut those two clips together of you saying don't wear shorts and then you wearing shorts possibly possible, but also your mom has instilled like a new kind of like way of thinking oh my god you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:So the other day she saw me when I had some shorts on and she kind of like checked me. She was like fredrick I have never saw my father in shorts and I was like word she read him, she read him.
Speaker 1:She said, yes, he had a house of women and he knew never to wear shorts first of all, and I just felt like I was like a whore in church after that like that's how I felt, like honestly she said don't you dare show your manly ass legs in this house ever fucking again I have to get like all my sweatpants out in the summer now, like I didn't even know I was violating and he's worn shorts in the house before.
Speaker 1:So I don't know. He came into the bedroom and was like your mom. He was like shooking up. He was like your mom said I can't wear shorts in the house. I was like what did she actually say she?
Speaker 2:said I was like that's not what she actually said. She said you're not supposed to wear shorts around the family. That's exactly what she said. That's like wearing like just the bra around the house for a girl.
Speaker 1:She also thinks that flat twists are for poor people. She thinks that you I shouldn't wear shorts out the house either. She thinks that leggings leggings aren't for outside the house either With that like she thinks a lot of things.
Speaker 2:So I see, you see, I'm aligned with a lot of that, so I think that it's kind of on me to just instill that. So now I'm throwing away all the shorts, man.
Speaker 1:Do not? I like the shorts.
Speaker 2:I'm eliminating all of them. They're not of men and I've learned I like the shorts.
Speaker 1:They're not even hoochie daddy shorts. They were regular length shorts for a man and my goal to be, in part, haitian.
Speaker 2:I need to follow these.
Speaker 1:Haitian men wear shorts.
Speaker 2:It was just my grandfather, well he was the realest he was the real, so I'm trying to follow like real precedent your dad don't wear shorts. I seen my dad in some shorts before, but like when he got old, like it was when before I was born, he was like a short guy and then like after I got older and a grown man.
Speaker 1:Because in that middle part he was working.
Speaker 2:Yes, working, working. He kept the pants. Yeah, showed who had the pants on in the house, like. Osha guidelines, he had to wear pants, that's true, true union member Was out there getting to it.
Speaker 1:Oh, I have the music today.
Speaker 2:Oh, you do.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You didn't. So the whole time I was talking to you about this, you never once I mean, if you have it, you got it, go ahead.
Speaker 1:I mean, it's not music.
Speaker 2:It's just a song, but you got something to play.
Speaker 1:No, I don't have a playlist. I just had a couple songs, so you can go ahead. Go ahead, hey, hey, get him what my godfather loved BMX so much. He was a legend. He used to pick me up from school, and that's what I tell him.
Speaker 2:My brother was like a big Jay-Z like Stan. But he was like a big Jay-Z like Stan but he was like DMX coded. Not the clean version. Like the ad-libs. He has to the clean version of it. Yeah, it was so many mornings waking up and this was like on MTV and stuff, and I was just watching before going to school, looking at the roof of the church, people telling the truth and it hurts.
Speaker 4:Y'all gonna make me lose my mind. Up in there. Up in there, y'all gonna make me go all out. Up in there. Up in there, y'all gonna make me act a fool. Up in there.
Speaker 1:Up in there. Y'all gonna make me lose my cool Up in there. Up in there. This is one of those songs that come on when I'm driving and I skip it because I don't want to speed, because you're just going to put your foot on the metal. As soon as this. Come on, I'm putting my foot on the gas. Like I'm flying. I'm just going to skip it.
Speaker 4:This has a lot of good movies associated with this song Mm-hmm Nigga was obsessed.
Speaker 2:You couldn't get this shit off. Now All the dog ad-libs and stuff, Nigga's be like. What's wrong with this guy? You?
Speaker 1:could still get that one If a nigga was growling on a track right now. Niggas, be like what's wrong with this guy.
Speaker 2:You could still get that If a nigga was growling on a track right now.
Speaker 1:Niggas be growling on a track right now? No, they don't.
Speaker 2:Niggas be getting high on a track. They don't fucking. They're not cool. I don't even think I can do it. That's how far masculine he's falling. No, this is so radio safe. Yeah, I would love to just be in the taping Of when he had to clean the song up and they were just like Just gotta bark right here instead of fuck.
Speaker 1:I just want any clips of DMX doing any ad-libs, because you know that's a completely. He's in there like ugh. He probably just doing a whole new song. Woo Like literally just. Hold on. One more game, one more game, one more game.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, rip dmx, but let's get to the show rip dmx also.
Speaker 1:Let's play one more song you want to play another? One, yep, fat man scoop. Since we talk about rip, we need to play a fat man scoop song and you know, here, no, you, you know the song that song the fat man scoop song. You have to play that one all right fat man scoop timbaland. Whatever I say, y'all gonna do that one the right one. I think so yeah, it is yeah, oh wait no yeah this is it wait no this not the one you wanted.
Speaker 10:No, you want it yeah, this not the one you wanted. No, you wanted. Yeah, the B2K soul. Like I take a B2K soul when I hear this.
Speaker 1:I wanna do choreo. So bad right now.
Speaker 2:How did we let Timbaland?
Speaker 10:get these bars off. I wasn't even listening to him for a while, I just thought it was crazy.
Speaker 1:I never heard him do more than eight bars before you better put some respect on Timbaland's name.
Speaker 2:I'm just telling you, I only hear the eight bars in a hook. This is the most I've.
Speaker 1:it's like twister rapping right now like every little girl had choreo to this with their cousins. If you didn't have choreo to this with your cousins and your girls and them, you didn't live.
Speaker 2:Yo, Mario wasn't really my leader growing up. Don't stop, don't stop. Being able to do a handstand on beat wasn't really on my to-do list.
Speaker 4:Yo, don't stop, don't stop, get your freak on and club beat going.
Speaker 11:All right we love that beat wasn't really on my to-do list. Alright, we love that.
Speaker 12:Are you tired of paying a lot of money for your vacation? My name is Shirley Proctor and I am a partner with Tavonian, a traveling membership group. I can help you save time, money, help you and your loved ones see the world rip fat man, scoop man yeah, man, we're losing our legends, man, but let's get to the show.
Speaker 2:You're now listening to talk fnf tv, I'm your host. Absurd rhetoric when I'm with my lovely and amazing and gorgeous co-host.
Speaker 1:Miss reality hi you know, there's somebody else named miss reality no, I don't. I would never even believe that like I'm about to change my name again oh my goodness you know, you know what I was thinking about changing my name to what. You know what Valentina calls me at work. What Fabrita.
Speaker 2:I don't know if that's going to be able to, fabrita. I don't know if I'll be able to remember that. Honestly, I don't know if I'll be able to remember that, all right.
Speaker 1:So we got a lot to get to this week, man we, we've been worried.
Speaker 2:I mean, we got a lot to get into. Oh yeah, definitely this is. This is something that like literally, we've been kind of like covering this kind of arc for like a minute now. If you want to think about it like we've gone through you know, the first opposition that that happened, baby storm baby storm is is two for three right now. She's looking like a prophet right now and I called her. I said I was with her.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was just all of the other shit that she was doing while she was exposing the ice spice stuff you got to move the bush around to see what's really going on. I was just like what is happening here. It's a lot I can't do it.
Speaker 2:Sometimes you got to put your hand into the swamp to actually know what's going on with the ecosystem? She was on point man.
Speaker 1:She was, though.
Speaker 2:They got Azalea Banks, you know, changing her tune. Everybody, you know.
Speaker 1:We have a lot to get into for our first topic. So our first topic is going to be Cleo Trappler. She came out and she did a six-part TikTok series about her touring experience with I-Spice, and she exposed I-Spice as being a mean girl. We're then going to cover I-Spice going in spaces and replying and then we're going to cover a couple things that happened after.
Speaker 2:This was an expose of old Isis, Literally yes.
Speaker 1:Like it's crazy.
Speaker 2:And I feel like people were just waiting. I don't see again. This doesn't like surprise me, though, with anything like I said we've been hip to what's been going on on this scene chronically online that, but we also just you know we do a good job of what we do, so, like, yeah, we, we've been covering this. We know the colors. Allegations have continued.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, and then they definitely oh no, because what I was referring to I now know is not a real source. So but let's get into Cleo's six-part.
Speaker 2:TikTok series. Let's get into the timeline.
Speaker 1:I have notes on each part and then I have four and five as like. I mean, I have um five and six as one part. So part one, she just, uh, generally starts breaking down like how she knows ice and how long she knew ice and um, all of the all of that stuff was happening with baby storm, like a month before ice reached out to her and asked her to go on tour with her well, first, I think, before we do that, we need to discuss who cleo trapper right so cleo trapper, she is a major influencer like she.
Speaker 1:She blew up like during covid for doing like you've seen her on the shade room. She, she did like those whiteboard, like grammar lessons, and they were hilarious. Like you're, you're.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like I've thought that she's been hilarious for a long time, like I love her. So she does music also she's a rapper and she has a couple bops out, so her and Ice, I guess, had a friendship. And then Ice Spice invites her on tour. So that's how the first part starts. Is her talking about how she was invited on tour and the timeline of everything? So she gave her a day to get ready for tour. She reaches out to her a day before the tour starts and she's like girl, do you want to go on tour with me? And all of that weird shit had happened with baby storm. So cleo was like um, no, I'm not about to just like go on tour with you to watch you. And she, ice, is like no, I want you to perform. And she was shocked and cleo said that she thought that ice spice was like trying to make up for all of the like weird shit that happened a month prior.
Speaker 1:So she didn't feel like anti-black allegations yeah, she was trying to make up for that. So she was like, okay, um, it's a short timeline, but like let me try to make it work, you know.
Speaker 2:So, um, she said that so in her mind frame she's thinking ice is doing this off the string.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like this is my friend and I want to like. You know this is she thought that she had good intentions, okay, at this point. Um, she said that when the baby storm stuff was happening, she said that Ice was mad at her for not speaking up and saying that she's Nigerian. And she was like girl, I don't fucking know that you Nigerian. Like I didn't even know that you were Nigerian. And then Ice was like. She said that Ice was like well, at least you could have said I was black. So I thought that was funny. But she like girl, I didn't fucking know you were nigerian. Don't nobody know you nigerian? Um, so cleo said that ice was like very calculated in when they would hang out like.
Speaker 1:Now she realizes that everything was like a pr stunt so like when I was at the game and shit yes, like everything would be highly public, like it would never be just them like chilling, like she would have full glam on every time they hung out and then she would have like a single drop a couple days after or they would be all over the blogs the next day, or something like that. So she now realizes that, like it was, it wasn't super genuine, like she was being used and she was like the token black friend because she had just lost her token black friend.
Speaker 1:Yeah, um need to replace the aesthetic yeah, so um, she also said that during the tour. On the flyer it said that the show would start at nine, but she was performing at like 7 45 and she also fully wasn't on the bill I mean that.
Speaker 2:Okay. So this is what. It's kind of confused, because we kind of got to get into a little bit of this bit when the person goes up to her she doesn't have any kind of contact with, like her management team or anything like that, like she doesn't get an understanding of what you're actually doing so she was talking about the tour, right, and she has a couple days to prepare for the tour.
Speaker 1:She isn't allowed to bring anybody. She, um, ice spice is basically like I got you, everything is on me, right she gets.
Speaker 1:She gets there, she realizes that is not the case. Her security won't even bring up her bags. That was a big part of part two. Part two was basically her talk about the bags. Her security won't even bring up her bags. That was a big part of part two. Part two was basically her talk about the bags. Her secure ice security brung her bags to the venue but then they wouldn't bring them back to the hotel so she had to carry them herself and then after she said something about that is when ice whole like energy shifted. So after this I was like girl, you didn't. You didn't get anything like signed in paper or anything like that. Everything that she expected was off of that one conversation that just her and Ice had. Management didn't reach out to management. None of that happened. It was just the day before and then to her next day. So yeah.
Speaker 2:So it seems like Ice just threw her on the bill but didn't tell everybody beforehand yeah, like she wasn't even on the bill though that's what I'm saying. This is why it just seems weird, like when you looked up the tour. Cleo trapo's name was not anywhere involved but that happens with a lot of people who are just because she was the opening act, right, she was the first person to go on stage.
Speaker 2:So this is what I'm saying. Where it's like this happens with a lot of opening acts, I feel like she's a little bit lying, a little bit like because who? You knew you were going in there and what role you were at least going to be performing, and you wasn't going in there blind every night, not no, you either picked it up that I'm the opening act after the first night and no one's making it seem like, oh, this is just a one-time thing, like that's why this is not making any sense to me. Either you are a goofball of a professional or you're lying she did say that.
Speaker 1:She asked ice about like um, travel and like boarding and all that stuff.
Speaker 1:And I said that like you would be in my tour bus and you're gonna be in my dressing room and you're gonna be staying in my hotel room, like all of that stuff, like she would be staying with her and like out of pocket she wouldn't have to do much. But then that didn't end up being the case at all. Like she, she was on a tour bus with her, but like she wasn't in the dressing room, they would put her in bathrooms during the tour. Like it was just a bunch of nonsense, and then she had to pay for her own rooms as well. And then when she finally got an assistant, her manager finally sent her an assistant and they said that the assistant couldn't be on the tour bunch, which I don't know how, what works, how that works logistically, like maybe you do have to get your assistant their own travel but yeah, I mean, I could imagine that everybody has to be accounted for who's on there, especially when you have like women and stuff traveling.
Speaker 2:You just kind of want to be safe, um, and then I can also imagine that everybody can bring a plus one, and I could also see you being ice's plus one, and so that's why you are her plus how many she gets, and you can't bring nobody else up here that also was the thing.
Speaker 1:Like she wasn't really being treated like ice's plus one, like she had to, like they would do food orders and they would leave her out. She said that she ordered a chicken salad and they were like get your own fucking chicken salad, like we're not. She said that her manager was like cleo was not in the budget, like so if she was her?
Speaker 2:plus? Wasn't that for production, though that's what I heard was with the production team.
Speaker 1:She was trying to eat with the production team no, they were all like ordering, like ice hairstylist, like everyone was ordering together who was on the tour. Yeah, there was also a situation where they um, they're in the middle of nowhere I think they were in arizona and they're in the desert and um food there's no uber eats or anything and most of the team ice and like some of her team go out secretly to a steakhouse. And then at this point, cleo was staying in the hotel room with ice's hairstylist because that's who she, like, became friends with on the tour and they go her, her, the hairstylist and the mua are the only ones who are left behind and they go to a secret steakhouse dinner without telling cleo.
Speaker 1:See, this is why this whole time cleo was texting ice like hey, I'm hungry, do you want to go out to eat?
Speaker 2:and no, I see why everybody says this is like you can't really take none of this shit here, because everything they're saying it sounds stupid as fuck, like who cares that you wasn't it's just mean girl, shit, she was, she was just, I think the whole thing that hold on. How long did she know her when they did on this tour? Because I know you two years, so she'd already know her two years from there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she said she knew her two years. She thought that this was her friend like. This is why that it's not. It wasn't like a she. It should have been more. She should have been more business-minded about it. But like she thought that her friend was doing something for her and she was, she was hurt by it. Because this is my friend acting mad, weird.
Speaker 2:It's still goofy, because if your friend is doing something for you and is really putting you in a serious position, serious shit gonna happen soon after your friend not gonna put you on a fucking tour bus till you're gonna be, you know, performing, and then you not get a some type of itinerary, some type of breakdown, some type of debriefing she didn't, though.
Speaker 1:That's what I know, that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Like you should know that this is some bullshit after this. Yeah, if you're not seeing serious shit happen, that's like if you was to uh go hang out with the president's daughter or something like that. Or like you was gonna hang out with somebody who's high profile you get vetted before that. Like there's gonna be somebody that comes around and makes some shit really uncomfortable. And I can only imagine if you're gonna be performing with somebody who they had a lot of money. That's why this whole operation feels jank. Like this whole setup, whole operation for this to even go this far. What kind of supervision and team y'all operating over here? Because this shit shouldn't even have got to this point where you got a straggler two days before the show getting on. Now, I understand when you in a small operation, shit can happen like this, but ain't she like signed with Nicki or signed like adjacent?
Speaker 1:to Nicki. I don't know if she signed to Nicki. I don't know who she signed to specifically.
Speaker 2:Because I remember when they did that Princess Diana song right.
Speaker 1:I know her and Nicki fell out.
Speaker 2:There was some conversation that she was supposed to sign with her.
Speaker 1:I don't think she signed with her, though.
Speaker 2:So who is she signed with? Because all this stuff sounds so lowbrow.
Speaker 1:And Cleo is an independent artist. She said she has a label, but I don't know, all these people have a label.
Speaker 2:Nobody here is independent. They can't even have the capital to be independent.
Speaker 1:But she spilled some tea in part three, which is why I was trying to go, because in part three she confirms that ice, spice and riot were a thing like they were fucking on tour ice spice and who riot her producer okay, confirms that you gotta get.
Speaker 2:You gotta get them songs somehow yeah you gotta get them beats, all right. So it sounds right. Here she's with 10 000 projects, capital records and polydor records. Oh her shit, getting split up nasty. That's crazy, because uh 10k 10k is who?
Speaker 2:uh buddy, who just signed as the president of atlantic. Buddy son, uh, lucian's son, who just got signed with atlanta? You hear nothing about that. Yeah, that's aK. He's the one who did what's that other guy's name? Trippie Redd? Okay, I can kind of see y'all niggas getting played in by that nigga, because Trippie Redd, even though he's legit amongst a lot of his group, his little cult fan base, his stuff do look a little lowlyly produced. I can see where they be skimping out with the money when it comes to trippy red. You see how bad it's getting for him. He gotta go back to coley oh yeah I saw that coil array.
Speaker 1:They're back together. It just seems like such a publicity stunt so I'm just feeling like man.
Speaker 2:I thought there was so much more to this conversation with with shawty and her, because I, I guess what did you think was happening like I thought like it was some real mistreatment going on. Like she was over here, knew she was supposed to be like the second, third, open and they made her to open her. Like I'm thinking she got really abused.
Speaker 1:Like I heard there was like some chicken salad story yeah, that's when, um, everyone was ordering food and she ordered a chicken salad and then the management was like no, not your food because cleo's not in the budget but, then got everybody else's food see, this is what I'm saying, it just.
Speaker 1:And then there was also the the bags they took. They took her bags to the venue and then refused to take her bags back from the venue. When she approached ice about it, she was like my security don't work for you, they get a flat rate. And then she offered to pay security but she was like no, they get a flat rate, so you can't pay them. Uh, it was just a bunch of weird shit. When she got the assistant, they didn't let her have the assistant. When, um, she had her bags in ice's room, there was one bag she had a tote bag in there. Um, they put it outside and then $700 was spent on her card as a result of her bag just laying outside. Yeah, and then she couldn't stay in Ice's room no more. After she complained about the bag shit, she had to stay with the makeup artist and the hairstylist. Just weird, mean girl behavior.
Speaker 2:Did this come from a tech? How did she say Ice asked her over the phone or tech? This sound like somebody, a third party, asked her to do.
Speaker 1:It was it was ice directly who reached out to her over the phone. Yes, I don't know if it was, I don't remember if it was over the phone or text, but you remember she originally said no because she didn't know she was performing. So ice called her and was like come on tour with me. Or text was like come on tour with me.
Speaker 2:And she was like no it just just feels like there's a lot of stuff that's not in ice spices hands that she don't really have control of, that she's gonna make other people think she does, and that's just kind of what really happened, whereas, like, I don't really have as much power as I led you to believe and you just kind of had to take the blowback of what happened because they tried to make it seem like they was being mean to her because it was her, like they was doing stuff to be mean to her and it wasn't treating other people like it when it was like nah, you just was a tag along that they wanted to have on set and then realize that, okay, this was more money than it's probably gonna be worth the whole thing I got from.
Speaker 1:Let me tell you what she said in part five and six. She calls her dark and soulless. She basically says she's a demon.
Speaker 1:So she says ice spices yes, uh, she basically calls her a demon. And then she said that after the tour she didn't really like talk to her about any of the stuff during the tour because of how she reacted when she complained about the bags. She basically iced her out completely and stopped talking to her after that. Um, she said that she sent her like a giant text and I she had screenshots too of like the conversation that she had with her after the fact and I dismissed it, called her ungrateful, didn't give a fuck whatsoever about any anything that she said. Um, and then she also said that she stopped hanging out with baby storm because her aesthetic didn't match. I feel like they do though and then now they do so.
Speaker 1:She also says in part six, which I thought was funny, that um, ice Spice stole her swag, so she was like bitch. She was wearing body suits and Jordans before you met me and now you wearing, and she was like you could look it up, the bitch was wearing body suits and Jordans I'm not even I, you, you have to give that to her. Like she did not have any like cute style whatsoever. She dressed like a bitch from the Bronx and she said now you wearing like little skirts and chunky boots, and that's my swag, give it back. I'm gonna have to take that back and I can't let you have that part, because the tiny skirts and chunky boots like the girl's been doing that since the 80s like I know, like it has a resurgence. And then every girl that does it thinks it's, it's her thing, but it's none of y'all's things. I do it too.
Speaker 1:It's none of our things yeah, it just seems like it's a specific aesthetic that a lot of girls emulate and she she probably did take inspiration from you specifically in that situation.
Speaker 2:But it is not your swag what it sounds like is she just got big birded. Yo, like ice, was just the biggest bird and you just kind of got put to the side and now she upset about it yeah, okay this ain't your nest, bitch sorry ice.
Speaker 1:I feel like this didn't make her look good. She does look like a mean girl because of, um, the way she treated cleo and cleo. Hopefully she learned a lesson from this because, business wise, this, you look stupid as fuck. You. You can't take the word of your friend as like contract, like management should have reached out to management. Logistics should have been like ironed out. You should have probably said like I'll go on this tour but maybe I'll won't debut with you in the first show and I'll get like the second show so we can work everything out and I'll meet you at the, the second city or something like that. So, um, hopefully you learned a lesson, because don't do that shit again. Um, ice's manager popped out, said a couple things.
Speaker 2:She well, hold on before you do. I wanted to ask a question that was kind of pertaining to what you're talking about. So do you feel like you can be friends in the industry, like in regards, especially in the come up version, when you're on the rise up? Do you think there's even any room for friends, or this is just calculated interactions?
Speaker 1:you can be friends. Um, I just feel like keep your friendship separate from the industry shit, you know I don't think and if, like it's, it's hard, it would be very difficult because you would have to be very, like, intentional about your friendship and knowing that there's like a bunch of outside factors that's going to make both of us look crazy to each other. But we got to stay locked in in, like communicating with each other what we want from each other from each other and that's that's it.
Speaker 2:It's just a difference between an artist who people are investing money that they've not recouped yet and you, as an independent artist, getting what you can and making it shake for you.
Speaker 2:It's just a different understanding and it's different of motivation and mindset so like, yeah, you saying you want me to get your bag, but you don't know that that calls this x, x and z, and I'm already over budget for this particular city for because of this, this and this, and then I've already done x, y, so she's already done more than you probably even know, because you not, you don't see that side, you just see it as a blank check there. Like you remember when scarlet was talking about signing and she was in an interview and she didn't even know, like the basics yeah, how do you do that?
Speaker 2:so that's what I'm saying. I think a lot of these girls and I think a lot of people in these situations don't have an understanding of where this is like. When your parents got paying for stuff, you don't know what they actually had to do to get the money while you was coming up you just saw that shit got paid for, so it's the same token.
Speaker 2:Here she sees that x, y, z got paid for, but she's not sitting there with isis to people showing her her breakdown and showing how, hey, if you don't do x, this and here we're not gonna get this. And the fact that she put you on the tour was really like her doing a 20 30 grand subtraction to her shit and you don't even really you don't even really know that and you?
Speaker 2:I can't really explain that to you because, honestly, I don't really understand it. You know what I'm saying? She's not the brightest of girls no, so she don't.
Speaker 1:So she getting pissed off.
Speaker 2:So just think about I'm getting information from a third party, getting pissed off because I'm trying to help you out and I'm realizing some shit that I thought was just gonna be a word and niggas gonna be. Let shit fly. It's really no nigga. It's this is a tax on us, you're draining the show, you're destroying the product with this right here, because even then, when you think about opening an axe, you could always get somebody in the local and then you don't have to worry about travel or that.
Speaker 1:So that's, that's what a lot of.
Speaker 2:She was goofy for even jumping into this situation and not being signed, not being a label, not feeling like anybody has, like you're something to lose to somebody, as the moment you get off the tour, nigga niggas are relieved. So that's why I think this is just funny to have this discussion, because you can't really have a friend and y'all doing certain things, especially when y'all so drastically different to how y'all professions are going yeah.
Speaker 1:So um, ice's manager came out and she he replied to a couple tweets, basically the same thing that we were saying. He said two artists can't speak on logistics and business and agree on it same day without proper representation, thoroughly talking it through. Management needed to properly advise their client and get ahead of any potential hiccups. I'm not allowing my client to go out on the road without me advancing it, like on her management's part. That's kind of crazy that you would okay your client going on tour the next day like no preparation this didn't sound like she okayed her.
Speaker 2:It sounded like she just left she probably just left.
Speaker 1:I don't know if management even you, because management didn't even send her an assistant until halfway through the tour, like they couldn't even get that together for her until I wouldn't be surprised if her manager has a second job.
Speaker 2:I'm dead ass.
Speaker 1:Like I'm not trying to be funny, I'm just saying I mean cleo, like she was on that bet show, I think like she's done a couple of things.
Speaker 2:If it ain't consistent shit. That 10%, that 5% ain't enough yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't know what her pocket's looking like, but she in her TikTok was like she does have consistent money enough to keep her lifestyle up.
Speaker 2:I mean, that could be anybody, that could be a sugar daddy.
Speaker 1:I'm just saying so. Ice went on um on the spaces for a little bit and she addressed a couple things. It didn't make her look any better she called shawty a vacuum.
Speaker 1:She said they went out to an italian dinner and the food the the way to put the food down, turn around came back. It was gone. The waiter asked where the food went. Like just mean girl, shit, because why was that necessary? And then I don't remember everything she said. But she was also like and like I know you were supposed to like sleep with me back there in my room in the tour bus, but like every night, like she was like bitch, I can't play with my pussy. She's like you, you gotta sleep next to me every night, god damn.
Speaker 2:So uh, that wasn't that wasn't taken well by anybody for real, like I mean, she turned it into a game. That's what everybody ice spice is in a, in a situation where everybody wants a reason to hate you.
Speaker 1:She's kind of like in a drake situation just double down on being a mean girl I mean if everyone thinks you're a mean girl, then just make that your brand, because you're still pretty like and people are still gonna want to like see you and be around you and all that like pretty girl.
Speaker 2:Privilege is a thing, that's why pretty girls be mean, but thing is this though it's the fact that her ops have been her friends, and they've been people who have both been dark skinned. So she can't really pull the trigger on. If this was like her and Lotto in the situation, something like this, she could probably go a little bit harder on Lotto than she could Chloe and Storm.
Speaker 2:Because, as soon as you say one little roach, like any kind of thing that can be perceived as anti-black rhetoric yeah, you don't have to say anything like that to eat a bitch up.
Speaker 1:Like you can still eat a bitch up without saying anything about her skin color but you can say something that just be implied like somebody just say that you just called her burnt like you just say you burnt people use burnt like you burnt out. Oh okay, I thought you meant, like you have say you burnt all you know burnt is.
Speaker 2:But no, you use people use burnt like you burnt out, like oh okay, I thought you meant like you have see, but std or, or that you could say somebody, that too, but the post. But some people say burnt like you scorched earth, like you charcoal I don't think people say niggas. Niggas will think that if she said I promise, you say that she has to be I. I have been on the end of trying to defend myself verbally against darker brothers and anything.
Speaker 2:I hint to If I talk about education, yeah, education. Oh, look at this white man. So I know how this goes. Y'all motherfuckers are good.
Speaker 1:Who is y'all?
Speaker 2:The dark skins. Y'all been seasoned, y'all been tested. I can't be mad at it.
Speaker 1:What was I going to?
Speaker 2:um, I was about to say something I completely forgot I felt like what we were talking about was on track.
Speaker 2:Uh, I had another question to pose here um well, I just did it with the allegations of her being a particular colors. I just think, like I said, I think there was one thing that stuck out to me when I was looking at where she said like oh, yadi said that this was going to happen, you taking advice from yadi shawty, like he just crashed out, like you already see where this, that, where that's going to take you. I mean, granted, this is before you knew he was going to crash out, but it was a reason why you didn't sign with him when drake tried to convince you. So don't listen to yadi.
Speaker 2:Y'all come from a sense of privilege, and this is what I really want. I wanted to kick her back in for the sense of privilege, but when I keep hearing this girl, what she got going on, it's like, oh no, this girl just out of her depth. But when you come from a place of privilege, man, and you are the star, all this is going to be your responsibility, especially if you co-signed on this. So of course, you put yourself an opportunity to be a pariah in this sense, because you haven't, you weren't clear your communications with this individual.
Speaker 1:No, you invited your friend out and then you didn't advocate for her, like, all business aside, I mean when she got.
Speaker 2:Honestly, it's just like we're just having what we kind of. When the shit got uncomfortable and you had to say things that you knew she maybe didn't want to hear, you wasn't the boss bitch enough to do it.
Speaker 1:No, knew, she maybe didn't want to hear, you wasn't the boss bitch enough to do it no, she was being mean as fuck to her the whole time, like she wasn't talking to her but that's not being the boss.
Speaker 2:Bitch is telling you what's up and you want to accept it that's what I mean.
Speaker 1:She wasn't being that. No, she wasn't being that. She was being weird, yeah, but I mean, this is what y'all expect, so now we know that she's weird I don't think.
Speaker 5:I don't think that's weird, though, I just think that's it's weird babe, it's weird behavior.
Speaker 2:That's just walking away from conflict, that you feel like you, especially when I'm on tour.
Speaker 1:Even on a smaller scale, like you don't.
Speaker 2:It's just like putting stuff together, like I don't need that drama right now, while I've got all of this tour drama going on.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but even on a smaller scale. You don't invite your friend to a party where you you know that they don't know that many people and then just leave them and just start working the room. That's the move, like you're an asshole, that's the move.
Speaker 2:That's inconsiderate. Invite like two or three people that don't know nobody and then you just leave them. Then you just come back and see what's going on, what they get themselves into. I'm the best kind, that's the best move you're a terrible person sometimes it works for him like you get somebody, get your friend laid sometimes to get him in some drugs you don't normally do you're a man, so that's different like sometimes, sometimes shawty get loose, you know so now you gotta close the door.
Speaker 1:So you're gonna take a girl to a party and abandon her there 100 so she could get loose. Yeah, you're an agent of chaos and sexual assault how's that that I'm letting her consensually get loose? I don't like it.
Speaker 2:I don't like it one bit I'll be in the corner like batman making sure she all right. You know, that's the kind of nigga I am an agent of chaos we got to stay on these hot on these hip-hop uh hood rat friends, because it's just some of their behavior is just being unseen. So you see what happened with Loretta, the homegirl.
Speaker 2:Who no so this goofy girl is online talking about. She drunk red wine her entire pregnancy. Right Then she say the doctor said I could drink it. Dumb bitch, you can sip the wine. Your ass was drinking to get drunk. She literally said you know, I was getting drunk so much on it. You drinking red wine to the point that you getting drunk. I am shocked.
Speaker 2:And then she tried to a little bit imply that the little nigga special because of it and then of course he is, he has fetal alcohol syndrome like it's just crazy when it's when I think about just like no child left behind situation and it's just another adult within the age scope, that just like knocks it out the park. Yeah, the nigga said you can sip the wine, my dog.
Speaker 1:He did not tell you to you can have a sip of wine once in a while he didn't tell you to guzzle down red wine until you're intoxicated, while your fetus absorbs the 18% alcohol. That's crazy. I did not see that at all.
Speaker 2:Hold on, I'm about to pull it up here. It's just because you got to hear just the stupidity in Shardy's voice and I just hate that she had to fit this aesthetic because it's like you just look like the welfare queen. And I hate. That had to be you. I didn't want that to happen. That was. It was insulting, like Reagan was like getting his shit off with this one.
Speaker 5:I'm like my baby was acting crazy. I'm getting so fucking drunk. I'm like, no, I'm not drinking. I'm like my baby was acting crazy. I don't like bitter reds. And now my baby. I got pregnant off teleport. I might be pregnant right now. Did you really Twice, yes, and when I got pregnant I was still drinking it because the doctor was like, yeah, you could drink red wine. So after I kept drinking it for so long and getting so fucking drunk I was like no, I'm not drinking this shit.
Speaker 2:I'm like my baby was crazy.
Speaker 5:I don't like bitter reds, and now my baby came out like a teleport baby. Which one Like Jersey? I'm not saying nothing, I'm just saying he be hyper and shit Tati you making it obvious.
Speaker 1:No, because they going to take that. I ain't saying they. We don't have to take that and do anything with it, because it's already that.
Speaker 2:You're already a dumb bitch the thing her name is taylor port her name is gloss uh, glitter, gloss, yeah, glitter, gloss.
Speaker 1:Gloria taylor port has a higher alcohol content than most wines 18. Oh yeah, well, a regular, regular wines is like 12 13 again. If you were having a cup, that's cool, but she was getting drinking to get drunk taylor port is not what doctors say is okay to take a sip of when they talk about wine.
Speaker 2:That is not wine, that is grape hennessy this is what happens when you give money, access and a tad bit of celebrity, because ain't no reason you on there, she on live, probably got like 200 people in the room. You doing all that for 200 people.
Speaker 1:And 200 people potentially think it's okay to drink Taylor Port.
Speaker 2:No, they just laughing at you and making a mockery of you now okay, but I'm just saying you deserve to be made a mockery of but it's just, it's just so crazy where you see where people get access being next to other people and they're not ready for that kind of access and then they just embarrass themselves and have them looking, looking themselves, looking stupid yeah, now your son going hopefully, if he can grow up to read at a at his correct level, he could see some shit like this and be like damn, I'm off the tp early mad early feet.
Speaker 2:My fucking fetal blood was half taylor port he literally came out lit. I'm sorry. We have to stay on top of this uh, degeneracy man. We have to. It's important if we want to see the future of our community grow. I'm sorry we got to expose it. We got to put the flashlight out and we also got to go. We got to put our sights to cardi b too.
Speaker 2:Cardi b see, and this is why it infuriates me so much, because you know I hate this, I hate pictures like this I think, um, but explain to the people what happened so cardi did a uh maternity right maternity photo shoot, as we call it yeah, I guess, yeah, she was doing a shoot and it just so happened she was, you know, had to expose belly, which I hate so much, and then she had something on the back, and so at first I didn't know what people were complaining about, because I couldn't see the shit. All I saw was a little homesick graffiti and people like, oh, why is she doing this?
Speaker 2:so, apparently, if you look, you know you squint a little hard and you bring the phone really close to your face. You can see where it says like pedophile and white like across the homesick. So like would you say it was a homesick pedophile yeah so people were then. That's what it looked like people were then trying to do the science and say, oh she was, she was taking a shot at.
Speaker 1:Nikki's husband.
Speaker 2:At Nikki's husband, mr Petty, and then that's weird, though she makes it even worse. Did you see her response to it? No, what did she say? Apparently, she just had a response saying like, oh, they were in a rush, they were trying to do a photo shoot. They weren't even really paying attention to the kind of surroundings, they just like the area that's where they took the picture, so they weren't even familiar with it that I thought that might have been the case too that infuriates me even more yeah, I should have seen that, because because one after they look at the pictures, y'all could have paid somebody to get that part out.
Speaker 2:You easily could have edited like ai could have did that and then you go into it again, where it's just like it goes back to my, my bigger gripe, where it's like you're not really valuing the situation that you have on hand when you just put yourself for sale. Even during this experience, I understand that you are an artist different.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I understand.
Speaker 2:No, I understand, you're an artist and you are in a different situation, but you have been successful enough where you don't have to profit off of this one. You can make different decisions.
Speaker 1:You choose to continue to do it been saying these niggas is broke broker than usual.
Speaker 2:I feel like she does have to profit off of this situation oh, I mean, I'm just again, I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but you're right, I do more. So think that you're in a situation where you have to, you know, keep it going or it's going to get tough. But in the same token. But look what you're doing, though, you being haphazard with something that I would assume would be top tier priority. Yeah, like that imagery it just feels like it just gets pushed to the side out in the world.
Speaker 2:But just even, not just for her, but I'm talking about just the example it says in general where, again, like we just keep seeing this commodified for likes like bro, you bring it in a person.
Speaker 1:This not should not be just seen like that and exposed like that I don't know even for like, that's what I would think that somebody who has in this position would even at least think of that being sacred during that time period no, when two celebrities are having a baby like I don't think, especially when they've already had so many children that are in the public eye at this point, like it's not something sacred to them, it's, it's another, it's another opportunity to make money to capitalize on maternity wear and all that other stuff yeah, it's just another, another um stream of income dang man.
Speaker 2:That's why I just it's tough to me, and I think it just validates my point even more, though, to the fact that, like we are growing to a culture that devalues this more and more and more, just saying man yeah, fuck them kids.
Speaker 1:It's fucked up. Yo, I don't know what to tell you that's fucked up, you are going to work against your will. No, I'm kidding, but you just about to lay up here and not pay no bills and contribute to this household, little motherfucker that's crazy.
Speaker 2:I can't. I can't wait for the celebrity like I kind of like what margot robbie's doing. We're like yeah, you kind of seen her out.
Speaker 1:She just popped out pregnant.
Speaker 2:Well, she was already. We knew she was sitting down to be pregnant for a minute already, but like we just kind of seen her out and about, she got a man. Yeah, I think she got a husband, oh. But no, we just seen her out and about. I guess they were like on vacation or something. Yeah, we catching you off the slick like we shouldn't see. You know her own cover of whatever. Right, Like I haven't seen her on the cover.
Speaker 1:That's like the traditional celebrity way.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but I'm saying like it's to hide things, that shit used to be dope, though, where it's not even hot. It's just being like having your privacy, having a. This is who I am when I'm selling a product. And this is me for real.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And it just, I think, with our culture and a lot of stuff that goes on with it, is that we don't got an off on switch social media has created a lot of celebrities where it's like the lines are blurred and people feel like they have to be let into your life and they have to know you, and especially cardi, since she started as like a like she. She was a social media personality, so like people feel like they need to be let in in a natural amount. But someone like Margot Robbie I feel like is more of like a traditional Hollywood celebrity, so she can move differently Like a Beyonce can move differently. Someone who heavily relies on social media and who is not dropping no goddamn music has to use other things in their life to maintain their celebrity.
Speaker 2:I feel like beyonce used the pregnancy. That was like her whole. I did this pregnant, I did that pregnant thing she.
Speaker 1:She popped out at the vmas, did the whole belly rub thing, but, like for the most part she I'm just saying in general beyonce performance in general beyonce keeps her life private. We don't know too much about her. She, like spoon, feeds the public the specific things that she wants them to know, but for the most part she's private.
Speaker 2:That's why I was using her as an example no, I just I feel like she sells it a different way, like I don't think she's as private, because I just feel like there's a whole bunch of people who, if we, if they really want to get off the face, they get off and nobody knows where they're at. Nobody sees them, nobody. I think they beyonce them, use it in a particular way that to sell it like I'm being off-putting, I'm being out the light, to then sell it for a bigger market afterwards.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Like the traditional celebrity way you pop out with like no, no, no, You're.
Speaker 2:You're the traditional subway, which is this is just my family, and then I give you my art. That's the traditional what fiance and them do is.
Speaker 1:Hey, let me store up these moments and do like a Drake hundred gigs and then I sell it after it reaches a a certain amount, I don't know. No, I feel like it's it's the.
Speaker 2:The old school celebrity way was to pop out and do like a people magazine spread when you want people to be let in, but then you like you but, that's when you let people in when you want them to, but then most, for the most part, you stay private I think it's kind of like what we were complaining about with shawty hayley and ddg, where we were talking about oh, now y'all. First I was, so you know, cautious about the baby's face being seen and all this stuff. Now, when it was like, no, they wasn't really cautious, they were getting their deals in order they was loading it up, yeah and now that the deals are in order, now we we can let the business flow.
Speaker 1:I don't Well, I think that they were just like building anticipation too, like it was, but that's part of getting the deals, yeah, and that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:That's what Beyonce and them do. They build anticipation for it. So then, when they do so like Beyonce probably has a whole bunch of music videos the song didn't do no visuals for renaissance. I bet she has a whole clip of videos for renaissance that she's going to drop a half decade from now, like you know shit like that.
Speaker 1:I just I, I wouldn't put beyonce, as far as the amount that she lets us in, in the same category as like a cardi, because she's on live like we've never seen beyonce on instagram cardi gives you the daily dose of it. She's the yes, it's not daily.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's what I'm saying, it's just a different way, of different levels, and that's what I'm saying. It's a different way of selling. You're doing the same thing, we're just selling it different, and I just think that's why y'all, y'all tend to give Beyonce the benefit of the doubt for shit, because she just sells her product a different way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think it's smarter that way. I think celebrities um need to like slow the drip down a little bit and stop doing the daily shit. It's not. It's crazy.
Speaker 2:People are crazy I don't think as a result of it. I don't think you can, honestly, just because of how niggas gotta earn their money. Uh, jason lee man, your boy annihilated your girl, did you see it?
Speaker 1:no, I don't.
Speaker 14:Jason lee doesn't come up in my algorithm all of you are going to be going in saying jason, you're a debbie downer, you're negative, you're hating on a black woman. I know all the stuff that you're going to say.
Speaker 14:No I'm just predicting, because megan allegedly still has a severe drinking problem from what I've heard, and most recently just was involved in something that has not hit the internet yet, because we're still working on confirming a couple things. But you know, we want to let her get through hosting the vmas before we break it, you know, and and she's hosting and performing we're doing.
Speaker 14:it's just stuff that she needs to work on. This person needs healing. Um and I say that from the bottom of my heart I mean mean I'm not in a bad place with Megan, I'm just a person with a job who says what he thinks, and I think that she needs to spend more time in a relationship with herself and her therapist and maybe AA before this.
Speaker 1:Well, we have no idea what he's talking about. Also, this is something that she openly talked about on her last album. She said that she was basically at the bottom of the bottle after like so I mean.
Speaker 2:So it seems like he, just if anybody has the, the read on somebody, you know it's gonna be jason yeah, after her mom dying and her grandmother dying y'all gotta make everything super duper sad, that's literally what the album like. I'm telling you what she was talking about and he's saying that you're still not there yet.
Speaker 1:I think Jason Lee is a shady piece of shit and I think that he's trying to make it seem like he has to take like a genuine, like I'm concerned angle to it, because you're breaking something that you have not fully confirmed yet, so you have to like put a bunch of padding around it, like oh, this is not confirmed and this is you know, maybe you should get some healing and blah no, you're a shady piece of shit it was a master class, jason I I thoroughly.
Speaker 2:I love a good read, and this right here it was very transparent.
Speaker 1:I don't think it's a master class when it's very obvious what you're doing, but see the thing that it's a fail. What happened?
Speaker 2:it's a f for me. No, I mean where the discussion comes from, the allegations of why she's with this new guy. So apparently she's been seen with tory craig he's an nba player. I think he plays for the bulls now yeah and what people are trying to say is she's with him. So that the whole allegations when you look up Tori and Megan- that's what pops up instead.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she's basically doing the Taylor Swift Jets attack. Yeah, so I mean I can understand where Jason may be coming from if he has the read on her and it's like yo, you're still focused on this Hollywood shit and you haven't got your head together to be able to react to the next curveball.
Speaker 1:Who the fuck are you to tell me that? The nigga who's seen everybody fall like that's the nigga and he literally is just did a line of coke before he started recording and, yep, he got the job done, like it's not about necessarily being an addict to the point.
Speaker 2:Where is it hurting the business? Because clearly jason lee if he's doing anything. Whatever allegations you're trying to put on this man allegations.
Speaker 1:You could look up the videos of him high on coke that don't mean he high right now sniffing the nigga neck on instagram live.
Speaker 2:I mean, that was lit, then that's lit, that's lit, then we're talking about the way he is, I just again the call is coming from inside the house all I'm saying is this I understand he killed the queen three months early. Okay, I understand it. My nigga be wrong.
Speaker 1:He is not a credible source. Well, we be wrong too.
Speaker 2:We do be wrong. So I mean I can't be mad at a nigga. When he out here really called it out, he called a spade. A spade bro shawty probably should take that advice.
Speaker 1:She probably should, but like I just don't like that it's coming from him, because I don't fucking like him. Do you not get like where I'm?
Speaker 2:no, I understand that. Okay, you, you have a problem with the messenger, but at some point, if he out there kicking that word, you gotta listen.
Speaker 1:Messenger is important I appreciate.
Speaker 2:I appreciate jason leo. One day you can read me like this. He was playing with Joe Yurto. He was playing with Joe Nane the other week.
Speaker 1:No, what did he say about Joe?
Speaker 2:He said he didn't want to have to expose Joe for the squirrely behavior. That's funny.
Speaker 1:At least expose Joe. That'd be more fun.
Speaker 2:It's not expose Joe, joe say he's squirrely all the time on the shows, that don't matter, but he's.
Speaker 1:He says it jokingly all the time, so you can't really even take it seriously wasn't Megan on Jason Lee show too. I'm not sure I think he.
Speaker 2:She sat down with him before that's tough.
Speaker 1:I mean I like that.
Speaker 2:I can't wait till we have somebody on the show and then on like a few episodes later or a year later, we just kicking they back in that's gonna be fine I'm with that, all right. So, uh, hawk tour. She's got a podcast coming out. It's called talk tour. That's hard, that's cute.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she ate that up she ate that one thing up guess who she signed to one thing? Uh, guess who she signed to um barstool, jake paul, oh, she signed with jake paul and I guess like. So I guess the new thing he's never sat down with meg the stallion, by the way, no, I could have sworn.
Speaker 2:I seen him do that before jason lee and meg the stallion definitely, I'm gonna look that up later, but uh, no. So she signed with jake paul's team so they're doing a whole podcast together series where she's like interviewing people and just sitting down with that. Again, we didn't the time we we talked about it with your friends and we didn't get to have a good episode about it. But how does this feel when you see so many black women? Content creators, especially ones that lead with sex, have like less opportunity than she has had. Like what is this? What do you look like when you just see her? Every week, almost every month, she's promoting something new um, it's not surprising at all.
Speaker 1:I don't think it. I don't think it upsets me anymore, because it's just like very much the reality that we live in. When you're white, you get to be mediocre. So mediocre white women get giant platforms and make millions of dollars. And that happens all the time, like as a black woman, especially if you're being vulgar like you know that you're not like.
Speaker 2:That's not gonna happen for you I do feel like, though just from the content I have watched, she seems a little endearing, though like I kind of get why people are, you know, if they do like her, why they like her.
Speaker 2:Because she does seem like an endearing, like normal white, just like a cool girl yeah, she seems like a normal white girl, like, yeah, so white girl that you know, kick it with you. She might know some things here and there she can be that, and, you know, after a few beers, hit you with the hawk too, you know yeah, like she. She probably seems just like an attainable I think that, I think that's why, and I think she has like the candid uh candace, the uh taylor swift effect, where she has, like what it seems to be so, such an attainable yeah, like disposition.
Speaker 2:But then when you realize, like everything that's involved in, you're like, oh, okay, no, this is too much. But from the outside, look it in it looks like, oh, I could be the hawk to a girl she seems cool, she could be one of my friends.
Speaker 1:We would hang out. Yeah, she could hawk to on my dick I think every guy was on that beforehand.
Speaker 2:They were just on her. We was on that floor, but you see who she sat down. Right, she was sat down with bill maher. Uh, she talked about it, basically talking about she didn't want to go the whole like sex account route and all that other stuff yeah so I mean, I think that's probably another reason that's kind of I'm kind of endeared to it, because she really could have just you know, like you joked about created generational wealth by doing like a month of only fans.
Speaker 2:But that's like I kind of I just I'm on a new kick now where, like, if I see girls doing things that I feel like are positive or I want to see more women try to at least follow, I'm gonna just start liking it like in from real shit and I think that she's probably gonna be on it like I understand the other bs and we can talk about the cultural stuff that happens. I just don't see at this point from her either leading with like trying to be like on some controversial shit or purposely like just going rogue and saying like idiotic shit just because she wants to.
Speaker 1:I don't see her going that route oh no, all the all the white girls always go that route. We'll see like, literally, you will have to never work ever again in your life. And then it'll be tweets of you using the n-word with the fucking hard r like two years ago, that surface eventually that would have been happened with her it always happens that would have been happened with her sometimes it takes a long time, like no, it doesn't not now.
Speaker 1:Yes, it does it still takes a long time fucking. Alex earl has like fucking seven million followers on tiktok before they found her racist tweets that she trademarked.
Speaker 2:I don't 20 something I'm just saying this girl would have been found out if we had something like she has.
Speaker 1:She's one of the most followed people like, and then they found out like some it still happens.
Speaker 2:So no, I don't know, I'm just not they would have put nigga next to her handle and we would. I'm not.
Speaker 1:I'm not um giving anybody the benefit of the doubt, no more all right, let's stay in some more white business.
Speaker 2:Um, I think I've realized now 100 fully that probably logan paul has to be probably one of the worst podcasters uh, out right now. Like if this nigga didn't look like a ken doll, I don't think he would have been successful at anything else in life I'm being dead ass. So he sat down with hulk hogan right, and so you know he does wrestling Logan Paul, like he's literally on, like the WWE and shit.
Speaker 1:I did not know that. When did he start doing that? He's been doing that for like a year now.
Speaker 2:Oh, Right when his brother really started like taking off. He is probably you remember when he fought Floyd. Remember when Logan fought Floyd? Yeah, he probably been doing wrestling probably for about a half, about six months now.
Speaker 1:So we're. It's two of them, right, logan and Jake. Which one are we talking about right now?
Speaker 2:Logan, okay, jake is the one who signed Hawk Tua. He's the one who been boxing everybody.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Logan has done boxing too, but he's more known in the wrestling sphere. Okay, so he sits down with Hulk Hogan and he has probably one of the most embarrassing moments. And I also want to see if you can figure this out, if you're smarter than Logan Paul.
Speaker 8:Mm-hmm. But you got to realize, bro, this is not a work. Okay, this is a shoot. What the business is a shoot? Everybody's going to tell you it's a work. It's not a work. What do you mean? The business is a shoot. I don't know if I understand the terms, if I wrestle you right now and Vince pays you a million bucks and he pays me five million. Is that a work or a shoot? I don't know, I don't think I know the terms. Let him explain it.
Speaker 4:Oh, you don't know the terms A shoot, what is a shoot? I know a work, what is a shoot. He looks to the camera, hulk.
Speaker 2:Hogan in disappointment.
Speaker 8:He's not yeah, I'm, I'm fucking with you. Okay, thank you. No, he's not, he's not, he's not, did you you're?
Speaker 6:embarrassing. Okay, that's fine. How about this? Can you explain it to our audience at home quickly? That doesn't understand. I blew it, shut up, he's gonna explain to the audience no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 2:The audience Logan knows what it means, but maybe just explain to our audience, alright so what do you think that he meant by he's saying the work or the shoot? Like it's a set that's what I thought too.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think that's because wrestling isn't real and this is a performance that's what I thought too and.
Speaker 2:I feel like for him not to be able to even piece that together it kind of shows how stupid he is like he really just sits on a lot of these podcasts and he's just there yeah like he really don't really know much is going on.
Speaker 2:If the dude wasn't really popular before he got on, he probably really don't know him. Or if you're not in the same like world that he is he's in in regards to content, he don't really know what the fuck like his shit really be. If it's not for the other dude who was talking, this shit would be ass. They had another guy on there who used to be like super duper christian, like he was like a suit, like to the point where it got it would get uncomfortable yeah, some of the times and they kicked him off.
Speaker 2:He got his own show doing something else now, but Logan is bad man, like I think it's getting to a point where, cause you know, logan is the one who did the Japan thing. Remember?
Speaker 1:he went to the suicide, uh woods oh yeah, I forgot about that was a while ago.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was a while ago that was logan that did that. So, like logan, he just seems like he's never been the the sharpest one of them too no, definitely not I think he just has the look that people want to mark it behind.
Speaker 2:More, but more on this, uh. So I think there's some more of this shit you gotta hear. So hulk hogan was really getting on his shit yo, like he was really in his bag. This, uh, this podcast with him. You remember what? Remember when I I made that bad joke about chris benoit?
Speaker 1:you make so many bad jokes about chris benoit like well, I'm in on the show every three episodes well, I think I got beat, so listen to this.
Speaker 2:This is not a joke, though.
Speaker 8:He's dead ass if Chris Benoit can do the crap he did and the fans still love him. They're very forgiving. I've made some major mistakes in my personal life and they're very they forgive you.
Speaker 2:But this thing is sick. If y'all can forgive Chris Benoit, y'all should be able to forgive me oh my god yo hulk hogan is on one yo yeah that nigga went to trump. And now, now he he is like.
Speaker 1:That's all I remember. All I remember of hulk hogan was him being racist and the the lawsuit.
Speaker 2:I believe he lost some, uh some sponsorships recently because of the whole trump thing. Because eventually he just said not too long ago I think he was on somebody else's podcast. He said he was gonna slam kamala harris to a table or something like wrestling w WWE wise, or like for real, for real, like wrestling. Well, you know, he's just in his.
Speaker 8:Come on, brother, you know I'm going to take her right down to the table.
Speaker 1:You know all that kind of crazy. You need to let that go. Let the roids go.
Speaker 2:It's crazy just to see how these guys having to respond. Does his daughter have OnlyFans now?
Speaker 1:I have only fans now, I'm pretty sure she does.
Speaker 2:I think that she got her. Got her only fans on, I wouldn't be surprised she was out there messing with the brother. That's what got him upset, though that's what that was the when it all started, when he got exposed initially oh, it was because, his daughter was dating a black guy. He was like hey brother I don't need no black dick in my little daughter. Okay, don't, I don't need it, brother, okay oh man, I used to watch your show I did.
Speaker 2:I used to watch the reality show too. Oh man, it was just the, it was just the worst thing in the world it was just background noise for real.
Speaker 1:It was really just white.
Speaker 2:It was like pre-white, it was really white trash like it was like uh white trash with money it was like the osbournes, but white trash yeah like a duck dynasty version yes, of celebrityism.
Speaker 1:And he wore the same thing every day.
Speaker 2:He just and then it's so fake too, because it's like you're not really like that, like you try to act, like you're this, like nigga that go out and cut, you know, cut the grass and knock down some trees and shit, like you're not anything like that you're a pretty boy, you just get loud and throw muscles.
Speaker 1:I mean throw your muscles around you bleach your beard and your mustache and the top of your head is gone, brother.
Speaker 8:Where did you put up the top of your head, brother?
Speaker 1:that's a good character though it's an iconic character oh, it's a legend, legendary uh, have you seen these? These kids doing the whippets yo oh my god, yes like I'm not, they are literally giving themselves permanent brain damage.
Speaker 2:Yo the kids who used to like sniff glue and, like you know, take the little with the whipped cream shit and like breathe in the air, like that you know the first part of whipped cream, like right before the stuff comes out.
Speaker 1:They used to do that yeah.
Speaker 2:That's what the whipping shit started from Niggas trying to like inhale that little noxious air that pushes out the oh yeah, that's where that shit comes from.
Speaker 1:I didn't know that was a thing back then.
Speaker 2:Listen. I went to good schools. I don't know if we can keep this song, but like these niggas got songs about it when they're talking about doing the whippets and shit you know what I'm saying Like it's so crazy, they over there sucking these little jars of gas y'all look crazy as hell and like apparently you can buy these in a store yeah I, they need to like nitrous oxide right they need to literally just ban them that man make them illegal immediately take them out of the stores.
Speaker 2:They said kanye didn't got hooked on to him. Yeah, I heard that his uh, so he goes to.
Speaker 1:I heard he. I don't know where I saw this from, it was probably just like a bottom of the barrel internet source, but allegedly he goes to his dentist like regularly I got that from rory mall because they was talking about that oh okay, that's exactly what he was talking about, but you know I'd be in the seedy underbelly of the, the gossip internet, uh.
Speaker 2:So yeah, I heard that he goes there regularly yo, the niggas who used to sniff glue in school, like they was different kind of niggas back then, like these is the niggas that was like at least you thought was doing the cool drugs, like they was buying the weed, you know, they had the bottles. It was the weird niggas who got on the whippets yeah you might put glue in the bag and sniff the glue like those was the weird kids. Those are the kids who mamas didn't love them at all niggas who get pussy.
Speaker 1:Don't do drugs like this could you imagine, passing the baddie, the bag of glue yo I saw cops collecting whippets from the labor day parade in new york like get your, do, get your shit together. It gives you permanent brain damage.
Speaker 2:It can't be that lit I'm not about to find out because because really we, you just let an air not get to your brain for like a couple seconds. Right Is that it. I'm not sure I got to look into the signs.
Speaker 1:Do you just get lightheaded?
Speaker 2:Because I just thought that's what it was. You just inhaling the shit and it gives you like a little vibe to you, because you never had no oral surgery before where you had to get that kind of from Like laughing gas.
Speaker 1:I've had laughing gas before? No, I've had. No, they put the.
Speaker 2:They literally put a needle in my gum I had well, see they, they, they numb my gums. But they also put me on under laughing gas when I got my wisdom teeth removed they um?
Speaker 1:first of all, I still have my wisdom teeth. I didn't feel them. No wisdom all teeth I didn't feel them grow in. They still there that's good.
Speaker 2:That means your mouth was big enough. What? That's what it means if you don't have to get them removed yo like.
Speaker 1:I don't like how that sounds at all you can have a big mouth. You're a woman you know, you big ass mouth bitch. That's why you had space for two more teeth, four more teeth. Four more teeth because it's top and bottom oh yeah yeah, big mouth mother said you wide gum whore I'm trying to look up how whippets feel, but then I don't want my, my, my phone, to think that I'm a degenerate no, you're definitely 100 of degenerate.
Speaker 2:All right, uh, let me see this. So trump has a biopic coming out and guess who's playing him?
Speaker 1:um hold on hold on hold on who would you want to play trump? Um that. That comedian that looks like he has down syndrome why would they?
Speaker 2:why would they? This is not w.
Speaker 1:This is not the w where they made fun of bush you know who I'm talking about, though, right sean, yeah, shane, can't shane, yeah shane can't play a real version of trump well, fuck, then I have no serious version serious version.
Speaker 2:Who would you think was gonna play just one? Come on, you got a white man I don't know serious white men.
Speaker 1:I don't like serious white men all right they scare me.
Speaker 2:I like funny white men who are like fat a little bit so winter soldier is playing donald trump, sebastian stan, the with the yes, yo, they got him with the wig looking crate pull up the picture for me right now. I need to see it's a whole trailer out now show it to me, rachel they have the whole Trump biopic trailer out right now and they have the winter soldier sitting in a. And guess who else is in it?
Speaker 1:the nigga who played Kendall in a secession oh okay, he's the nigga who put Kendall in Secession.
Speaker 2:Oh okay, he's the nigga who put Trump on.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he be eating shit up. I'm going to watch that.
Speaker 9:Hold on, I'm going to play a little bit just so you can hear it Very excited, very excited to talk to you.
Speaker 3:Donald, now that the law is behind you, what do you want to do next?
Speaker 9:Well, I intend to acquire the Commodore and I'm planning on making it the best and the finest building in the city Maybe the country?
Speaker 2:No, this is really good.
Speaker 9:In the world, judy in the world. It's going to be the finest building in the world. It's going to be a spectacular hotel, absolutely spectacular, first class.
Speaker 8:That sounds very ambitious. Where do you get the drive? You're still so young Donald.
Speaker 9:I've got flair and I'm smart, so I think that's going to make me successful, but I also want to stay humble. Sorry, judy, that looks good.
Speaker 1:I forgot that Donald Trump was young and had hair at some point.
Speaker 2:This whole scene that they have for it, that they were doing a preview for it. It's called the Apprentice and it was basically a scene where you see the lie that he, he has so mastered, now like the lying pattern was you just see him developing that right there, because that was the thing he's like uh, the whole, the whole country, the world. It's gonna be better than like you see him now where he does that bigger and bigger as he lies.
Speaker 2:Well, now, he knows how to have that discussion, that frank discussion with the community, so that people hear what we're going to do here is we're going to make this bigger than anyone else in the world. All right, I'm the greatest businessman on the planet, hands down, and he just tells you grandiose things. Like it was. This was so.
Speaker 2:I remember when he was first doing his election run right, there was a guy who did a video where he basically discussed and said the reason why trump is going to win the election is because he talks like a dumb person. And he was just like when people hear him talk, they are able to feel like they understood the conversation. Oh, no, that and even the fact that, to the point he could, he could be saying some bullshit or whatever, but the fact that they felt like after the conversation, they understood where he's, what he meant and what he stands on, more so than when a politician who uses their five syllable and you know all their diction and all that stuff like that, they was like no he's gonna win because he the people feel like I understood what he just said there it's simple.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're the best.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna make you win again and I'm gonna give you money I'm gonna put all the money in your pocket but while I take it out, but no, I'm gonna take all the money and I'm gonna take it out of your pocket and put it back in your pocket and you'll be like, whoa, that's more money than I had the first time would have got me we're gonna take it was black.
Speaker 1:He would have got me we're gonna take your old dollars.
Speaker 2:We're gonna burn them and make new dollars. And now the dollars are in your pocket new dollars, new dollars, new dollars worth more than old dollars. Oh my god, that's what he would say. He would just say it's gonna feel like it I mean, you can't go into the store and buy it but it'll feel like it new dollar. That's exactly what he would do, sick nigga yo. All right, let's get to this deliverance movie.
Speaker 1:Lee daniels, you did it again oh my god, I don't know when's the last time I watched a lee daniels project, because I haven't, since star been not on air, I haven't really watched anything was lee daniels empire yeah, lee daniels empire. So since that era I haven't really watched the lee daniels that was peak lee daniels for me yeah, star was amazing. Bring back star. Still. That's the only thing I need you to do, sir. I forgot how much of a menace lee daniels was.
Speaker 2:Oh tyler perry, leave your shoes at the door, big guy lee daniels tyler perry and um kenya barris. I need y'all to be locked up together.
Speaker 1:Yep, I need D Daniels, Tyler Perry and Kenya Barris. I need y'all to be locked up together. Yep.
Speaker 2:I think that's what really stuck out to me the most, when I was just realizing like okay, y'all niggas are really on the same like spectrum. Y'all just three different types of psychos.
Speaker 2:Three different fonts, but writing the same message kenya has to be mixed people always lee has to have one token, white woman one ghetto white bitch and then, tyler, is we just taking y'all niggas through the ringer? Trauma porn for black women and it's just so funny that again it's still just all black trauma across the board. It's just how we gonna spice it and who we gonna make the the acceptable people in each group yeah, who are we gonna make the villain?
Speaker 1:and then who is being traumatized?
Speaker 2:they mix it up like you can just tell, like all of these men are fighting their traumas in they, they content all of them hate their mothers debatable. I think there's probably a debate in there, potentially potentially, but I'm still gonna stay it.
Speaker 1:I'm still gonna stick by it like.
Speaker 2:It's also funny that, like kenny bears being the like, the well-known heterosexual out of the out of the group is the one who's like. Also, the color struck nigga.
Speaker 1:You know what I'm saying literally has never employed a woman that doesn't pass the paper bag test ever.
Speaker 2:And then like like lee daniels, this is this felt a little bit civilized in some spots but then like, because the b-roll was good, the b-roll shots, the white, like those kind of like uh, setting shots he does those really good, yeah, but it's just once you kind of get into the stories of shit and then you start feeling like hold on, what, what the fuck going on here, like the mom, the mama situation in this deliverance movie. Why did you, why did I feel the whole time this was lotto if jd didn't find her? Like that's exactly the whole time I'm watching this lotto her mama what she looks like?
Speaker 1:she's a gorgeous woman. She is no, she's a stunning actress.
Speaker 2:Yeah but she definitely looked like if lotto didn't this movie felt like if lotto didn't make it, this is what she would be at yeah, what a bunch of kids in the ghetto in atlanta and then I also respect lee daniels for not just making the nigga just like out the picture for no reason, like he was at war so yeah, also, she was a full alcoholic too oh, 100, oh no, back kicking it, we gonna, we gonna have that them days and then he was communicating with his children the whole time too, like they had access to him the entire time.
Speaker 1:He was sending his son money the entire time. So, like he was, he was still there for them and then he was like bitch you wildin, but I'm gonna still be there for my kids.
Speaker 2:So I I did appreciate that I'm tired of what y'all doing to this little stranger things kid boy like y'all really putting this kid through the ringer. Y'all had him look ashy and dirty. The whole movie niggas throwing rocks at nigga didn't have one moment where he stood on business, except with his mama about the alcohol, and even then he was bloodied up when he did that shit. Yeah, he bloodied up.
Speaker 1:You think I would touch that shit scene when it does to you I think he, I think the lines that he did, have made a lot of impact and I think that his character was very necessary you could have did that without him no, I felt like he was kind of like the not not patriarchal, but he was like the male figure, like the, the, the man in the house, basically like he was there for his siblings and then he chucked.
Speaker 2:He checked his mom too when she needed to be checked no, they had one scene where he did something, but again, like you could have put all of that in the girl, everything that was going on with him, you could have just put the the scenes at the end the movie was pretty much identical. Uh them, just, you could have literally had him having the scratch marks and him in the air at the same time.
Speaker 2:You know I'm saying like you could have made the girl do that. That's probably the only thing that you probably wouldn't want to have a girl, because he was having like he was literally about to be. Be like jesus on the cross is what they were setting them up for. So I guess you couldn't do that, but you could have totally, because this was only one kid in the.
Speaker 1:I just feel like it would. It's it has to be a boy because, especially in like the media, like a black mom wouldn't let they black daughter talk to them like that, like it would have been a different movie.
Speaker 2:The daughter did snap, though, on her.
Speaker 1:She did, but like it had to be, it had to be the son.
Speaker 2:Cause. Then she likes I think it started off like where she slapped like the little boy in the mouth, Like probably what first? Probably the first scene when he was having a little dinner. Yeah, she was an abusive little red lady though she. She did physically and verbally abuse her children and they kind of made that into like the traumas going on, because I guess that was happening with her and her mama yeah, she said that, uh, she didn't take accountability at all.
Speaker 1:Like her mom was like found god, went to church and blah, blah, moved in with them, seemingly to help them. And then every time her mom um had a criticism of her mothering, she was like, well, you wasn't a good mother. Like it was always like well, I learned that from you, I got that from you. Um, you weren't this, you weren't that like they could.
Speaker 2:She didn't want to hear anything about herself at all but to be fair from lee daniels, his era of black women would have definitely been like second, third generation, of getting their ass whooped by their parents and like, just like, literally, you was one generation away from the silent era. So I could definitely see where lee daniels would want to see that in his, in his work in regards to that, because that's. That, was that's always been a a big standpoint in regards to like child abuse, like the whole excuse me, the whole you do what I say, not as I do, has always been like poverty.
Speaker 1:Parent one-on-one and the the way that she talked to her mom too. Like they, they fought crazy. They talked to each other crazy.
Speaker 2:So I probably wouldn't recommend this movie for most people. Just because when they started speaking in tongues, that's what I kind of knew was a wrap Like all right it's time to throw the movie away.
Speaker 1:The clip I saw that made me want to watch this movie was when the grandmother was possessed and then she turns to the priest or the pastor or wherever she is and she was like I smell your nappy pussy. I was like I need to watch this movie immediately. I want to watch this movie immediately because I thought it was going to be way more campy than it ended up being like. It ended up being like you can't have fear. As long as you have God in your life, the devil can't make his way in. Like that was literally the point of the movie. Everyone online is saying that this movie was like the devil's work and blah, blah, blah. And y'all are not or did y'all not watch the same movie? I did. Like the only reason she was saved is because she gave herself up to God. Like that's the point of the movie. This is for you to give yourself up to God. It's not the fucking devil's work.
Speaker 1:But like that part when she um, when she was speaking tongues, it was like uh, it was so campy. Like the the I smell your nappy pussy in the tongues scene were the two funniest scenes to me in the movie she. It was like a comical backlit like huh and that it was that sound too huh. And then she drops down to her knees but it's sped up so it seems like she's forced down to her knees and then she just slides up and then she starts speaking tongues. And then lee daniels in the interview was like oh, this is how I knew that she had to have this role, because she just started speaking tongues on her own. It had to be a woman of god that played this role. I was crying with laughter ain't?
Speaker 2:no, I'm gonna be honest with you. I know a lot of black identifying women with white mamas, don't? None of them? Bitches know nothing about speaking in tongues. That shit was the funniest part about the movie, because I knew this was so unrelatable.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I promise you, I don't care how black she try to keep it. Ain't no chick with a white mama speaking in tongues?
Speaker 1:Speaking.
Speaker 2:Fluent tongues at that she was.
Speaker 1:That shit was not happening at all.
Speaker 2:And then so, and then can we get into what lee daniel said about the mama.
Speaker 1:That's what I was trying to pull up, because I wanted to. I wanted to pull up the actual tweet, but I don't have the actual essentially he said the woman, her name alberta yeah, he said every all.
Speaker 2:We should be all thankful we should all be thankful that she was our white mammy. That's really what he said no.
Speaker 1:So the tweet generally was like we all know, in alberta, she is part of the fabric of the black community and it took guts for um what's her name to, to play her, because we haven't seen her on screen before saying that she's part of the fabric of the black community. This let's talk about it for real and I'm not gonna mince my words. Her character is the bitch who loves black dick but hates everything else black wake it up like how is she part of the fabric of the black community?
Speaker 1:no, she is literally trying to unweave the fabric of the black community.
Speaker 2:Usually the women like her part of it usually the women like her don't get the resources from daddy anymore, so like the bottom of the barrel black, white women they ain't really helping us in any kind of way because they just as fucked up if they really fucking with us. Like you don't really see too many white people or white women in affluent situations bringing up black people like they may be broke or slightly less broke than the black people around them and they may collect a few little nigga babies, but they ain't they not being a fabric of the community.
Speaker 1:They're actually being the reason why the police show up more like, yes, like they're, they're very dangerous to the fabric of our community like the poor white people are really like your biggest op.
Speaker 2:That's like when you in prison they shouldn't be.
Speaker 1:All the poor people should link up and eat the rich. They shouldn't be.
Speaker 2:But you're right, but I'm talking about they'll sit here and be like, oh yeah, the reason why this neighborhood is so bad is not because nobody's investing in it and, uh, because of all of these other different laws and jurisdiction, to why you can't get money into the area. It's because those niggas over there will just want to keep being niggas and then, when they have a interaction that then now they're uncomfortable with, now they calling the police, now they like that's where a lot of these, this shit happens from is folks who are outsiders, who now are just fed up for whatever, whatever reason, and now portraying us yeah but who has the best white people in any movies though, because I was realizing you can tell this was lee daniels because of the white woman yeah, lee daniels loves him a good a white bitch
Speaker 2:like in star she was the only good white person that I can remember in a tyler perry movie was the mama from the family that prays yeah that's the only good white person. I can remember any tyler perry movie. Everyone else is either like mpc, but they're not important at all, or uh they just they really, yeah, it don't be that many white people in these movies.
Speaker 1:No, we don't, we don't.
Speaker 2:And then and then kenya bear's version of white people is the worst. They're just like npc white people the whole time like um rainbow's mom and dad.
Speaker 1:No, rainbow's dad.
Speaker 2:Well, I wasn't, I was more so like his job people he worked with, the white people he worked with. That would come in like andre, oh yes they was all npc white people oh my god, the worst so yeah, that's what I'm saying, like that's where his idea of white people were definitely caricatures of like specific white stereotypes like kenya barris reminds me of when I was watching this episode of joe budden and he didn't realize that black people were like 12 to 14 percent of the population and you could see for like a split second.
Speaker 2:He was so crushed like he's joe kenya barris is joe budden before that knowledge, before he thinking that black people like 60 of the population. Oh, all we gotta do is keep rape, mix right, race mixing like no, that's all we gotta do niggas gonna have to fuck a lot of white bitches uh, finesse two times.
Speaker 2:Man, this, this guy right here, he knows how to put put me into a situation because he he did something that I normally would be a big antagonist against, like live streaming personal conversations in your kitchen that's so corny, that's not a bad. That's a bad move to do. But he's in a polygamous relationship. So you got two women. You don't know their tip. We don't know their temperaments yeah, we don't.
Speaker 1:I don't know finesse's temperament, honestly, other than you're a fucking asshole the more I thought about it.
Speaker 2:That was probably the smartest thing you can do, because if it's on live and somebody starts swinging, yeah, you, you have visual proof for it. So that's the only reason I could think of that. Also, he kind of really is breaking it, breaking it up on this whole polygamy shit. This shit was needed for the culture, because all this time we get this polygamy content and it's like, oh, one sucking, one, fucking fuck, like they just ready for they ready for for whatever you know what I'm saying?
Speaker 2:they cooking and cleaning. And I got another one doing like oh, and she cool with the attention that this one like nah, nigga.
Speaker 1:It always seems very cold-aesthetic between all the parties that shit ain't wild and like that.
Speaker 2:I know that little ugly one in the back be getting jealous. I can tell.
Speaker 1:First of all, let me say this about these relationships that go viral none of the people in them are usually conventionally attractive people. There's not. They're not people who you would be like. Oh yes, she's doing me on the cover of very conventionally attractive, like they're usually people who fall below the radar when it comes to facial features it's like when it's like when it gets really hot and the pennies start to stick together.
Speaker 2:That's like what you're seeing here what, what, when it gets really hot and the pennies start to stick together. I have no idea what the fuck, you've never seen that, when the pennies will stick all together and be like three or four pennies all in one little row and they can't be broken up because it's been melted and sealed up to each other. This is be broken up because it's been melted and sealed up to each other.
Speaker 1:This is what you said you just said, they ugly people, they the pennies.
Speaker 2:This is what happened when the pennies conventionally attractive when they mailed together calling people ugly on this I didn't call them ugly, I called them pennies the ones oh, so apparently one of these women have a child with them too, so that adds a whole nother dynamic.
Speaker 6:So let's just take a listen to part of this live here, so you told me to scoot over Me to scoot over instead of getting on your side Right.
Speaker 11:But I don't have no problem with it, and that's why I go lay in this same spot every time. If I speak by him, it's because he told me to scoot over. But today he told me to scoot over. But today he told me come lay on him. And he like up there, She'll come lay down too. And I told him you know she gonna want you to get in the middle, so don't come on this good over first. But you not gonna do it, You're not gonna.
Speaker 6:Do you think she's seen it? It and want us to be bothered by it?
Speaker 11:What so? That's disturbing. So I have to be on the end. And then she said this my call to buddy.
Speaker 2:I just want you to know they talking about the baby sleeping in the bed with her.
Speaker 6:You know I'm here. You know I'm here. But she trying to act like she's not bothered by that, but I know she is. I know when a nigga's fucked up, when he start bending his head up and turn his head around. I feel where you're coming from. This is where I'm going to nip this situation in the bud, this bed situation. Right, I feel where you're coming from. You.
Speaker 6:I taught you better, you know better, so I feel like you're supposed to immediately adapt. Hold on, but you, you got to understand that we went eight, nine months with nobody sleeping in the bed with us, and how many times have I told you this.
Speaker 6:I understand it, but I'm saying but do you really understand? You know, I feel like you do because you ain't said nothing about it. You ain't this is your first time ever speaking on it, but I know how you feel. You ain't this your first time ever speaking on it, but I know how you feel. But you, if you knew the play I laid down and what I said I was gonna do, you know, my god yo talking to one woman can feel like you talking to the wall, bro.
Speaker 2:I cannot imagine what it feel like to have to talk to two of them and hope they understand what I'm saying, like Like that's some dark, that's some dark level shit right there. I don't even think that nigga felt confident in what he was saying.
Speaker 1:No, he didn't, he didn't sound like it.
Speaker 2:It was too much pressure. He bent that fucking cap up like it was a pretzel. He was shook. I don't even think you ready for this. Two times Finesse, two times.
Speaker 1:He doesn't seem like he's.
Speaker 7:He's why you don't got a california king, if you, you obviously don't have enough money you don't have the communication skills to be in a polygamous relationship I understand the women, some hefty women.
Speaker 2:Now I looked at some pictures of them. You you probably not all three of y'all gonna get into the king size bed together with a baby with the baby. Y'all not getting into without the baby, honestly, but y'all definitely not getting in it with the baby. These women is some heavy duty trucks now and everyone's there, these some suvs he with now and finesse two times himself. Look like the blob oh yeah, so now you got blob and two suvs. That's a lot of work.
Speaker 1:You're going to need at least the blob in four. I mean two F-150s.
Speaker 2:You can't do that unless you got the California King. I don't feel like that was never brought up at all.
Speaker 1:Let me take that back.
Speaker 2:No, what'd you say something about the baby?
Speaker 1:No, I called the woman F-150s.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay, that's cool, you can get that off. You can get that. That was a good one too. I rock with that one. So yeah, you and the f-150s y'all can't be in there with the little tanker truck. You know what I'm saying? Little tanker truck that you got to get to california. If you, if you don't post a picture of your bed and it's not a california king, you probably need to tell one of the women go home, go somewhere else. But is that not their home? They're gonna have to go somewhere because you can't. You got to have a california. What do you mean? You got two bbws.
Speaker 1:We are in a polygamous relationship. She gonna have to find somebody.
Speaker 2:Where am I going? The one that ain't got the baby gotta find somewhere else, because baby girl you we ain't got. No she's literally just gonna get pregnant that mean we gotta get two kings, Two California kings. You got to come up with a schedule Monday.
Speaker 1:Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Speaker 2:The whole room going to have to be a California king, like the floor is going to be a mattress.
Speaker 1:To be a polygamist man, you have to have an obscene amount of money or you gotta have a better ranking if you want to have attractive would be. This is why attractive women don't be in this situation no, it depends, it depends when have you? I have not, ever one time seen attractive women no will will had two baddies.
Speaker 2:You can. You it can happen, it's just you. It just depend on type of nigga you are. I think the one thing that happens that a lot of niggas don't really want to talk about publicly is y'all make the women feel like they the same and and that to me is the biggest detriment to the relationship, like if the, if you have it in a system where one woman knows she's under the other one, then a lot of stuff kind of feels like okay was he an nba player?
Speaker 2:yeah but he wasn't a starter, he was a six man like money is relegated more money than fucking.
Speaker 1:What's what you call it and they were. They were definitely both both attractive women. Yeah, so that's what I'm saying. It happens it were. They were definitely both both attractive women.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so that's what I'm saying. It happens, it just depends on a particular situation. You in, uh, but no finesse. Again, I appreciate this example because honestly it is, it is needed, but my brother, you gotta, uh, you gotta do a little bit better next time. Dog, get that California King.
Speaker 1:I just don't like how ugly you are.
Speaker 2:That's crazy as hell.
Speaker 1:I don't know what else to say. You're too ugly to have more than one woman.
Speaker 2:That was crazy what you did there, especially with the women, ain't all that.
Speaker 1:They're not, it's just everyone in this situation. I don't like looking at none of y'all. I want y'all to not put y'all business on the internet anymore and the next time something that seems like oh, maybe I should record this, just don't cameras, don't like y'all.
Speaker 2:We already said why he had to record it fair. All right, let's get into this man, this nigga fucking. Brandon marshall might be the sickest nigga all time what he do, top tier. So you remember how we talked about a while ago? We talked about I Am Athlete and how that had collapsed and you know all the issues that happened with him and his old team, this nigga back All right. So then let me tell you what this nigga does.
Speaker 2:This nigga drops a trailer for the comeback of I am athlete, starts out this nigga, brandon, is in a church crying his eyes out. He almost got a jordan meme going on. He got the jordan meme face going crazy. He starts, he leaves this. After that it goes to a scene where they start playing church music in my head I'm like. My first reaction is like bro, this is why I'm jealous of like religious niggas, because y'all can do god like a bad hoe. Like y'all can just come back to god over y'all can do whatever you want.
Speaker 1:That's why I was coming to my head.
Speaker 2:That sentence was absolutely insane, that's that's what comes to my head, though, where it's like yo, you can just do god any kind of way, you can act out any kind of way and just always say I'm back to god, tell me why. The next scene is a press conference, where the lady is like brandon, you have, uh, found god, lost him, found god and found him again. How do you let me? I think I should play that part, because I'm sitting here going crazy. When I'm seeing this, I'm, I'm perplexed because I'm like yo, how did they know that joke was in my head? Like he knew exactly what joke was in my head. It was crazy. So we gonna I'm gonna bring this up, just so everybody can hear this, because it was. I'm, I'm excited, I'm not gonna lie to you. I don't know. Don't know about ha-ha, clinton Dix. I mean not Clinton Dix. That's not who that is.
Speaker 2:Ha-ha Davis. Okay.
Speaker 5:I don't know if he still got it, but You've gone on record saying that you lost God, found God, lost God, and I think you found him again for the fifth time this year, Brandon. We just want to know what's different about it this time.
Speaker 6:I'm going to go to my favorite scripture, Proverbs 24, 16. Though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again. Thank you. Thank you.
Speaker 1:She said what the fuck is different this time? Because this is the same excuse you use regularly.
Speaker 2:Hey, I'm just going to say this man, there's some folks out here that's in this content game that it don't matter what happened. We they can take. We can say I'm putting myself in this, we can take any licks, it don't matter what happened. Any cancelization, anybody who's not showing up to do the job anymore, it don't matter, because you know why we come back. Roaches are this podcast game. When I see shit, when I see this kind of resilience, when I see niggas who just ain't giving it up, I get whoo. I was inspired. And then my other boy told me he coming back. Skip bayless just announced he's doing a show with lil wayne. Questioning of wayne can stay sober enough to do a show with with uh yeah, with Skip.
Speaker 2:Bayless but I just love seeing niggas go after y'all. Not we're not letting these companies tell us what to do. We're not telling these niggas that don't know how to read contracts what to do. No, we going here and gonna get it. I'm with it. I love this. I can't wait till I'm athlete back. I'm excited. Brandon Jennings is my name. I've been riding with Brandon Jennings, brandon Marshall this whole time. I knew it was never gonna be over. I knew we was too big to fail. I'm excited.
Speaker 2:I skip Bayless, I'm ready. We need to bring the content. These folks are not believing in y'all and y'all have shown nothing but pedigree. I'm just being dead ass because see shit like this doesn't make me want to keep going harder. I love shit like I love to see niggas fail and not be like no, y'all not gonna make me stop. Skip bayless is 70 some years old yeah, you could have just retired, you're to have to pull that fucking mic out of his cold, dead hands.
Speaker 2:That nigga ain't giving it up. I respect it. And these are some of the sickest niggas all time. Only sick niggas can do this. You can't be a sane nigga and do this Nigga. Skip Bayless said it's the job. Then my wife On television Sickest nigga all time.
Speaker 1:Ma'am, I hope you took a young lover.
Speaker 2:Nah, she down he probably got a little book deal and all that stuff. Man, Don't do that. Ernestine know how to act right.
Speaker 1:She be taking her big ass Birkin over to that little nigga apartment to get that young dick.
Speaker 2:Nope, she out here staying at home, we watching her Surveillance.
Speaker 1:Who is? Is we that nigga be outside? Not anymore skipping home all day now yeah, but, and she's probably praying like she's waiting counting down the time she's waiting for the phone to ring demarcus, he's back at work. Come over she couldn't do that. To skip man, she was already no I hope she is right now doing that she can't do that to skip, man, she can't do that to skip I hope there is a black dick in her throat as we speak.
Speaker 2:That's crazy why can't you ever support niggas? That see, that's what I'm saying. This is why you and me, we can't never see eye to eye on these content. Because you, because you ain't about to grind you literally.
Speaker 1:Yes, you literally just told me that he went in public and said that his job comes before his wife, but he told her that on their first date as a yeah, as a result of that in I'm like he's gonna be rich in the back of my mental roller debts. I'm gonna have some young dick on the side. I'm sorry if you gonna be outside 27 out of the 30 days of the month. Nigga, you gotta hold it down.
Speaker 2:That's literally what the job is for is to hold it down you're gonna I'm gonna do a great job not holding it down if you're doing all these antics, see, this is why we should have rethought suffrage. We should have rethought it back then women was just making their husbands poison dinners well, yeah, but then you was in like shelters and shit and he was getting like the third shift at the fucking uh not if he had a good pension shit.
Speaker 2:You think they was out there retirement fund pitching, wasn't doing that back then, that shit wasn't jumping like that you had to go.
Speaker 1:That's why you had to have a young lover lined up. No, that's why you had the only way that you could rich, the only way that you could socially, uh, have another husband, was if your current one died you better just bear to pull your dress up for the pastor so you can get that a little time money so you can pay your rent.
Speaker 2:That's what you would have been looking forward to. But no man, I just like I said, I just I appreciate this. I can't wait to see these shows. We're probably gonna cover some of them. When they say crazy and outlandish shit, I still believe in skip. Though people look at me like I'm crazy, I still believe wholeheartedly in skip bayless yeah, I just think I don't know what went on.
Speaker 1:But just believing in a white man when he um made a black man's job more difficult and made it seem like a hostile work environment for him, like, I'm not rooting for you, nigga, fuck you, even though I think shannon um has one too many head injuries. He did a interview with marlon waynes that came out today. Yeah, I was listening to it while I was getting ready. I didn't have because all of the all of his interviews are so long. Um, I didn't get to the meat and potatoes of it. Like it was an hour. I got more than an hour in, but there was. It was just like marlon talking about like his family and the way he came up and stuff like that so I mean the only meat and potatoes being spilled.
Speaker 2:I'm pretty sure he might have had a vlad section, because that just happened recently, but the only meat and potatoes thing could have been whatever his baby mama was trying to get more money out of him, or something yeah, I don't know, but he was just talking about his family and stuff and I just love their family so much so now I think there's been something going on with marlon, because he also had that clip of him talking about being robin go viral being robin yeah, he was supposed to be, uh, robin and batman and robin okay one of the first movies, but then tim burton changed it, because when is tim burton ever around negroes?
Speaker 2:but honestly actually there's a picture circulating now with him with a black hair, black lady. Uh, that's been going around now that's why it made me think of that. But uh, I think we got to everything for the most part.
Speaker 1:Designer this 50, 50 cent designer you wanna hear it, not in jail no, they said he was crazy, you don't have to he had to stay in there. No, that was fetty wop that was masturbating on a plane.
Speaker 2:No, that's no, that was designer.
Speaker 1:Why is he not in jail?
Speaker 2:Why is he not in jail? Because he took he took probation.
Speaker 1:Oh well, we don't. Fetty Wap is in jail. Fetty Wap for scamming.
Speaker 2:No for selling that fucking.
Speaker 13:D dog food. He was sitting selling fentanyl. No, dog food is heroin. Oh, I don't know what. Like nigga, I grew up in the house. I don't know terms for things. You're supposed to know that money, let's do it. For my bitches getting money and my niggas getting tour every night, let's do it I feel, so bad, that wasn't good I feel so bad for bro.
Speaker 1:He really fell off yeah, that that was like my niggas in the car, like after we was done siphon and they put the beat on, was like yo let me spit some rope. That that's. That's what that was damn.
Speaker 2:This nigga said, they talking 50 cent, I'm talking 50 mil. He thought he got that shit off he thought he really ate. That that's sad update for bo de mayo. So bo de mayo from x-men 97, who was fired. Okay, I was like who for his egregious behavior yeah so he responds, guess what platform x? Only fans. He responds from his only fans about his egregious dick out dick in hand.
Speaker 2:He said I have a statement to make oh shit it was funny, though, because what he said uh in the video was like a 30. I think he said it was like a 30 something minute video or something like that 30, 45 minute video oh my god, we don't want that because he uses it like pg kind of shit, like he just uses it as a place where his people can you know I know only fans is a platform where you can put other things.
Speaker 2:He basically said, what my first thought process was was like, oh, they just was intimidated by having like a strong black gay man in the environment and I was kind of like that's what he's sticking to. He's saying that y'all lying. He said really, y'all got some shit that's gonna go through the judicial system real soon. Uh, and they we working on trying to get out them ndas, so we can bring this shit out like. So it's gonna be interesting to see what's going on, because like yeah, I want the tea.
Speaker 2:Like spill it please, yeah I mean, like I said, what we have so far is what people have alleged about like him having a misconduct and put you know, touching people and sending weird pictures so we'll see what happens.
Speaker 2:I, I can only imagine, like, as I go back to the, when I think about this is the whole brian singer thing, uh, and like not wanting to be associated with somebody who stained a generation of movies. So we'll see, man, we'll see, we'll see what's going on. Uh, I think that's. I think that's about it. We can wrap it up, man. Uh, shout out to the, to the, to the roaches of the podcast game man, niggas, ain't never to let y'all niggas die.
Speaker 2:We never going to die, we're going to keep coming back with a mic, a fucking camera, nobody's stopping us. Speak for yourself, y'all are roaches.
Speaker 1:I want to be a ghost eventually. A ghost.
Speaker 2:All right Power, all right. Life is a labor of love, so let's keep building these moments together and remember your job is not your family, and the only thing you should be exploiting is these corporations. Thank you for listening to Talk. Fnf TV. Tell them what they need to do, farrah.
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