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Joe Budden vs DDG, Andrew Shulz Loves Trump, and J Cole Navigates Rap Loyalty - Talk FNF TV
Is it ever truly safe to weather a hurricane aboard a boat, or are we just spinning tales? Our latest episode tackles the absurdities of certain public claims and scrutinizes the fascinating yet often ludicrous intersection of corporate negligence and financial exploitation. We question the logic behind some celebrity antics and dive into heated online controversies, like the ones involving Joe Budden and DDG. Why do some public figures thrive on controversy, and what does this say about the media landscape?
We also explore the complex world of celebrity endorsements and the importance of quality in podcasting. From Kelsey’s self-funded sneaker promotion for Nicki Minaj to Elliot’s misjudged audio clip, we're laying it all bare. T We also turn our critical eye toward political interviews, analyzing Kamala Harris’s recent media strategies and Trump’s avoids "60 Minutes due to fear of being fact-checked.
The episode wraps up with a rich discussion on identity and representation, examining the media's portrayal of transgender relationships and celebrity drama. We tackle the controversy surrounding Jaguar Wright’s allegations and assess the media responsibility in these high-stakes narratives. Finally, we explore the intricacies of rap beefs and loyalty among artists like Drake, J. Cole, and Kendrick Lamar, all the while questioning the varying expectations of protection and support within personal and professional relationships. Join us for a rollercoaster of revelations and critiques in the worlds of music, politics, and social dynamics.
was like the safest place you can be in a hurricane is on a boat, is it? I mean, of course he had it sounded sound logic, but then when you see him in his totality, you don't think anything.
Speaker 2:Logic can come from that man. I was the one that was really taking the, the, the, the harriet tupman role the witch with the witch role not the harriet tupman of trans women.
Speaker 1:That's the title of this clip and I will say this one they did note why Trump didn't do a 60-minute interview before they started off? Why? Didn't he do it. He said so, according to the journalist. He said he did not want them to fact check him during the he just wanted to lie unchecked bomb that country into oblivion and it would stop.
Speaker 3:And that's been said before with some people. Hold on. Did you hear Akash when he said that Bomb that country into oblivion?
Speaker 5:And it would stop. It wasn't even eaten. It's been said before with some people you know they're like and Joe Budden have gone at it.
Speaker 1:I'm kind of happy about this, not going to lie why and Joe Budden have gone at it. I'm kind of happy about this, Not going to lie why this nigga Joe was over here tweeting about me this week Talking about oh, let's take advice from Fred.
Speaker 4:I thought that was so weird.
Speaker 6:Your whole life is revolved around talking about other people's lives. What the fuck do you think your ass is doing?
Speaker 2:on that podcast.
Speaker 4:This podcast is sponsored by Graffiti Tax Services. For all your tax preparation needs can go to graffiti tax dot com. We're going to put the link right here. It should be somewhere. And yeah, you can head to them for during tax season and if you have any financial or tax preparation questions, head to graffiti tax services. They're our new sponsor. Thank you to graffiti tax preparation services.
Speaker 1:That's it man, these companies, is they really violating now like it's really kind of getting egregious. So I had a friend send me uh kind of like a meeting that he was in at his job and apparently they hired like a debt consultant, like someone to discuss you how like to be money, money management, and he was like how are y'all gonna have a money manager when y'all paying us barely below like the average of the area? It's like nigga how much like we can't even get apartments by that place that we work at so you're gonna tell me how to manage my money.
Speaker 1:And it just like he was just replaying back some of the stuff that happened. It was just so insulting, like that you're gonna have this discussion. It's like, oh, people don't know what to do with their money. Like telling folks not to spend on certain things. Like to just pay me enough yeah, like I'm sitting here thinking to myself like, yeah, it'd be probably easier to get out of debt.
Speaker 1:If y'all paid people more, it's always the onus on the individual and not the company that is putting you in the parameters, like you paying somebody 40, 50, 60, $70,000 a year but you giving them expenses just to be, just to go to your job, just to live, just to make sure they show up appropriate and expenses is way more than what you pay them what you're paying them, these companies like it's.
Speaker 4:It is really insulting, because if you were paying me enough, then you wouldn't be concerned with how I'm uh spending my money first. Why are you concerned with how I'm spending my money? What was, what was this under the guise of?
Speaker 1:well, did they tell? He didn't tell me no, but I think what it is is like when you're in certain situations like that. It's kind of like when walmart was explaining to their employees like this is how you get on food stamps, so it's like we don't have to pay, we pay you just enough so that you can get on food stamps so we know that all of y'all are making below the average amount.
Speaker 4:So we know all of y'all can afford, can apply for food stamps and get them and I'm sitting here thinking like the money.
Speaker 1:So y'all had to pay this individual to go up to y'all job, so like he got money to speak to y'all, that could be money that was going back to the people. I rather that.
Speaker 1:Like y'all ain't. And I guess what it is is like for like liability sake, whereas like oh no, we gave you, you know, tools and abilities to be able to work your way out of you know your circumstance. And it's like no, you just took part of my money, you threw it in a quote-unquote 401k, you 25x'd it and then gave me 1% of it Like no, that's what you did, that's what y'all getting still into, everything hand over fist for. Oh my goodness, it was crazy.
Speaker 4:I felt bad for him, though we're consistently fucked.
Speaker 1:And then it was funny too, because too, because he was telling me, like everybody else was, like they're, like you could just see, it was like a haze over the room, like you, like some of the people were like what the fuck are these niggas doing? Like and then there was like that one nigga in there that was oh, yeah, I can't wait to get some more information on this. Oh, let me send my email. And he's just like bro. I hate that nigga so much.
Speaker 4:I want to end that nigga so bad oh, we have meetings like that at work all the time, where, like me and one other co-worker specifically, will be looking at each other like no that's what jobs do. They really all we need. All we need for you to do is pay us. Yeah. Like all the extra hoopla around everything, Like I don't need any help from you but compensation. They don't want any Proper compensation.
Speaker 1:I don't ever understand. It's like I'm looking at all these companies and then they support X Y Z celebrity giving them multimillion dollar deals, like Nicky Dunn did no work for the company at all. But y'all just paid him more than 85 percent of your, your employee base, like that's just. That's where it gets sick. It gets really sick.
Speaker 4:Yeah, you know what else is sick. That has nothing to do with this, but I just thought about it. You know, um, you remember kelsey did that uh promotion for nikki minaj a sneaker, and everyone thought that nikki minaj paid kelsey to do that she did it for the look she, kelsey, just bought the shoe and then posted it like she did an advertisement for nikki minaj. Nikki had nothing to do with it.
Speaker 1:That's crazy, absolutely nothing so she basically paid for the ad. Yeah, kelsey, that's sick. I thought it was maybe, like you know, when Kanye did with Joe, when Joe was talking about his shoes on the show and he cut it up and put it on as an ad.
Speaker 4:No, no, nicki had nothing to do with this okay, so one more, that's a different level of hating ass bitch. No, no, it is.
Speaker 1:That's going out of your way for no reason, because it looked like a real ad. Yes, like the flares on it like the light and all that stuff and people were calling Nikki all types of corny for this.
Speaker 4:But Nikki had nothing to do with this. It's just Kelsey being corny. That's funny.
Speaker 1:That's use it for advertising. So, elliot, he follows us on twitter too. You know he. He posted a video where he talked to ian joe budden's manager or audio horrible. I was sitting there thinking to myself we do a mom and pop podcast and our shit sounds 10 times better than what he put out for thousands of people to listen to. It was insulting, uh. But then he used the clips to post his to promote his uh ig. So I'm sitting here listening to the horrible audio clips while he's posting to promote his story. And I went to his comment. Sorry, elliot man went to his comment section. This ain't the first time he's done this. This is like a regular, because somebody was in the case. Like bro, you're trolling us with this audio at this time like I can't even enjoy what I'm listening to because it sounds so bad. And then they try to put parks to say he fixed it. All he did was raise the game I don't know, what that means but increase the volume of it.
Speaker 1:Oh, but it still sounded that, doesn't?
Speaker 4:help. Just sounds like loud garbage yeah, pretty much.
Speaker 1:And then, like danny said, you put crap in, crap is only gonna come out yeah, so all right, let's get to a little bit of the music.
Speaker 4:Your boy, danny, is messy.
Speaker 1:We'll get to that later in the show. He doesn't have allegations, right? No, but is this not connected to? Diddy, this is a catch. He's on the song. Shout out to her Thoughts and her prayers.
Speaker 4:You think she'd get? In the pub for this. No, it's definitely Diddy.
Speaker 3:I like this song. She's trying to stay with Ryan. She's trying to stay with Ryan. She's not really impressionable.
Speaker 2:She's cute Baby no one else matters. This was a 106 and Park hit. Yeah.
Speaker 1:It has the radio on lock too, mm-hmm.
Speaker 4:Yeah, fully can't sing. Pretty girl, lovely, gorgeous, gorgeous gowns. I'm done.
Speaker 9:Yeah, I'm done Ever since I was a chick. Then why was this shit? Try to keep on and come round. She wanna get hit. She think she done made me get out. Get out from my sight.
Speaker 6:Double the bust. I know what. She know that I'm timeless. I put my son in some red.
Speaker 9:I pull that gun off the head. Puck is on 22 cred. I'll make her hurt. Come out, go soak, put on a shirt, get put on a blip, feel like a stain. You're fairly to lit. I had little lit. I had to tell her that I was a dick. No, I was a shit. She's singing my songs.
Speaker 1:Are you checking to see if my nails are painted like Playboy?
Speaker 4:No, I was just saying I'm going to give you a manicure later, let's see. Maybe just a little long.
Speaker 6:He said something in public. I gave him his DM and made him apologize. This is one of the more young nigga songs. Sure, that's young nigga music, nigga my age.
Speaker 4:You know what I mean, right, the young niggas. This is like their nigga. Like they're niggas. I had a client from Chicago. She said they need more R&B artists from Chicago. She said every time she go to an R&B concert in Chicago they bring out Lil Durk and she's tired. No, G Herbo.
Speaker 3:They bring out G Herbo. I was about to say probably more. G Herbo than.
Speaker 1:G. Herbo, Questionable whatever.
Speaker 4:You ain't even a gunman.
Speaker 1:That's a good observation, right there. Yeah, you're not even a gunman. That's a good observation, right there, yeah.
Speaker 8:You, not even the dangerous nigga. I polluted my cup. Ain't no love for no slap bitch. You know I'm a dime. I've been back in that cut. I've been sitting back and planning on my young nigga turd. I'm a PJ today. If I want it, I get it. You know what I'm worth. Man, I feel like a god, g-o-d, g-o-d. Like you, a Christian rapper Is this Christian rap been getting crazy.
Speaker 4:What's future? No, I'm just saying Christian rap been getting crazy.
Speaker 8:No, I'm just saying Christian rap been getting crazy. Everybody got to up it up.
Speaker 1:All right, man, You're now listening to Talk. Fnf TV, I'm your host. Absurd Rhetoric and I'm with my love. Are you tired?
Speaker 5:of paying a lot of money for your vacation. My name is Shirley Proctor and I am a partner with Tevodian, a traveling membership group. Partner with Tevodian, a traveling membership group. I can help you save time, money.
Speaker 1:Help you and your loved ones see the world. An amazing and gorgeous co host, Miss Reality.
Speaker 4:Hi guys.
Speaker 1:We're back for another installment. We got to get into a lot, man. Uh, as you can see, there's light behind us, so it's one of those morning shows. This is not like our normal um can they even see light behind us?
Speaker 4:they?
Speaker 1:can see it. Yeah, when I, when I set my screen over, they're gonna see the oh, okay, yeah curtain over me and they're gonna see the sun going through it. It's daytime, that's what. That is the sun we're day walkers remember remember when they reacted to that one clip and they seen the sun was coming through and it made the curtains look yellow and they was like oh, look at the nasty yellow curtain. Like I'm like no, it's just sun, just sunlight.
Speaker 4:Sorry, you're not used to seeing it go touch some fucking grass, maybe you'd get used to it it'll look like.
Speaker 1:That's what it looks like. Behind me, though, the sun is just shining through. Um, but let's get into some shit. Man, we got at least talk about these hurricanes to start off. I think that's probably the best place to start with I've been obsessed with hurricane milton.
Speaker 4:You've been obsessed for a minute I have been watching the news and on hurricane trackers and stuff like that for mad long. There's a couple people on tiktok that I was keeping track of, lieutenant dan. You know who lieutenant dan is?
Speaker 1:yes, I see that's his name that's not his real name but that's what he's known as they calling him that because they're making fun of him. Oh, you know what lieutenant dan's from?
Speaker 4:no, oh, forrest gump, yeah, so he. He stayed in his boat for the whole night he stayed in his boat for hurricane helene and then, um, people were trying to get him to leave for milton and he said he wasn't going. There was another white woman in a concrete house that her husband built.
Speaker 1:Hold on before we leave dan so they asked dan if you're not worried.
Speaker 1:He was like the safest place you can be in a hurricane is on a boat, is it? I mean, of course he had it sounded, sound logic, but then when you see him in his totality, you don't think anything logic can come from that man. But it sounded, it was just like he's like all it is is the water going to go up. I have everything he said. The only thing I need to worry about is water getting into the boat. Yes, he was like, besides that, the water rises, the boat going to rise, so what I mean?
Speaker 4:I mean, yeah, but what if the boat starts going somewhere? You don't want it to go, well, he had it tied up.
Speaker 1:So he was saying that the tie and the anchor that he had was underneath Was good enough. That's what he believed I mean hopefully.
Speaker 4:Lieutenant Dan is fine.
Speaker 1:Nigga, thought he was Noah, he really did. Yeah, he raised like 40K and go from me For what? They're buying him a new boat, they said. I think Aiden Ross said that everybody did his last boat get damaged.
Speaker 4:He was fine. He just want a bigger boat I mean, you see how small that shit is it's just yeah, that nigga need something a little bit, put his.
Speaker 1:I know he put his one leg out. You know I'm saying they got sea legs though. Real shit, I ain't gonna lie to you uh, obviously yeah I just want to be. I'm kind of upset because I, if it was like a bigger you know we could focus on doing content like 100 of the I would have definitely sent him a prosthetic leg and said you got new legs, lieutenant Dan.
Speaker 4:Yeah, so Lieutenant Dan is completely fine. He stayed on his boat from Milton they had bets too he gave an update afterwards, so he's safe.
Speaker 1:They had bets about him too. Who was your other lady?
Speaker 4:I know you had like five people that you just like have now, like have a pair of social relationship with the other lady, social relationship with the other lady that I was looking at. So, um, she had like four, five feet of water, um, on the first floor of her house. And, helene, her house is like four floors, she's rich as fuck. It's a beachfront property, um, and the house is completely built of concrete. So she made a tiktok and she was basically like we're staying here. Blah, blah, blah, people were making fun of her. She made a second TikTok and she was like you guys are going to be mad. This is my house, basically saying I'm rich as fuck. She was basically like we are rich enough to stay here, we have the resources to do so and nothing is going to happen to us.
Speaker 1:Was she in Tampa?
Speaker 4:was she like, yeah, she was in tampa, okay, and she was literally waterfront property, her um, boats and everything like pools and all that stuff. She said that her, her husband, built the house himself and like a commercial property, but it's a residential and it's completely built from concrete. She was like they should be fine. When I looked this morning it looked like they. She was right, they were fine. The hurricane wasn't as bad. The storm, the storm surge, wasn't as bad as um, everyone had predicted, like meteorologists and everything, so it didn't end up being as as bad as every everyone thought it was going to be.
Speaker 1:I mean, it was still a lot. I said like a couple billion or 100 billion dollars. It was still a lot but um.
Speaker 4:Compared to what was projected to happen, it was way less than I think they did a good.
Speaker 1:I mean, this is one of those instances where like government really reacted the right way and now the community's gonna see this like it was just us placating and trying to act like it was something bigger than it was, because to me this is some of the best government response I've did you see the episode of west ring they did on cnn.
Speaker 1:No, they had biden come on. He's sitting there like an episode. This is like an episode of west ring, where he's sitting there at the, the desk they set up for him as a makeshift presidential desk they have for him, and he's talking to kamala. Then they go uh, uh, talk about the, the hurricane and what their response is going to be. Then they have, like, all of these specialists come on the screen. So now it's like a zoom meeting with biden and I'm sitting here like they cutting each person.
Speaker 4:They're telling them this and they got their nice little statement to say I'm like oh snap and these are, these are experts that like if you live in an area that gets hurricanes a lot, then you know who these people are and you know that when they come up, then it's time for you to like take shit seriously to me.
Speaker 1:I felt those seeing that they took that real political, they made that at that moment was trying to make it political because they did a lot of highlighting of kamala, trying to show that she's has leadership qualities. It was, it was nasty really. It was really a political ad on.
Speaker 4:Yeah for like 30 minutes on cnn.
Speaker 1:Oh my goodness, it was crazy. Um, and then what else was going on with the storm process?
Speaker 4:there were a bunch of people who just decided not to evacuate yeah, I saw a group of people that that's kind of dangerous a lot because so florida is um categorized by zones and like, depending on which zone you are zone a and stuff you that definitely have to evacuate it goes down to f. If you're an f, you're probably fine, but there are people in a zones, b zones, that were like, yeah, we're staying here yeah, but no, they were.
Speaker 1:They were also talking about that because they were addressing some of the misinformation, because they talked about how there was places, shelters for them to go to.
Speaker 4:They couldn't leave uh, but if you were watching the actual news, like I was like I knew from the start that there are shelters people don't listen to the news.
Speaker 1:Most people are getting their stuff from the internet, so even when they was bringing up the whole doing that 750. Remember when they was talking about that. People want to get in seven from fema yeah, he was addressing those lies and again it was pretty much what I said. It's just the budget has to get increased whatnot they have to pull from other resources.
Speaker 1:He just misspoke when he said that it sounded so horrible, but uh no, it was. They was addressing a lot of that. Um, I'm saying it gave me a little bit of confidence just to see that kind of response, because I've I've never seen that type of response because there hasn't been a hurricane.
Speaker 4:There hasn't been a hurricane that was predicted to be this bad since michael or irma was another one.
Speaker 1:That was really bad too. Yeah, surprised a lot of people so it.
Speaker 4:It was sitting in the Gulf of Mexico just picking up water and power, and it was just sitting there for mad long and it was scary as fuck. I was like what is it doing?
Speaker 1:They also addressed your girl, Marjorie the beach blonde. She said they're causing the storms. She didn't announce who the they was.
Speaker 4:Who is the? They Give us the receipts. If you're in the government and you talk about they are doing this, give us the receipts, please. And let me just explain, because we want to believe you.
Speaker 1:Let me explain something because they're showing this little cia uh individual who's discussing geoengineering and there's a part where he talks about changing, like, different weather areas. What they're saying is not that they're changing the weather. What they're putting into the uh, the sky is going to cool the earth and then that's going to cause weather conditions to change in other places, because that's what happens when the climate changes, not when you put stuff up in the air and it changes the weather. That's what they're saying. So I just want to make sure people know there's nobody changing the weather. Okay, the problem is we don't get enough of the actions that we saw in tampa it was amazing in florida I mean just to see that response there were.
Speaker 4:There were trucks and, like cops, uh, driving through the streets making announcements that people should evacuate. Um, here in georgia, if you were going to work the past couple days, the interstate packed. I wanted to talk about that too.
Speaker 1:Florida, you didn't have to go this far to Atlanta. All y'all had to do was go like five, ten miles inland.
Speaker 4:So that's y'all can locally you can locally evacuate to the shelters Florida.
Speaker 1:people are stupid. I'm sorry.
Speaker 4:Let's not call them stupid after they've been devastated by two storms back to back.
Speaker 1:I'm saying the fact that these motherfuckers is traveling, because this is happening in Tampa, orlando. That's like 8, 10 hours from Atlanta. You didn't have to drive that far.
Speaker 4:You didn't have to come all the way up here. You could have went to Jacksonville, my nigga. And then the parts that were closest to georgia were not predicted to be affected as bad.
Speaker 1:It was just rain, heavy rain like I said when I used to go out in school, where I was in college, we was really right by the border so we used to get those little rain and all this stuff like. But I checked back then I checked it yesterday, they didn't get no weather.
Speaker 4:It literally was like at the border of florida where the weather started it literally like most of the time when florida gets really bad weather, georgia is affected too. We'll have like cloudy skies, maybe like some rain yesterday, probably one of the best days of the year. It was beautiful out like one of the best days, so that's how I know for a fact that it wasn't in northern florida.
Speaker 1:It was more like central, central yeah, central florida that was affected. It gets, even though when we talk about what was going on pre, you know the storm hitting. Disney was disgusting.
Speaker 4:Disney would not let their workers evacuate right.
Speaker 1:Apparently their plan was to let them leave on the 9th and I think they did officially close. This is the first time they did an official close of a disney since, like I believe, it was like 78 77 they didn't close during, like irma, or they just said it was the first of them like doing an official closure before the storm.
Speaker 1:They've ever done like in, like, like I said, 50, 50, 60 years. That's crazy. Like I was sitting there, it was folks who, like, literally had to go to work with the storm slowly but surely making its way, uh, to a city south of them.
Speaker 4:The whole time I was like obsessively watching this hurricane. I was like I have a feeling it's not going to be as bad as they're like.
Speaker 1:I was hoping and praying that it wasn't going to be as devastating as they predicted it to be, and I'm glad it wasn't if I was a worker in florida, I would take note to what desantis did with the ports, threatening to open them up using a national guard and then here not requiring that they close an amusement park that's not essential natural disaster is about to come in a few days and not allowing these people to leave.
Speaker 1:Like I understand the medical people that need to stay, the first responders that need to stay, that makes sense, but not the the disney folks. That's sick. Also, I saw a stupid story the other day too.
Speaker 4:Uh, I don't know if I saw somebody there were. There were people who had flights to miami, to disney, like um, the carnival was supposed to be this week, the miami carnival, and niggas was still flying into florida. Like this lady was like, oh, even though there's a hurricane, I like we've had this disney trip planned for months, stupidity, so we're still gonna go. So fuck them, people who work at disney.
Speaker 1:And I heard it was price gouging, uh, the plane tickets to get out they were price gouging the plane tickets and they were price gouging the hotels just to get. That's, that's what I'm saying and y'all are gonna, according to kamala. She said y'all niggas are going to be punished for that. She said like that shit is egregious. Yeah, taking advantage of people in this situation, that is definitely horrible.
Speaker 4:Because the mayor in Florida actually took all the tolls and stuff away on the highways and stuff, so people could just go.
Speaker 1:So I want to hear this for you, what you think about this. So I saw this story. I think this is the stupidest thing. In the hospital, her husband took the two kids, took them back and gave them to somebody else another family member and went back and stayed with his wife in the hospital due to storm.
Speaker 4:The fact that you even making that face is so disappointing and scary like who, the hospital is one of the safest places you can be during one of these storms. Why, Like? My thing is if something happens to both of you, then your child has lost both of their parents.
Speaker 1:And that's what I'm thinking. That's the stupidest thing that you could do, kobe Bryant.
Speaker 4:They had said beforehand before I made that face, though, because there's nothing that's going to happen to him in the hospital.
Speaker 1:Just saying we don't know that. But Kobe Bryant and that, uh, but kobe bryant and his wife, they used to have a thing where the helicopter situation they never got on the same time. If one got on in the air, the other one had to be on the ground until that person communicated to them that I'm safe. Because that was like the thing like why would you want to put yourself? He was like romanticizing this, like oh, he's so romantic. No, he's stupid and I'm hope there's not a real story, but that is stupid. I'm sorry if one of us gotta stay, don't come back there are those people who are like it'd be different if they wasn't didn't have kids.
Speaker 4:There are those people who put their wife before their children, like there are those people who who do that three umbrella thing, like the god and then your husband and then your kids, so that was. He's probably one of those people who's like we can make more of those fuck them if something happens like some shit falls on us at the hospital I'm just trying to like no, that's, that's it's a different.
Speaker 1:It's a different thought process, but I'm trying to see, like what he was, what he was thinking, maybe the logic is this the kids need a parent, at least one or they're going to go into the system and it fucking sucks. So no one of those parents need to live. If one can get off and the other one can't, hey, salute text, facetime, we gonna, I'm gonna have the kids, or vice versa. Like that's not intelligent, like I'm sorry. At the end of the day, the kids are the priority. Regardless how you level it out, the kids being alive are the priority.
Speaker 4:It's not like we talking about For them, though it might have not been. That's sick, though he was like fuck these kids. I know my wife longer. I want to save her. I want to protect her Sick. That's disgusting.
Speaker 1:Those are the people that shouldn't have kids. Yeah, I agree with you, you 100 if you're not going to put the kid over the significant other, please just leave the procreation there is literally a whole school of thought.
Speaker 4:No, I've heard a bunch of people that put their spice spouse before their children. That's fucking insane and it's a it's a good majority of people it's.
Speaker 1:It depends on a certain situation.
Speaker 4:I can understand like if I'm giving birth and I'm about to die and it's either save me or save the baby, fuck the baby, kill the baby. Yeah for sure. Kill the baby immediately. Don't even think about it. Save me, we can make another baby in that situation.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, I understand on that. The kid didn't get my thing's this, I haven't even met if you're a religious person can't get to go to heaven.
Speaker 1:He ain't gotta go through life, he get to go to heaven. He's straight, he's got oh here anyways. So I mean there's no point in ending somebody who's didn't had to go through the tenure of living. I just think that it's crazy that anybody would put themselves in a predicament so now their kids be orphans. I hope you got a good life insurance. That's what the shit out. My conversation would have been like pops, pops before you go back. Like is the? Life insurance paid up do we need to add some?
Speaker 1:installments, my nigga like, because that shit y'all niggas go nigga. We need to be up like for real. But again, man, I just want to tell everybody who's you know going through the problems, the situations out there, man, man, my thoughts are with you, her prayers are with you. I don't believe in that, sorry.
Speaker 4:You don't have to tell them again. My prayers are with you, guys.
Speaker 1:I don't want them to think I'm being an asshole.
Speaker 4:I feel like my prayers made Milton not as bad.
Speaker 1:It wasn't the response from the government elected official who fucking did their job.
Speaker 4:For the first time the government has nothing to do with the fact that it ended up not being as strong of a hurricane but they did have an effect on making sure things didn't flood. I'm talking about the hurricane itself, but it don't be the hurricane my prayers were divine enough to lower the power of the hurricane by nature. That is what I'm telling you. I don't want you to bring up the government. We're talking spirituality Because I am a woman of God. No, you're not.
Speaker 1:Fucking liar. If he was real, he would have struck you right when you said that.
Speaker 4:First of all, I believe in God. I be apologizing to God for sinning.
Speaker 1:sometimes so did a whole bunch of other people I can think of in the Bible. That's like baseline christianity. Just say sorry, give my sins please lord.
Speaker 4:Christianity is sick, all right, uh, let's wrap this up.
Speaker 1:You got anything else you want to add to the, to the people, no um stay safe and, um, I hope y'all are good.
Speaker 4:I hope and I'm glad haiti is fine, because I saw the way it was going. I was like fuck, but now it it's a category one now, so it's fine. But I thought I saw that and I was like lord have mercy, we do not need a natural disaster yeah, no for sure, and that's it all right, uh, so we got.
Speaker 1:Let's see what else we got to get into. So the the candidates have been doing their interviews. It's beefing up. We know the election is what. A few more days next month yeah, next month a few more weeks away, uh when is um?
Speaker 4:it's when's election day, the 20 23rd, like when?
Speaker 1:the 11th. Okay, because it's usually like the second tuesday, or okay, okay, okay. So that's what I believe it is.
Speaker 4:I got a trip planned. If the country is going to be in civil unrest, I don't know you're not leaving the country yeah, no, that's what I'm saying. I'm gonna be with traveling within the country's borders.
Speaker 1:If I was leaving the country, that'd be fine well, you'll probably remain with the union if you go up north, so you'll be all right, uh, but no, like I said, they've been doing a lot of different interviews now it's been kind of catching up. I want to do a kind of discussion of like a little bit of the juxtaposition. This is what I was going to set it up, ended up not working. So I was going to say look at Kamala Harris doing the 60 Minutes interview.
Speaker 4:And then Trump is doing the Andrew Schult drew schultz interview and I'm thinking so look who's the serious candidate here. But then I realized a few days beforehand kamala sat down with call her daddy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they're obviously trying to get like the the internet people the younger I mean, people who don't we can start. We can start with the kamala stuff and then get into the trump I didn't um consume either of these interviews, so no, I definitely watch both of these uh interviews.
Speaker 1:I will say one came off slightly better than the other, but there was just a lot of like cuts that I could just see. Just as somebody who edits content, I can tell when they've cut out certain things or they've changed certain things around. So when I'm watching, uh, this comical one with uh, call me, uh, don't call you call, call me, daddy she's her daddy.
Speaker 4:No, let's call me. Call me daddy.
Speaker 1:Okay, I thought it's called her daddy? It could be called I thought it was called me daddy um, once they were talking there I could just see like there was very a focus of the women they were talking about you know, abortion things of that nature but kamala herself is just, she doesn't resonate outside of being seen as a figure of authority for me, like I don't really see her. Is it called her daddy? Okay, um, I don't really see her. Uh, just when it comes, when she tries to do the personable stuff, it feels so forced, it feels like she's not being a real person, like the way that her voice does the little inflection like she reminds me of family members I have that's what I was gonna say.
Speaker 4:I don't feel like kamala is personable like for myself, like I don't think she reminds me of family members I have. That's what I was gonna say. I don't feel like kamala is personable like for myself, like I don't think she reminds me of myself, but she definitely reminds me of a bunch of black women I've met, aunts, um, like professors no, she reminds me of similar personality for it, but then again she's a prototype that we are um but we've adjusted to.
Speaker 1:But those usually the aunts that like call the police on you just because you've got weed in your pocket and stuff like that they're the ones who, like you, may have took a beer before you left the party and she called the police and you're doing a DUI Like that's the kind of energy I feel for her.
Speaker 4:She gives you like that type of energy.
Speaker 1:Yes, like that's what I feel. I feel like she is somebody who will sell you out for the system, because she has the greater goal of forwarding the system.
Speaker 4:I feel like she might be the aunt that catch you doing something. Say she not going to snitch and then tell your parents immediately yeah, I mean that's the same, but not the police.
Speaker 1:That's even worse, though no-transcript a certain events because they know certain things are going to be around like it feels like somebody that you can't really be comfortable and ingratiate yourself with.
Speaker 4:That is something I've never really thought about. Like if you're dating a cop and then you don't want to bring them to the party because everybody back there smoking weed, or something like that, I'd be like this is something that you're going to have to just suck it up and don't say shit, like you don't have to be around my niggas they go smoke weed Like she just seems like you're not on duty, who values the system to a fault, and it just like I said, I don't think it's good for her to kind of do these kind of interviews.
Speaker 1:They noted that in there, where it's like she doesn't do long-form interviews like this, and I see why she sounds like an authoritarian like. She sounds like a very pro-police, but like just hearing the conversation she was having, it wasn't like they they talked about anything this kind of stuff.
Speaker 4:It was all like female you know empowerment shit, but it was the one clip I saw from it was um alex, I think that's her name alex cooper uh, asked her about, um, there was like a congresswoman or somebody who said that kamala is not humble because she doesn't have her own children. And then kamala was like first of all, um, not all of us strive to be humble. And I was like ate that, ate that period, I don't need to hear nothing else. But then she went on to say to say that her stepkids are her kids and they're a family and all that. That's the only thing I saw from that.
Speaker 1:So the 60-minute one gets a little interesting because and shout out to my boy, bill Whitaker established journalist out there he actually did her interview in 2023, at the end of 2023, when they were talking about getting ready for the election, and she said, said so funny. It was so hilarious because I accidentally watched her old one. I accidentally watched her old one before I watched the new one. So for one thing, it was weird because they were talking about israel and like the conflict they were describing was exactly again.
Speaker 4:What's like nothing's changed within almost a year, like we've been saying that for a long time, like this conflict has been going on for a very long time and it didn't start with a hamas attack but continue.
Speaker 1:That's not what we're talking about, but yeah, so then, they talk about that and then she says with her entire chest that joe biden will be running for president.
Speaker 4:He will be here and around and it's just hilarious she didn't know that that nigga was gonna die, yeah, but she was just saying the company line.
Speaker 1:She knew that that nigga was going through some shit, um, but it was just so crazy. Just see the convictions he says it. Then I realized I'm watching the wrong one. Go to the original, I go to the one that's going on now and I will say this one. They did know why trump didn't do a 60 minute interview before they started off?
Speaker 4:why?
Speaker 1:didn't he do it? He said so, according to the journalist. He said he did not want them to fact check him during the argument he just wanted to lie unchecked him during the argument. He just wanted to lie unchecked, like trump's like logic of oh I don't want you to to say fact check. I hope he didn't say that. I hope he meant like lie or something like that. I hope he didn't tell them to fact check me yeah, but then again.
Speaker 4:But that's what vance said during the debate.
Speaker 1:Vance said that, so I'm sitting there like these niggas really want to, just they're stupid and he fucked the couch and lie with impunity like that shit was insane uh, and he also wanted uh 60 minutes to apologize, I guess, for a story they did prior about him.
Speaker 1:They wasn't doing none of that, so they just said, hey, we fact check everybody, but he didn't want to do it. Um, I thought it was stupid in regards to just the fact, when they started talking about israel, that she, this is what happened, right, so she, she does this long word salad in the original posting of the video where she's talking about you know the things that we're working towards and not answering the question. Oh, she did that a bunch of times too.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's what politicians do, though she's the queen of it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she just doesn't answer her and trump do a good job at it, but she does it very political, like yeah, and he just says yeah, he just he admitted to it.
Speaker 4:He even talked about.
Speaker 1:He called it doing the weave, but uh, no. So she talks about that and it's very clear she's a pawn for israel. So, if anybody believes anything otherwise because they edited it too, where she said we just need to end the war and it's like you know, that's not what you feel. You feel like you're going to do what your israeli people tell you to do she's clearly a pawn for israel. She's a exposure on the flip-flopping of all her topics. She did, you know, do the whole. Well, I'm just here to learn more information in my, you know, ideals can be altered with you know, uh, with more information. But I'm not going to flip-flop on what things I stand for it's okay, but you're doing that I mean if you have good reason for it yeah, but I think it's it's.
Speaker 4:It's healthy to change your mind about things once new information is presented to you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but that's what you should do. A lot of times it's not new information, when it's just new donors. That's when they changed her mind that's the the important part of it. And then she already knew. This is what I knew she wasn't. I already knew she wasn't gonna get my vote, but this is what you know, me You've been yeah. I've already exposed that too. That's why it's funny when people are commenting on my comments on Trump and stuff like that, like you're for Kamala.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they're dumb asses who don't clearly watch the show and see that.
Speaker 4:Yeah, because this man is plenty about Steinstein head. Wake it up, green Party.
Speaker 1:But she said she said the the, the word that just closed her for me. For me, I'm a capitalist. Once she said that, I know I'm done, I'm not with her, I'm not voting for her. Yeah, that was just the main thing for me.
Speaker 4:That's our economic system, though.
Speaker 1:I mean, I understand what she's trying to play the politics the way that she has to. But again, my biggest fear with her because I noticed her doing this too with her hand the Obama thing she's like. To me it feels like we're just getting a carbon female clone of obama. It doesn't feel like that at all.
Speaker 4:It feels definitely like that to me. It doesn't like I don't. I don't feel the same way watching kamala speak that I did you're talking about and being inspired.
Speaker 1:I'm talking about policy and how the actions are going to be okay, I don't see that doesn't work for me anymore. I've grown past past where you can't inspire me anymore. I'm listening to what you're saying.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And if what you're saying is the same bullshit that I've been hearing beforehand. Then I'm straight off of it. So that's what I mean. Well, she's doing the same mannerisms. She's literally looking at the Obama playbook. She's never going to be that galvanizing.
Speaker 4:I mean unfortunately't think it's because she's a woman. I think a woman could be even more galvanizing than obama was because of the fact that she's a woman. I think that she's not going to be that galvanizing because of how she got into the position of being the person who's running against trump. We didn't vote her into this position? I think a woman could possibly be, even because it's a woman like you're.
Speaker 1:Galvanizing is a different thing than inspiring.
Speaker 4:Inspiring women can be up there and be an inspiring story to people, but galvanizing is turning you into essentially like a warrior for it and I don't see her turning men her, I'm talking yeah, I don't see her turning men you need that's the largest no, but I I do think that a woman, just in general there there might be a woman, if she does get to kamala kamala's point, from us just voting her in, like she could be even more galvanizing than obama was the reason why she naturally gains that that traction with us, the reason why I just disagree.
Speaker 1:I just think it's harder for a woman to gain that kind of spirit from a man as a leadership that's why, if she does get in that position, then it's going to be a completely different thing.
Speaker 4:That's why I think it might be even more intense what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:I think what you're missing. The point is is, regardless of position she gets put into or whatever positions that she's done, the men that is needed to give that effect of being galvanized is not. They're not going to fall for it for her, because it's just like men want to follow her. Unfortunately for most a lot of guys, they want to follow a man that they gay what I was going to say.
Speaker 4:Gay, you want to follow men.
Speaker 1:My bad, bleep that out they want to follow men that they would aspire to be, to be like.
Speaker 4:That's what I'm saying gay obama has that more than you want to touch butts?
Speaker 1:a lot of other guys do but uh we can get into trump now, so trump didn't do any kind of uh recent media with anybody established or like you know who's gonna check him on anything that he says he went to andrew schultz let me just let's do a real quick callback.
Speaker 4:Let's do a real quick callback right, because remember when I said this type of podcast, I'm so confused as to why the fuck shits and gigs was on there in the first place, and then, soon after, they have trump on the show. This is a podcast that would have trump on the show and you have a fan base of mostly black women, and then you brought your dumb black asses on that show to do it. For what? Why were you there? Trump was there after you. There's no way there's there's no way that me and Trump are gonna be on the same platform, though. Like, why are you on the same platform? You would go on the view.
Speaker 5:I wouldn't, I wouldn't go on the view, I wouldn't go on the view them.
Speaker 4:I wouldn't go on the View them bitches would piss me off. They would piss me clean off If you were selling a book, you'd go on the View. What? Do you know how much media prep I would have to do to go on the View? I would go on the View against my will. I'm just saying Trump was on.
Speaker 1:The View. So don't say that there's going to be some stuff. You would go on more shows that trump had been on than not, because a lot of those like fox and all that stuff, that'd be stuff that we'd be using to promote something for.
Speaker 4:So why would we be promoting on those platforms when we're black?
Speaker 1:people, because we'll be selling something that white people buy stuff from black people. We would be not, we would be on abc news not stop acting like this stop acting like if you came up with some idea or we developed some type of product and it just so happened to be popular with white women. You wouldn't be jumping on the shows to do that. You would do that not on. Not on platforms that I'm like I'm talking about general platforms that would have promotion like that okay, yeah sure, but no, he sat on there with schultz and akash.
Speaker 1:You and schultz for the first 10 minutes of that podcast Gave the Most disgusting brand of fellatio I've ever seen two straight Claiming men with wives To do. It was disgusting. It was Schultz had the shaft and Akash had the balls. The entire first part Of that interview, like I'm talking about, andrew couldn't stop cheesing. His fucking teeth was about to fall out Of his mouth how hard he was smiling. First part of that interview, like I'm talking about, andrew couldn't stop cheesing. His fucking teeth was about to fall out his mouth, how hard he was smiling akash, he thought that was this white savior in front of him. Like you, you see how he kind of generally, especially in the older days, he would act very impressed of andrew I don't, I don't know.
Speaker 4:The only thing I know akash from is that one comedy special that he did.
Speaker 1:Let's just say, whatever he looked at andrew, it was a hundredfold for trump. Like these guys was letting him get any shit off, he was just making up shit lying talking about he gave them his tax returns. I did one google search like nigga, no, they forced you to give up the tax returns and you still haven't provided everything in court yeah, they, and he still hasn't provided everything.
Speaker 1:He's the only president to never have submitted his tax returns since I think it was like eisenhower, they said. But uh, hold on, let me. Let me pull this clip up, because this was probably the most nastiest part of it yeah, years, yeah. They went to the united states supreme court.
Speaker 5:I gave them tens of thousands of pages and you never heard about it again well, that is what often happens, which is probably incredibly frustrating, which is lobbying and out so that was what they were talking about.
Speaker 1:In regards to the uh taxes, he said he gave him all this. So I went into a cbs news. They said trump on friday this is the older, just like two years ago trump on friday accused democrats of having unconstitutionally released his returns so so he didn't want to give it to them, and he was the first president since Richard Nixon to not release his tax returns.
Speaker 4:Of course it was Nixon the one who got impeached.
Speaker 2:He didn't get impeached, my bad.
Speaker 1:He was the one who was threatened to be impeached. Yeah, because once I say that, they're going to kill me in the comments. You know, your history, dumb fuck.
Speaker 1:And, and. Then the last sentence here says recent presidents released their tax returns voluntarily, so he was forced to do it. Let me see I got some more stuff right here. I thought this was pretty interesting how he felt about your boy Biden, and because they talked about you know he had assassination attempts and things like that. So let me get this one going here. This one is crazy what he asked. I think it's hilarious If you were a real president. If on, let me let you hear this. You got to listen to this.
Speaker 3:So this is what he's talking about what he felt biden should have did once he had the assassination attempt on him and biden if he were a real president, if he were, uh, the kind of guy he should be should say if anybody shoots a former president who's now the leading candidate, even though he's leading against democrats, we will bomb that country into oblivion and it would stop and that's been said before with some people you know hold on.
Speaker 1:Did you hear akash?
Speaker 3:when he said that and it would stop. Hold on, here it goes.
Speaker 5:Bomb that country into oblivion and it would stop. It was nigga eating. That's what he swore with some people.
Speaker 1:You know, there he said mmm, but I thought that's adorable. He wanted Biden to spin about him. He said you didn't ride for me. He said if you was a real nigga you would have took the missile the M12 nigga and spent the block on them. Brown boys, dog. They out here put their hands on me, even though they was pasty white men.
Speaker 4:Who is Trump saying is behind his assassination attempt? What?
Speaker 1:country. They asked him about that. They asked him who do you think was behind it? And he does this thing where he, self-described, said he's weaving, meaning he's not, he's not addressing the the, the question at hand, and just completely talks around, didn't even answer.
Speaker 4:You don't even have an idea of who you want bombed, you just want somebody bombed.
Speaker 1:He just felt like somebody had to spin about him. Like when I bring this information to you, somebody tried to spin about him. Like when I bring this information to you, somebody tried to kill me. Somebody should have just died.
Speaker 4:He said we have the same cloth, we like. We're both, we both former, about to be former presidents, and if somebody did that to you I would ride for you, so you should have rode for me. That's hilarious. Overall, though, this was a pretty.
Speaker 1:Trump is a bad bitch, obviously all, though this was a pretty sharp is a bad bitch, obviously. I mean and that's the thing where my takeaway from it is like I, I'm gonna lie I did enjoy the interview from a humor standpoint of course that's the problem, that's.
Speaker 4:That's really it. That really is the problem, because every time I listen to trump speak, he pisses me off, but I get a good laugh like my, my president shouldn't be a good podcast? No, it just shouldn't be. It like whenever Obama sits down and talks like charismatic as fuck, like I like hearing him talk, but there's a different level of being like charismatic, and then whether one just he's just a crash out, yeah, unhinged just being unruly with, because it's funny too.
Speaker 1:he needed this Schultz interview like really bad, because there was some information that came out right before this Schultz interview came, where they had Trump with the Jews, he had the hamaca on and everything.
Speaker 4:The yarmulke.
Speaker 1:What I call the hamaca. Yeah, yarmulke, he had the yarmulke on. I grew up in New York. I didn't know if I needed to like, because I seen Charleston White talking about him. He called him the foos. So I didn't know if I need to change what they were.
Speaker 4:So you know what? Don't repeat anything. Charleston white calls anybody he's on the palestinian side. I was with him with that.
Speaker 1:I just feel like you know, if any, if charleston uses any terms to describe anybody, it's pretty safe to not repeat that I just want to say this you stupid mega republicans who think that trump is somewhere trying to conclude and manipulate these Jewish oligarchs, y'all are fucking retarded. Ok, I don't want y'all to know that he is getting used, you know why? Because they're his donors, just like Kamala, so they get money from the same people. I think y'all need to understand and realize that this man is not on the side that you think it is. He wants to go to war with iran.
Speaker 1:He wants to go uh war is extremely profitable for the government he wants to blow shit up, hold on, let me, let me bring in, I thought, and then also yeah, like I think we all need to realize that presidents are puppets like they.
Speaker 4:They kind they want to come in and do the things that they want to do. They might be a little bit um uh, what's the word I'm looking for like they don't know what's gonna happen when they get into office and they might go in a little bit idealistic, but eventually they're just gonna be puppets let me tell you, I don't think there's. There's any change that can be done.
Speaker 1:Let me show y'all how much he disappointed his uh extreme right wing base in regards to. So this is nick Nick.
Speaker 4:Fuentes.
Speaker 1:He disappoints them a lot, though. This is Nick Fuentes right here. Nick Fuentes has already been on the ledge and this is like him, finally coming out like it's over with.
Speaker 10:Clearly, this whole Trump movement is just a big Israeli scam. That's all. Maybe that's all it was. It's hard for me to believe that, because I was a part of it, I believed in it and I loved it, but it's starting to feel like that's maybe what it always was with all of these people, and I'm not going to vote for Israeli gangsters. I'm not going to vote for Jewish, israeli gangsters and Chabad Lubavitchers who think I don't have a soul, jewish supremacists, people that want us to go to war with Iran. I'm not going to vote for it.
Speaker 10:I'm not going to encourage other people to vote for it, that's you know. And they say well, he'll win anyway, or something. So be it. So be it. I'm part of a different movement. I'm a different movement. Now I'm seceding from MAGA and they'll welcome it Seceding from MAGA.
Speaker 4:It's hilarious.
Speaker 10:So sick? Fine, I can't. I can't support any of that and I'm not a Democrat. I'm never going to support Kamala, but I can't support Trump anymore, the way I'm not going to support infinity immigration and war with Iran. It's not what I signed up for.
Speaker 4:Infinity immigration. I signed up for an end to the.
Speaker 10:Middle East wars I signed up for. I signed up for an end to the Middle East wars. I signed up for building a wall putting Americans first. None of these policies are America first. And, by the way, for everybody that says, well, he's only doing this for the sake of the election or something. The war in Israel is unpopular, Yet he'll support it anyway because they'll pay him. He will support the unpopular war in Israel because they will give him lots of money. He will not support pro-life although, because it is unpopular and Catholics are supposed to just deal with it. If you're a Jew and you want Trump to support your unpopular policy, he'll bend over backwards and you give him all this money and it works if you're okay, like well, you just have to.
Speaker 4:I have a couple questions.
Speaker 1:You would think that the, the mega group, would be behind israel because they're bombing brown people yeah, not as much so as they used to, because one of the surprises me a lot that, like the MAGA, people are against, like they're calling Jewish people like gangsters and thugs and stuff like no, but what it is is that they're saying what a lot of them take a stance of is they don't want America to go into other places and use our resources to. Essentially, they think of it as we're trying to rescue them and help them. They like believe that narrative, that we're going there to bring them democracy. You know what I'm saying?
Speaker 4:so I agree with them.
Speaker 1:I think america needs to stop trying to bring people democracy but they don't look at it like, oh, they're causing conflict in these areas and stuff. They're looking at it like, oh, we're trying to help these poor neanderthal, you know brutes, and they don't even appreciate us, so why are we even over there type shit? So that's how like it's the conflict with them they're calling the jewish people neanderthal brutes no, I'm saying just in general, I'm just okay, okay in this situation.
Speaker 1:They don't want us to be used by another country. Okay, they have an issue with people from other countries coming over here, and specifically israel coming over here manipulating our uh elected officials, uh having us, you know, throw money and weapons at them so that they can bomb, you know, their people that they hate are the?
Speaker 4:is the maga group pro-palestine or are they just anti-jewish yeah?
Speaker 1:it's more so because it bleeds into the fact that you know that used to be an old racist trope. Remember we talked about the leo frank guy that, uh, candace owens smeared his name yeah uh, yeah, he was a jewish guy out there that was used to be an older things like fuck the jews, fuck the blacks, like all that stuff used to be all together. So this is just an older you know, okay, okay, it's a growth of that.
Speaker 1:Like we don't trust the blacks, we don't trust the jews, like we don't trust anybody other okay, I understand, I'm understanding.
Speaker 4:And then the way they look at the jews. It's just surprising because, like I view jewish people as just white.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they don't just other white people, they're just white yeah, but you know how the fba thing goes and we said that the quote-unquote tethers and the foundational black americans and stuff. That's how theirs is. We both look white, but you're other because you're Jewish.
Speaker 4:That's what they used to do to the Italians. That's crazy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's just their infighting that they have inside now that's just the one that they focus on now is the Jewish one. Okay. It was actually pretty. This is the raptest part of this MAGA being destroyed. Elon has got himself compromised. This nigga is claiming telling people he wants them to sign his petition and register to vote. He's going to pay them, but it's illegal to pay people to register to vote.
Speaker 4:Yeah, and voter registration is done.
Speaker 1:now you can't register to vote Now, but he was beforehand. He was trying to get people to rally together. If you haven't, registered to vote.
Speaker 4:You're fucked. That's it. Did the trump rally? I saw one um clip of him. Like yo, that's.
Speaker 1:That's like a little school girl like anime elon is a free boy, like I thought he was about to open his mouth up for trump, like I thought he was. I know he at least spit on it. At least that's what I thought. And then his stupid mom. I hope this tweet is real. His stupid, stupid mom was responding to a tweet. Not his mama.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she thought it was Liam Neeson and it wasn't. It was just somebody who was clowning him. She's like someone who is an actor. I would think would hold themselves at a higher standard. I'm like yo. This whole family is retarded, yeah.
Speaker 4:It's pretty clear the only reason why they're rich is because they decided to move to South Africa and exploit the country, and the people there, the Emerald Farms. Yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't see how these guys claim to have Trump and Elon and all these guys. Be all superstars and be like the men's men that y'all all want to be like, and then they just be so unoppressive, flabby, don't think all these niggas is flabby looking dudes like I elon could do for a little wigger maxing yo like he probably need to call your boy up, uh from facebook.
Speaker 4:Yeah, why has mark zuckerberg been wearing all black and gold chains, not gold chains? Uh, one gold chain. He doesn't wear multiple at a time. That would be crazy. I would literally be writing into facebook like what the fuck are you doing, nigga?
Speaker 1:well, I'll introduce you to a new word wigger maxing, that is what it's called. I had to change my shirt because I spilled it during our break.
Speaker 7:Sorry, just wanted to put that out in there like what the fuck?
Speaker 1:kind of episode no but, um, before we get into what we're about to move on forward to, I do want to give an update on the Atlanta fire, crazy update. So there was at the council, they were at the Capitol Hill in Atlanta to discuss this and the gentleman, kenny Johnson he is the government, the Georgia environmental official who was having this discussion While after he finishes doing his testimony to Capitol Hill or, you know, up at Atlanta, he dies like literally on the Capitol, like walking away from it. He ends up passing away again.
Speaker 1:The cause of death has not been released, but it definitely looks crazy when yeah, it doesn't look good he was over here just requesting for a federal criminal investigation of this fire and then he dies shortly after the speech. That looks like something out of a netflix movie. Uh, but condolences to his family. We will definitely continue to be mindful of what's going on here. Again, if we get some more information that shows that this is uh related in any way or something's going on, we will definitely, definitely be the place that you want to have this discussion with us.
Speaker 4:Condolences to his family, but condolences to Kenny Johnson.
Speaker 1:Appreciate your service in the community, sir. All right Time to get to the bullshit. Man. Ddg and Joe Budden have gone at it. I'm kind of happy about this, Not gonna lie. Why this? I'm kind of happy about this, not going to lie why this nigga Joe was over here tweeting about me this week, talking about oh, let's take advice from Fred.
Speaker 4:That was so weird because Joe was anonymously listening into the spaces where they're like critiquing the podcast, talking about like what they could do better, blah, blah, blah what they like. And then Joe tweets from his account like, oh well, let's listen to Fred about like what could they, they could do better, blah, blah, blah what they like. And then joe tweets from his account like, oh well, let's listen to fred. That's, that's not weird as fuck to?
Speaker 1:you. Well, he said, please, let's say, you know, let's take fred's advice.
Speaker 4:Yeah, he was like oh, let's take fred's advice like you're listening anonymously to to your supporters and then sneak dissing them on your timeline, that's fucking.
Speaker 1:I sneak this all the time. I don't care about me and joe are ops like we have no obviously like it's not a supporter relationship, it's more of I'm cool with somebody who covers his content and I do watch, uh, your content from time to time. But I mean, we just, we just had odds man I was sitting here pondering. I'm trying to think what the fuck did. Did I say that got Joe so rattled yeah?
Speaker 4:What did you say?
Speaker 1:I was going back and I just kept trying to think about what could I?
Speaker 4:have said to Joseph what was the constructive criticism that you gave in the spaces that triggered him so much?
Speaker 1:Because I'm trying to think we were talking about Melissa 4. We were talking about what we would kind of do about it and I think I gave him the advice of I don't know. We were talking about rotating the cast or but he does that, doesn't he? I think I may have gave him the advice to stop doing women podcasts, because you're oh and three, my nigga like oh, yeah, oh, and two right now, yeah, oh, that that would probably trigger joe I pretty.
Speaker 1:I think that's what I said you have sexual assault allegations you you have you harassed a member of a show that you had on harassment allegations like it's just. I think that's what I said to him that got under his skin a little bit.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's it's not been a a good um path for you to walk down and just working with women.
Speaker 1:Yeah, just stay away from the ladies man.
Speaker 4:I think that was been good advice for you because that was the thing that I said when we were discussing it too just like if you can't control yourself and you can't be like, oh, I want to fuck you to a woman that you're working with and you can't be professional, then just don't fucking work with women yeah, I mean again, I think that's what it may have been, what I said to him, but apparently I didn't have to go crazy on him because ddg did, so we.
Speaker 1:I guess we should talk about the DDG situation a little bit yeah, let's talk about so.
Speaker 4:Um DDG and Halle broke up. Ddg announced that, uh, they weren't in a relationship anymore and blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 1:So um let's get into our theories with that first. Yes, so. I think I don't have the same conventional ideas people have. I think a lot of people think he's either cheating on her or she wanted to level up on him. I don't think that at all.
Speaker 1:I think that with him and his growing success and the type of fan base that he's garnering, he like, say, he just did the gunna he's. He opened up for gunna not too long ago. I think when you use that, uh, you take all that in consideration. He is more of a hip-hop, uh, I don't want to say a ghetto nigga type shit, but I think he appeals to that more than a Hollywood. This is what I think.
Speaker 4:Let me just get into it OK, this is what I tell you to see for real.
Speaker 1:Ok, now this is what I think happened. I think her team went to his team and said hey, if we're going to continue to operate and do this relationship as publicly as we're going to do it, he has to change some things. Because if you do listen to what he said, he talked about, uh, how he wasn't gonna be controlled in the in the breakup message.
Speaker 1:He said he wasn't gonna be controlled and all that shit. I didn't listen to the breakup. Well, he, it was a tweet, even not tweet, but it was a ig post. So he basically said he wasn't gonna be controlled in it. And what? I feel like this. They came to him say, bro, you need to rally it in, you need to do your trajectory, needs to go this way, or if not you and howie can't be public specific image that she needs to maintain.
Speaker 4:She was a disney girl for god.
Speaker 1:Like she, she played a role for disney she did, but that's being highly exaggerated in regards to her. That movie flopped. You did a disney movie live action. You didn't crack a beat. That movie did barely did half a million. I still didn't watch that movie. Nobody did. That's why I say y'all keep saying that she's the disney like. I feel like this is just what he probably heard her crew saying and they were demeaning him like he's not one of the most successful niggas on the internet right now he's, he's.
Speaker 4:He was one of the like og like streaming youtuber guys that like had his family with him and all that I completely understand, don't come to me, grew up on the internet.
Speaker 1:Don't come to me with you or your team trying to tell me I'm not enough to be next to you, and I think that's where he got insulted. I understand that completely.
Speaker 4:I I feel like that might have happened. Word on the street and the internet t is that she cheated on him with brent fires.
Speaker 1:Oh shit yo, these women are unruly, y'all are, oh my gosh. Yo that can't be, though, because he said it can't be. He can't be that because he said he would think about getting back with her oh yeah, he said that.
Speaker 4:Um, if he? Because people were saying like he about to run it back with ruby, like he's being so public about the breakup because he wants ruby to know that he's single now. And then he was like I guess he saw that and he was like, stop it, if I were to be in a relationship with anybody I would just run it back with hallie.
Speaker 1:So and that stems from a joe budden space that he reacted to. So the breakup happens. It goes, you know, starts being public fodder. Joe brings himself into it and comments on it. What did joe say? He said a lot of disparaging things that he's glad that they're breaking up because he's tired of hearing the ddg, because he doesn't know what he does.
Speaker 4:You're gonna keep hearing about ddg though he's because he's shit on him he's the internet. Like little. The internet loves him.
Speaker 1:But there's different ways, just like people don't know who mr beast is. There's ways that you can insulate yourself from people, so, but now it's not going to happen. So, uh, he goes and he shits on him, basically tells him all the shit that he's happy for, and ddg does not take this kindly and as the content wizard that he is, he doesn't just do one thing, he does a podcast with his homeboy, sits down, shits on joe I didn't see that he then does a live stream where he begins to shit on joe, where he goes to old interviews and bringing them up.
Speaker 1:He brought the Esther Baxter situation up.
Speaker 4:He also brought up the stomping on the pregnant woman's stomach.
Speaker 1:He also showed you that he admitted to in a song. He also pointed to where a stomach is on a woman's body, and, joseph, it's right underneath the breast.
Speaker 4:Oh my God, he was going crazy on him, yeah, and then he also. He also tweeted. He said, um, nigga, got 30 years max of life left. He said you old, you only have 30 years, three decades, nigga. He said I have way more life than you left um, and speaking on a relationship of people the same age as your son you ain't take care of, he said you a deadbeat daddy. And everyone knows I'm an amazing father.
Speaker 1:I'm with my kid every day, blasting it on the internet um, joe, I want you to say though you know you heard me, I had your back in the space there, yo, you didn't. It don't matter, he didn't have the money to be on beat. So now that he got the money, he on beat with his son.
Speaker 4:You don't have to have money to spend time with your children, shit like that's not true.
Speaker 1:There's a whole bunch of niggas that can't.
Speaker 4:You don't have to have money to spend time with your children tell that to the bitches, other than if, if your baby mama is being combative and stuff like that, there are other obstacles, yes, but if you're only to not seeing your child is money, you're a deadbeat, pathetic piece of shit. Dad period yes, you are no, it's not, he said. I hope you forget to take your magnesium pills today, you old bitch so ddg goes at joe budden.
Speaker 1:He goes on a tirade in his uh his stream and then pretty much everybody kind of has the discussion about around it. Joe does respond on his show I'd haven't watched it yet he does it was like a 10 minute long thing, like yeah, he was just trying to give him a salute. The real problem I think ddg really had was the fact that he read that tweet off. That wasn't deep from ddg, where it's talking about hayley had the bad head and all that shit oh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's why ddg came at him, because joe basically implied that ddg left hallie because she didn't give good head.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he read no, he basically called him calling them names, but he he justified it from that post yeah and then later on in the episode he says that the post was fake or whatever, like during the end of the sleepers or whatever. But that's where it came from. Joe man, you kind of gonna have to take that bro like yeah you, you, you violated. I'm with the young nigga on this one, because you stepped into his world and he gonna let you feel it. I hope he don't let up.
Speaker 4:I want him to keep going like, even after the apology the type of content creator ddg is, I don't think he is gonna let up no, he said he got the joe button project going like yeah, like period I would get earl sweatshirt on stream just to dress up like joe again yes, oh my god, I would sit down.
Speaker 4:I'll be like oh, I'm having an interview with joe budd and blah, blah, blah, everyone logs on it's earl in the mustache and the bald cap. Oh my god, ddg, please, I would love that so much, with the jean jacket and everything a little, the little bald cap on yes, I would love that no, no, that would definitely be sick.
Speaker 1:Uh, I definitely just think that I want to see some more content from this I'm, so I'm. It was like a few, like three or four hours. He was doing dvg on the live stream. He was going in at uh the ice. He went on everybody but melissa ford he was. I'm going on a woman yeah, period.
Speaker 4:So Go at all these niggas.
Speaker 1:There's mad niggas for you to go at. No, Melissa Ford can get it to.
Speaker 4:But what did she?
Speaker 1:say she was over here trying to. She was talking down on him.
Speaker 4:It just looks crazy when you, as a man, are going at a woman, it always looks a little crazy.
Speaker 1:Regardless of I feel like he's young enough that it might. It might fly. Yeah, I feel like if you just don't do the bottom of the barrel shit and just call her a bitch like you should be good, hold on.
Speaker 4:That's what he said about you can't just call her an old bitch hold on this is him this is the shit that be pissing me off.
Speaker 11:You are an employee, crenshaw. You are an employee, crenshaw. You are an employee. You're not the boss. Anybody that clicks on that podcast is clicking for Joe Buddy, not you. This is an example of like you ever seen like one of them memes or something when somebody say a joke and he trying to laugh to get higher pay. Man, your buffs is weak, real buffs and I doubt you from michigan. So why is you trying to jock michigan swag?
Speaker 11:I don't understand but like this type of that just laugh extra hard to get a raise. Yeah, he do be laughing. Actually I'm trying to get more money and shit like niggas, like this isn't lame, bro? And then you're gonna see.
Speaker 1:You're gonna see how it's the only one that said who is ddg and mel you're gonna see how he act like he talked about ish hairline because ish was trying to salute him, because he was with with ruby and he was like nah, nigga, she'd never be with you, she'd never be.
Speaker 4:Look at your hairline nigga fade ruby would definitely be with like if he had a little bit more money but anybody that pays me yeah literally like ruby is for the streets yeah, she's a fucking. She's a fucking receipt. You can't. You can't get that shit off at all. If you were talking about hallie, that would be a different thing. Like that's.
Speaker 1:It's a woman of standard that's a that's, that's, that's the the marketing. Anyway, I believe that's what yes, did yes. Ruby has marketed herself as a no, I'm talking about Hallie and then Hallie has marketed herself as a woman of standard. Standard. Women don't get pregnant by niggas. That's not a husband.
Speaker 4:She also on live. Over and over and over again told us that she like her niggas.
Speaker 1:I mean again, that's not a woman of standard. Still, what you like is part of the standard. What you said was she marketed herself as that, and that's I agreed. She markets herself as a woman of standard. Yeah, I'm just saying that that's marketing, though that's all I'm saying it is, that's all. Uh, do we got anything else on the ddg? No I feel like we cut out. We're gonna end up cutting out most of it anyway, uh I don't think we should well, it's been overridden.
Speaker 1:We got to get to no jumper, though, so I'm gonna play this clip and I'm gonna have, I believe, a controversial, controversial statement to say after this I don't know how it's gonna be accepted or how it's gonna fly, but sydney star was on no jumper. She was, uh there with eddie winslow, uh, the damaged ex of corinne steffens, uh, so damaged now that he is after chicks with sticks he's been dating trans women he no longer wants that. He just announced that. We talked about on the show when he announced it.
Speaker 4:Yeah but like the he he was tied to syney before that, that's sad. No, it's not.
Speaker 1:If you see how he's conducting himself.
Speaker 4:OK how he's conducting himself is sad.
Speaker 1:I wish you would have said how then, instead of asking. We're just talking about him dating a trans woman and you said that's sad you should have added more context before you said that's sad. Or you could ask a question and say how is that sad, and then allow me to explain but, you? Yeah, just that's what y'all like to do.
Speaker 4:Y'all like to just go in and you can't just say shit, we have a platform. You can't just say you can ask a question.
Speaker 1:I have no questions. You did because you were wrong for what we do.
Speaker 2:What we do because it's very hard for us out here, especially in the entertainment industry. It's not many of us, it's only. You can name like maybe five trans women in industry you can name your Laverne Cox your TS Madison your me because I'm the girl from Pose. I forget her name.
Speaker 1:Amaya Amaya Scott during the interview, this scared pussy ass nigga. Anytime he got something to say, he whispers her in their ear like a fucking yes. What's his name? His name is darius I think okay his name. Yeah uh, darius mccray. Darius, scary ass. Every time he got something to say or something that he objects with. Instead of speaking his his mind. Like a fucking grown-ass man, he whispers in this woman's ear like a bitch. That's a bitch kink thing.
Speaker 4:Okay, but how do we like? There's mad bitch kinks.
Speaker 1:There's different multitudes of bitch kinks, and I'm describing the kink.
Speaker 4:That's what it is.
Speaker 1:I don't care if it's a kink.
Speaker 4:It's still pathetic Because I didn't watch the interview. But when you describe that, to me that's not normal human behavior across the board regardless. But I feel like that's a, that's a dom sub relationship that they probably have.
Speaker 1:That is a damaged man, I don't think you you're not taking into account what Crenn Stephens. Crenn Stephens used to leave their marital bed To go suck Lil Wayne's dick. Yes, she wrote about it in the book. We all know. Okay dick.
Speaker 4:Yeah, she wrote about it in the book. We all know. Okay, like this is I. From my opinion. I feel like and it's a little bit more interesting to me that they might like maybe have a dom sub relationship and then he might have like a humiliation kink of some sort and them going on social media and like doing like I don't know. That's kind of interesting to me. Maybe I'm not saying that's the that's what's going on.
Speaker 1:Everything she describes you was essentially uh, the nice way to say, you are less of a man.
Speaker 6:That's exactly what she was trying to say he's king shaming, I'm not it's being told, I think that is just expressing themselves in a different way.
Speaker 9:Yeah, this is how our relationship is is he asking for permission to speak?
Speaker 2:oh okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right, yeah, okay yeah, no, that's 100 percent of kick so the thing is like, like I said, you think, you're bold.
Speaker 4:Imagine him.
Speaker 2:He's from the street right and he's pioneering a new form of reality tv he's facing backlash that he's probably never had to take on before, especially, yes, for the community I've never faced any backlash in my life. I'm so proud of you, ray.
Speaker 11:I'm serious, but I haven't faced any backlash in my life because you look at backlash the only way.
Speaker 1:It's a perception okay, so I'm about to skip up ahead a little bit because, as I said, ray J, adam 22, darius they talk about her and being involved with Chingy yes, and what happened there?
Speaker 2:that was with Shauna the rapper. Dtp, dtp, not DTP, god damn it. Shauna getting some head. Shauna Timberland? No, wasn't Shauna Ludacris?
Speaker 4:She was the one in Ludacris' group. Oh yeah, so I was working with her.
Speaker 2:I was on tour. There wasn't a girl in the same clinic I was on tour with Shauna. Oh yeah, I remember Shauna. Sorry, Shauna, I always had a big crush on Chingy. So the thing was I wanted to get a picture and you know he was very welcoming. And then you posted it and lied to the world and told everyone you fucked him, meaning Chingy was very welcoming and taking a picture with somebody who was admiring him for his craft and for his talent as an artist, exactly. And what happened was Okay, hold on Before.
Speaker 1:She's about to go into it. But darius daps up adam 22 when he stood up to sydney, and then you posted it said you fucked him and ruined it. Yeah, he darius daps him up, saying because she wasn't looking at him, he daps him up on the slide. Oh, this is not a kink, this is a man who is damaged but then why would he like?
Speaker 1:no, I think he's damaged see, that's the thing you can't even fundamentally think of. A man in is damaged, but then why would he like? No, I think this is a kink, because he's damaged, see that's the thing.
Speaker 4:You can't even fundamentally think of a man in a situation where he's this damaged to let something like this happen?
Speaker 1:Yes, that's a problem. That's like wild to me. That's a problem. You don't think men is people. No, fuck y'all.
Speaker 2:Again. So people, because you're a trans woman, they're not going to pay no attention to you. This was, mind you, 2010. I remember this Trans women were not being looked at for anything. Media takeout. I was the first trans woman to hit the scene on War Star Hip Hop. Media takeout.
Speaker 4:Period. I remember where this was. I'm going to say her name.
Speaker 2:Should I say her name Amaya Scott?
Speaker 4:Amaya Scott is that girl, but she Amaya.
Speaker 6:Scott is that girl, but she's here, I was the one that was really taking the.
Speaker 2:Harriet Tubman role. The which role?
Speaker 4:Not the Harriet Tubman of trans women. That's the title of this clip by lying and destroying another black man? No, yes.
Speaker 2:No, no, adam no.
Speaker 4:But she did lie.
Speaker 1:Darius is still acknowledging him.
Speaker 2:That's correct when he said that After that happened at that time, no one was talking about Chingy at that time. I actually made the world start talking about him again by ruining him. I became a warm-hearted, good person in my soul. I apologized it don't matter. And apologized. But what did you do to? I tried to make things right.
Speaker 4:Because I didn't even know until she put out this interview. This is the part you need to hear.
Speaker 2:Got it. No, I just wanted to. I don't like that. I don't like that. What happened was I went on, but you said Sydney. You said you were going to simplify the answers.
Speaker 2:Okay, you said you was going to make it simple and you was going to make it simple. The thing was, I made a mistake. I'm only human and I would never do no bullshit like that, ever again. But what did you do? I didn't do nothing right, got it Nothing. So tune in to the girls club, yes, every Monday on Tron. Make sure you tune in. And if I pressured you in any way, I didn't know, I don't even know how I appeared here.
Speaker 1:I'm not even going to lie. That shit really pissed me off. So I'm going to say this this is my controversial opinion yo, trans women are women. Dog, like that performance right there, that was 100% a woman. Nigga didn't admit to anything. I'm glad you said accountability. Motherfucker escaped that shit like a real female, 100%, real female, 100. That's. That's cisgender to me now. Nobody, nothing else.
Speaker 4:that's cisgender, I'm so tired of your misogynistic bull fucking shit man I just gotta sit next to you and just listen to you say this dumb shit all the time and you don't do the same thing with me, uh, it's so much more interesting when I do it.
Speaker 1:Trans women are women, yo, and I'm here for it. Entertaining when I do, I'm okay for it. Yo, I'm not more nuanced when I do it. No it's not. It's boneheaded shit. That's all it is.
Speaker 4:It's just the regular shit we see on Twitter all the time when you do it.
Speaker 1:Like I said, this kind of performance right here, epic. I'm talking about the lack of accountability.
Speaker 4:The, not even just repeating what she did. She fucking just. I did nothing like. She put out that picture and lied and said that she fucked him, and then all of us took it and ran with it. If she was a smart bitch, if she was slightly smarter, right, hold on before you say that it's been over almost 20 years yeah we're getting close to 20 years and chingy's like done, he's done, he's been done. Since then, like what kind of mental?
Speaker 4:illness in your head, where after close you 15 years and you can't apologize and say it right, but if she was a tiny bit smarter she would have been like yes, that was a mistake on my part, I was clout chasing and I was trying to get some type of notoriety and that was wrong. But the reason that his career like there's, there was no reason why fucking a trans woman should have ended his career if she was smart, let me cook let me cook, let me cook, let me cook.
Speaker 4:She would be like I was the catalyst. Yes, but black people's homophobia is the actual problem and what we need to talk about, because why did they stop fucking with this nigga? Because they thought he was fucking me because I'm trans. She should have started cooking. I would have been. Y'all would have hated me. I would have convoluted everything.
Speaker 4:So fucking much like if she was really that, but that would that not have been more interesting if she did that, instead of skirting accountability you can not. Taking accountability is easy enough, but fucking changing the narrative into some other bullshit like common and like a politician does, like kamala and trump do, like changing it into a completely different thing, that would have been more interesting. Girl. You should have been like. Black people's homophobia is what we need to be discussing right now, and the homophobia in the black community and the fact that they decided to throw this nigga out because he fucked a trans woman that's it, that's I would have changed the whole conversation now.
Speaker 4:Now you having a? Uh, now we're having a conversation about the lgbtqa community that everyone else is uncomfortable to have, and now I got the upper hand, but she not smart, so I would have said I would have been like I was.
Speaker 1:I had just transitioned and I was still in my male brain. I was still developing my female brain. That's why I did it blame it on men. That's also a good route that's what I would have did that'd have been more womanly to do.
Speaker 4:Yes, if he was a real bitch for real. No, I'm kidding. But, you're going to leave that in.
Speaker 1:Don't do that. Well, that's funnier. That was funny, you going on. Your little spiel is different young. So Piers Morgan we talked about had Jaguar right on his platform. Which why? I mean, I understand she's going to be the one up there that's going to give it up.
Speaker 4:That's a libel case waiting to happen. If you have Jaguar right on your platform, it depends, because she really honestly, I went back and listened to it. She only white on your it depends, because she really honestly there's. I went back and listened to it. She only really made one claim. I feel like you, not like, but if you, if you watching clips of jaguar white, yes, but if you watch a whole interview, she just be sick. She said that chloe and hallie are trying to copy her but she didn't say that on piers morgan I'm no, no, I'm just saying like yeah, I'm saying
Speaker 1:shit. The reason why I'm saying the reason why I'm being specific with this, is because piers morgan uh got a cease and desist from from jay-z yes his lawyer went on another platform and said this was not a cease and desist, this was an order to stop or we would destroy you essentially yeah, I thought that and I'm sure they have the the power to do so and what I'll say?
Speaker 1:this first off, I don't agree with these attacks on the fourth estate because, like I said, the only claim she made was about them, uh, holding people captive. So uh, there is room for being wrong or someone saying something in error on the on a platform. Yes, you can, and that can happen and that can be said. What's important is is he verifies, like he did during the time they're not here to respond to those claims.
Speaker 4:He didn't validate my thing is, though, when she has gone on several other platforms to say this, before smaller platforms and this is the biggest platform she's gone on to say this how does that change the situation, when this is not the first time that she's alleged that this is?
Speaker 1:happening. The thing is they can't really sue her because of claims that she doesn't have anything to sue for. So it would just be essentially you paying your lawyer to make somebody difficult life difficult, and it really isn't going to make them too much difficult. They can't afford to do nothing, so it's not like you can make them have to when they, when the lawyer stuff comes up, they have to buy inexpensively.
Speaker 4:No, it's just they're going to probably end up getting somebody appointed to them by the, by the court, because of what's going on yeah, public defender yeah, and have to go kind of go like that, so you're not really a public defender for a libel case, is crazy.
Speaker 1:But for her to get on his platform. They can now sue the platform adjacent. The thing about suing and I hate this is suing this is copyright strikes. What y'all need to understand all that is is them making a claim about you saying so that does not mean they have won. Jay-z did not win when he sued him. It's not guaranteed he will win. What's guaranteed was more than guaranteed or understood was that Rupert Murdoch is not going to pay these lawyers to defend him. Uh.
Speaker 4:Piers Morgan? No, obviously not, because they immediately so um, jay-z's lawyers, jay-z and beyonce's lawyers, uh, requested that some parts of the interview be taken down, and pierce just he just obliged, yeah, but he again, he didn't.
Speaker 1:One didn't have to. Jay-z and them are not this, and the reason why I hate this is because it plays into this idea of them being these. Super control can get anything stopped, anything when it's like uh, I just don't want the headache, you're not it's not worth going through the headache with you.
Speaker 1:And that's really what it was. And again, like I said, she didn't make but one claim and everything else was just her opinion on jay-z. So again the grounds I don't think I, from my understanding and my studying of libel and and defamation lawsuits, things of that nature, the one thing is I think libel is written right.
Speaker 4:Yes, libel is written.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so this wouldn't have been libel. This would have been a slander defamation case. The thing about this would have been you still have to show when you go to a public figure, you have to show that this is systematic.
Speaker 1:The fact that you have to show that you lost money, that this person has ill intent on what they're doing. If they're saying they got victims and people willing to testify and stuff like that, that's not illegal for them to say. It's that's not wrong for them to say either. So that's why I I don't like this, because people are so conditioned to look at this as a system to reaffirm their fear and power of jay-z and not understanding like no, it's just more so. Other rich, powerful people don't want to deal with the hassle that this is going to bring and it is a hassle.
Speaker 4:So morgan said that he now had heard from the couple's lawyers and they would edit rights allegations out of the show. He offered a direct apology, saying editing interviews is not something we do lightly at a show called uncensored, but like the proverbial, the proverbial cries of fire in a crowd, crowded theater, there are legal limits on us too and we apologize to jay-z and beyonce. That was a shitty apology. He was like. That apology was like we're apologizing because we have to and because we don't have to get, we don't want to get sued, and there's where our hands are tied yeah, and but like I said, it's just they just don't want to fight the suit.
Speaker 1:That's the main thing. I think that's important yeah it's. Somebody sues you, you can fight it. That's not. I hate when people just feel like once the creator strikes them or something like, it's over.
Speaker 4:It's not, that's just the, that just means they putting their dukes up. Yeah, it's just up to you whether this is something that you want to fight about or not. This is not something that pierce or his network or whoever like. They didn't want to. They didn't want to fight this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they don't care and if, honestly, the reason why they don't want to fight is not because they fear him, it's like we don't want to mess.
Speaker 4:Get his message it's not these silly colors, yeah that's.
Speaker 1:I mean, that's how they looking at rupert murdoch and I was like, oh, we don't care about these silly colors just changing around.
Speaker 4:It's not going to change anything for us I don't know, but um, damn, I forgot the question I was about to ask you. Okay, I was gonna ask you how do you feel about these I'm not gonna say reputable media outlets, because pierce morgan is he. He, he reports on mess. He's messy as fuck. Um, how do you feel about media outlets getting people like jaguar right and like cameron, when he was on like fox news the other day to talk about, I think, like black demise, black detriment?
Speaker 1:I think that's kind of gets fickle with it, because they I feel like anytime you're in a situation like this, whether it be good or bad news, you want to get people who are close to the circle and that's going to be willing to have conversations about it my question is what do you?
Speaker 4:how do you feel about who they get to talk about things?
Speaker 1:OK, no, they're definitely. It's definitely a plan where they're trying to get like a minstrel show. They're trying to get the people that are going to give them the biggest reaction, and they were wrong with Cam when they did it, because he didn't give them the kind of reaction they want.
Speaker 4:He didn't give a fuck, but the fuck, but that's what they want.
Speaker 1:They want the person who's going. I mean what they said bleeds, it leads. That's always was the first uh rule of journalism. So you want that, you want the person to tell you. That's why it's always a sick industry, because at the end of the day like that's when I knew like I was I was kind of off a little bit when I first started doing this when I was in college because I would be like I would be upset when the story didn't lead to where I wanted it to.
Speaker 1:And it usually is like I wanted you to be abused or I wanted you to be attacked or something Like. When it didn't lead to that, it felt worthless and it's like damn, that's fucked up.
Speaker 4:That is fucked up.
Speaker 1:But it means what we do now. There's plenty of topics we discuss back and forth Like, hey, is this interesting? This is not.
Speaker 4:It's like no, fuck a nigga nigga winning an award for being great.
Speaker 1:Things have to be salacious, for it has to, it has to be sexy.
Speaker 4:To get the people going, it has to be provocative. So I mean, that's why I feel like it's the people going that's just kind of what I felt in regards to that.
Speaker 1:So I kind of I know we supposed to get into the j cole song we'll get into that in just a moment but you said something that I think is kind of a better transition into the next thing okay, okay. So let's get into the spaces. So give another spaces update here about what happened. I don't You're involved in this, though.
Speaker 4:That's what I was going to say. I don't usually be involved in the spaces. Okay, that's all I'm gonna say.
Speaker 1:so we'll go on just to what happened. So we had a space. The other day, individual comes in there, uh, you know spouting off threats and you know, you know saying he's going to dox people and stuff because of an interaction he had on another app.
Speaker 4:There was a black man right who came on spaces to publicly um assault verbally. Verbally. Yes to publicly assault.
Speaker 1:Verbally.
Speaker 4:Verbally yes To publicly verbally assault and threaten another black woman that he knows personally.
Speaker 1:No, he doesn't know her personally. Okay, he doesn't know her personally. So that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 4:Let me explain what happened, Okay because you wasn't explaining it with enough context for me. You said somebody came in and assaulted somebody. Well, let me finish. Go ahead and finish. So he comes in.
Speaker 1:He had an interaction with the jb tv community, the joe button tv community which is not your, that's not us, okay where we works.
Speaker 1:He had an interaction with them on another platform. This platform goes in. They start talking shit about each other. He kind of takes it to a place where he's calling people dick suckers and all that. They kick him off stage. He has a problem with it because they continue to talk about him after he leaves. He then goes on his twitter page, puts threats and all this other stuff that on there. So he comes up and introduces us to this situation. Me and danny don't know clue what's going on. He explains what's going on.
Speaker 1:Danny, who's had similar situations of people tag teaming him, jumping him on stages, is empathetic to him. So he's hearing some of the stuff that he doesn't agree with, but he's trying to hear this guy out and just get a better understanding of, maybe, what's triggered you to get to this point. Long story short, people started to join in. Some of the gentlemen he talks to came in, felt like he didn't have that same kind of energy with them. But he says oh, I set up blind plane tickets, so salute. But then she comes in and she gives Buddy the business, the lady who was involved in it. She asks him to expose his information. She then information.
Speaker 4:Wait, hold on, go back.
Speaker 1:She asks him to expose the information he had on her, because he said he had her uh mother's address. She said he had uh her brother's information.
Speaker 4:She thinks he's pump faking and she's like trying to.
Speaker 1:She's testing him, she's testing to see what you know, I mean in my opinion.
Speaker 5:I'm trying to see if you know real information too yeah, so I know if I need to, how I need to act yeah, so he says he knows the car, she drives all this other stuff, so she gives him opportunity.
Speaker 7:Hey, say it yeah, like if you know all this shit say it.
Speaker 1:He said he says something she says, those aren't true. There's people in the audience that know her closer okay. So she feels like he's faking, and then he proves that he's faking she pretty much show, shows him in a way like, hey you, these information you're saying is not true, it's not real, not authentic you're a dumb bitch and the nigga. She made a girl, she made him look dumb. She made him look crazy on it period.
Speaker 4:Yeah, he didn't respond that does.
Speaker 1:That's neither here nor there. Honestly, I don't even care to talk about that part because that's not even really the the main thing that happens with me. So after that space ends, I go into another space because I'm still trying to gather more information on what's going on. I get summoned. I get summoned to the, to the stage and, um, he tells me about this.
Speaker 4:He's in the spaces listening and I'm like if danny, if people, okay, we didn't get to what the actual problem is.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's what I'm about to get into now yeah, so I get to the stage and we're brought up this issue. So, danny, after the spaces is done, he removes it from. Twitter. She asked him. No, she didn't.
Speaker 4:She didn't ask him no.
Speaker 1:There was other people who had conversations with him, but she didn't Because I thought she asked him personally to take it down. No, Okay, there was no conversations or discussions about that.
Speaker 4:So he thought that it was volatile enough for it to be taken down because it was aggressive and it was violent towards a woman. No, I don't think that's what was going on. Why did he take it down?
Speaker 1:I think anytime some of the spaces kind of not even get volatile when there's just particulars, information in it or certain things that just are said that he doesn't want to be continued on the page, he removes it and he puts it on his patreon and he does that a lot for a lot of spaces. Yeah, you told me that where he, because he found a thing that downloads it. So what?
Speaker 4:he does, is he down? My question would be like why did danny take this one off?
Speaker 1:specifically he. He said he didn't, he didn't want it on the page anymore. He said it was. It did get aggressive, but he didn't want it on the page anymore. It felt like it'd be better suited and it'd be less visible on his patreon but we did know that all of the information that he said was wrong. That's when. Okay, so let's relax, let me tell the story and then we can get okay, I was just like, yeah, I'm trying to, I'm trying to tell you.
Speaker 1:You keep stopping me. So, uh, I get caught up on stage and she asks me the question about how do I feel about danny? There's a whole bunch of other grandstand and shit going on, but essentially the the meat of potatoes, or the question for me was how do I feel that danny has put it on his patreon, to quote unquote, monetize number of things. You stopped me and that's why I I looked on stage. If you go back and listen to it, I look crazy on stage because before I could do anything, she stops me and tells me I can't get on my on my shit and defend danny um, danny, you are a grown-ass man.
Speaker 4:You do not need my husband to defend you to to uh against another black woman that's asking you about your own actions. That he asked me he had. He had absolutely nothing to do with it. Doesn't matter if danny asked you or not. I just didn't want you caping for a man against another woman. You know, like you don't, you don't need to back this nigga up. But when, when there's just another woman asking him questions about like why he decided to do what he decided to do.
Speaker 1:Ok, that's what I'm saying. That's not what happened, though I was in the space listening to the space.
Speaker 4:He wasn't even there. They weren't even talking. Yeah, but before, before he even got in the space, like while he was listening, listening before I knew the context of everything, I told him you cannot get in here defending another man against a black woman, point blank, period, regardless of the context, regardless of what's going on. Danny is a grown-ass man and he decided to do this without consulting you. It's his, his platform. He doesn't have to consult you. But I'm just saying, like you weren't part of the decision. So if he's getting backlash for said decision, then this nigga needs to stand up on his own and explain himself and you do not need to be part of the conversation, because I wholeheartedly feel like you eat these niggas up way more. Like you're smarter, so like if you were in the conversation backing danny up, then it would probably look worse for her and I don't want that to happen.
Speaker 1:My thing is this, though because the problem about monetization and I couldn't get into it because what you had asked me to do, so I was obliging for that, but I still got in my back, thank you I still stood on my shit, I just didn't go crazy, because the thing is, it's already monetized, because Danny's monetized on Twitter.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So, if anything, everything is monetized regardless. So there's things it's already monetized. Because Danny already is monetized on Twitter, there's less eyes that's going to be on it when he takes it to his Patreon, because that means you have to pay $3 to join his patreon to watch it. Most people are not going to do that, so now it's left eyes. Third thing it's document. So if this nigga does do something stupid, we have verbal documentation.
Speaker 4:We have him audibly saying things this is all the stuff that makes sense that I did not want you to go into the spaces to say, because danny should be the one saying this on his own. I'm gonna go on a stage like, like that because if they go into him for what he's doing, then he needs to come and defend himself. And he should have came in and said all that stuff and then also has more eyes on it on twitter, less on patreon, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 1:Then fourth reason to uh. The fourth reason besides the eyes on patreon um. The fourth was about dang. You made me forget.
Speaker 4:That's why I'm mad I'm sorry I gotta say, or I'm gonna forget too right now. Uh, I was literally in the middle of what I was saying uh.
Speaker 1:And then the fourth reason is well, there's two more. So fourth reason is uh, we, they don't owe her nothing. Danny, don't owe any of these people anything on there, yeah he don't owe anybody any level of protection and so I don't see him issue him moving his content over to that. So one, he doesn't owe anybody anything. Uh, and the second and then the last thing there was no real information revealed.
Speaker 4:That's what I was going to say too. Like all the information was fake.
Speaker 1:There was no real information on there. So, again, she had an issue with the fact that you know the people that he was addressing mom, brother, things like that. Cool, I understand that. She unfollowed us because I said, hey, danny still got a right to post the content, unfollow both of y'all, but she don't have both of my pages, so she talked after the page sucks, but I mean it's because I didn't want you to do that.
Speaker 4:I really didn't.
Speaker 1:The reason I I said what I said was hey, you got every right to feel the way that you want to feel, but that's dandy content and there isn't anything on there that is damning, like there's a difference between a threat and a credible threat I didn't know that all of the threats that he made were completely unfounded, Like everything he was saying was wrong.
Speaker 4:Damn, I forgot what I was going to say too.
Speaker 1:But no, everything like in regards to everything he was saying, she at least didn't verify it is real.
Speaker 4:I didn't know that, like, everything that he was saying was completely unreal.
Speaker 1:And then even when he did say certain stuff, he didn't say like, oh, you had six, seven, two, five, trail, trailblazer road. And he didn't say like, oh, you had six, seven, two, five, uh, trail, you know, trailblazer road and all that. He didn't say nothing like that. So even if it was fake, we I would say you probably should get rid of that, because that could still be somebody's address when you were talking to her.
Speaker 4:What did she take from that interaction as, like, traumatizing or triggering, or what he brought up?
Speaker 1:the dude he brought up like threatening her mom and stuff like that. That was the main thing she said. Okay, after I said the fact there was no real information on there, it got a little quiet. Then she kind of got heated up at me again that's.
Speaker 4:That's what I didn't like. If if danny is not in the space to defend himself, then I didn't want you to be there defending him I, I just want.
Speaker 1:I don't. It was to me. It wasn't about defending danny, it's about having a conversation. Yeah, everything that I said here is just my views on the conversation. I don't I understand what kind of work we do, jerry Springer, in our space.
Speaker 4:Anybody else bringing this up what? Did you mean Like your points, did anybody make those points before it was echo chamber. See, that's, that's my thing. Like, if you're not the one that's making these points, then like nobody else would, would have yeah, I mean, it was an echo chamber up there yeah, that's why I don't like, like he's the one that should be in there making these points himself, because he's the one that made the decision to put it on his patreon.
Speaker 1:He knows from the because another thing they kept talking about was how he had responded to her. When she was like, oh, you're just gonna monetize on me. He was like hey, I'm not mr morale or whatever, essentially just saying like this is the game they kept trying to make a point of when joe revealed his picture. Joe released, uh, danny's picture last year.
Speaker 4:Uh was joe, the first like that's the only reason. We know what danny looks like.
Speaker 1:If you're not on reddit. Yeah, you wouldn't know what danny looked like if you didn't go on the reddits and stuff like that. Joe was the first person who revealed him to everybody and it was an unflattering picture when he was younger, so it was um used against him.
Speaker 4:What danny sees it as and what I've spoken to him about it is Danny, every time you talk about Joe, you should use a screenshot of him chasing those teenagers in the car.
Speaker 1:That would be a good idea.
Speaker 4:Every single time.
Speaker 1:But what I was just saying there with that is that Joe revealed that picture and Danny uses that not as to say hey, this is what y'all did to me. He's telling people this is just the land, the rules of the wild, wild west yeah, this is how we playing. This is how y'all played with me this is how y'all was cool with it. There was no grandstanding, there was no spaces saying oh, we need to cancel Joe, joe's such a bad. On stage, niggas were laughing and kicking and making fun of Danny's picture.
Speaker 4:Danny said cool, but you're not a group of niggas sucking joe's dick, but you're looking at something different, though you're looking at it from it's a group of people who are together because they listen to joe budden podcast, so when he exposes you, you think they gonna take your side and not joe's side.
Speaker 1:But you're missing the point, dumb. That's not. That's not the point that he's making. He's saying that these are just the rules. These are the rules that have been set. I didn't make these rules. Yeah, I don't have to care about you because nobody cared about me. So that's where I understand that. And they kept trying to make it think like oh, it's a person, why does this individual have to be at the brunt? It's not about an individual.
Speaker 4:It could have been anybody it is a little bit different, though, because she was just in spaces and a nigga decided to come attack her. She's not making content, she's not putting on her youtube or anything.
Speaker 1:She's not a youtuber. She does have content.
Speaker 4:She's well like she didn't make contact content about this man specifically on her platform, did she?
Speaker 1:no, they just made fun of him like of his clothes. In fact, he had money in his.
Speaker 4:He decided to crash out, and it was easier to crash out against the woman yeah, I mean he crashed out on everybody but he had more.
Speaker 1:But you did say in the beginning that he didn't have as much vitriol for the men as he had more energy for her yeah like it's just bitch nigga shit yeah, I told you it was. I wasn't cool. I did. I felt like I we were talking about the other day and I said that was nigga behavior, like it wasn't danny eventually come in to defend himself? He doesn't he don't do that. He don't go in other people rooms and stages and stuff, because he knows he knows they're gonna do what they did okay this.
Speaker 1:The only reason he didn't go in is because this was completely 100 outside of the we work space well, yeah, he doesn't go on other people's spaces because he knows what they're gonna do, what they did to me. Try to cut me off, uh, not allow me to. You know, say my whole point. Uh, foster a?
Speaker 4:uh I don't think you needed to be in there. I want to. I want to stage at all.
Speaker 1:I talked to them though I'm cool, like I'm not against them. I talked to them and I have conversation with them and I wanted to know more information. Because I want to know, because I'm going to talk about the show, I wanted to know more about what was going on.
Speaker 4:So, once I end, up finding the excommunicated me. That's cool. Did y'all end up talking about this in the we work space too?
Speaker 1:yeah, danny thought I betrayed him at first, though he felt like I didn't.
Speaker 4:I didn't hold it down danny, he didn't betray you, he was just listening to his wife. And that's not your nigga, that's mine bitch. What the fuck take the bitch out like? That's?
Speaker 1:that's crazy, that's crazy he has the right to have an opinion, that if he feels like he has the right to have an opinion, but he doesn't have the right to feel like he's he.
Speaker 4:He has the what's the word?
Speaker 1:I'm looking for he's not feeling entitled to anything Entitled to your loyalty. No, he didn't feel entitled, he just said I felt like that's the word I'm looking for.
Speaker 4:I feel like he feels like he was entitled to your loyalty when he's not.
Speaker 1:No, I think really the crux of all this thumbs from is that people think that they're entitled to people Like you're entitled to have a particular reaction. Danny has made it clear that these folks aren't my friend and I don't have to have that friendship reaction to you.
Speaker 4:Why did Danny feel like you kind of betrayed him a little bit?
Speaker 1:He just said, like I just didn't, he knows the gusto.
Speaker 4:You didn't back him up enough.
Speaker 1:Well he just knows the gusto that I come with and how I don't really just like how I explained all them points, like I didn't do that and I had already told him because I asked him specifically not to. Maybe let me answer the question. Jesus christ, relax, let me answer the question. So he knows that generally I come with the gusto. I didn't come with the gusto there and I went up there and explained it to him in the vc, like why, what was going on, but he already knew beforehand because I said it in the space that we were doing in between it. Like this is what I can't really go crazy for you right now, dog. Like because, even though I agree, like this was a good space, I I'm on the space saying this is one of them ones like I'm telling him he need to leave yeah, I heard you say that.
Speaker 1:That's what I said.
Speaker 4:I told him he need to leave it when it comes to, because I think that my husband, that's, that's my thing. I think you're smarter than everyone in the spaces.
Speaker 1:Not true?
Speaker 4:A lot of intelligent people in there. I don't know y'all. I know my husband. I think he's smarter. I think the way his thought processes and stuff I think he be eating y'all up a lot. So when it comes to him standing behind another man to maybe be at odds with another black woman, I'm never, I'm never gonna give him the green light for that, because his brain is too good and he's gonna eat her up too much and she don't need that. We go through enough.
Speaker 1:Well, let's say that's what I, the level of. We talked about entitlement just a moment ago. I hate to break it to you, but a single solo black woman is not entitled to my protection either. You are entitled to my protection because of our commitment to each other but I am asking, but as your wife, you're.
Speaker 4:You're talking about two different things yeah, I'm just asking you to extend your protection to them too. No one I'm for that moment. I'm not going to do that moment.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm not going to blatantly, just blindly do it and no, no one's like you, just keep jumping over the conference. What I'm saying is that a black woman is not entitled to my protection just for simply being a black woman. That's I'm sorry. No one is entitled to that from me. I'm not giving that to anyone. You are with me because you have that for me, because we have an understanding and agreement with each other through our marriage. That is not something I blind. I don't uh tell anyone to subscribe to that. The thing about protection is you have to give someone control, to give have protection. Just like we go on this show and if we say whatever, what happens? If we say something that's over the top, we cut it out. Right, I have the power to cut it out. So my protection doesn't extend to women that I don't have the control to say hey, x, y and z are inputting soting. So I don't blindly or brandish protecting black women because I don't have a level they don't feel entitled to anything from me.
Speaker 1:so I will never feel entitled that I need to give anything to them.
Speaker 4:I'm just asking you, that's what I'm saying and I understand what you're saying. I understand what you're saying and now I'm saying what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:I know, but I'm just for the audience, I'm clarifying for them that that is. It is not a blanket thing, because they kept, they kept bringing you up.
Speaker 4:Yeah, because because you told them that I'm the one that asked you to do this.
Speaker 1:No, she brought it on her own. She never knew that.
Speaker 4:Danny is the only one that knew that.
Speaker 1:That, because that you asked me to yeah, I thought she was bringing it up because I asked her to bring it up to you because she feel and this is what I gather again, this is not hate or anything like that- because I gathered a black woman no, yeah, married to a black woman. And now she feels entitled that because I'm a black man married to a black woman, that I'm supposed to now give that to every black woman that's in my vicinity. And that's not y'all. I don't require anything from y'all is that crazy?
Speaker 1:though. Yes, because I don't require anything of you to be a woman in my presence. Don't require anything of me to be a man in your presence.
Speaker 4:That's why Straight like that I do require black men to. I do require a certain type of behavior of black men in my presence in general.
Speaker 1:But the problem is that you don't give that in return.
Speaker 4:You don't require anything in your presence give that in return, you don't require anything. If your presence, if there's there, there are, well there. There are specific things that I do require of black men in my presence in specific situations I'm not saying blanket. And then in specific situations, there are ways that I feel like I do have to behave around black men in specific situations. Both of them aren't blanket statements that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 4:That's what my game for but I'm saying that what I'm specifically requesting of you because you're in these spaces all the time, that's what I'm saying. That's what I was saying, like I would rather you not be caping behind niggas all the time when there's like three, four women that be in these spaces consistently but they all cool, though that's the thing.
Speaker 1:This person is not in the spaces with us.
Speaker 4:This place is a space adjacent to us.
Speaker 1:Okay, but like, still, I just would rather you not actually the women in the spaces that are normally in our spaces.
Speaker 4:All will speak highly of me yeah, because you're you're a good guy. But, like in general, I'm just saying I would rather you not cake like and gang up against black women specifically.
Speaker 1:I would rather him not do that yeah I just I feel like you're creating us when you say that though you just create a situation that's not happening, like you're. You're saying like I'm saying that's happening. No, I'm saying you're creating a situation that's not happening. Saying like you know, it sounds like you're saying you don't want me to jump on the pylon.
Speaker 1:But this wasn't a pylon. It never was a pylon, like I never was jumping on any pylon. I was having a discussion and giving my thoughts. I just didn't give it unfiltered because you asked me not to. Yeah.
Speaker 1:All right, gonna eat them up way too much and you had to I was just gonna say, like it wasn't, that it could be serious for you and not serious for everybody else. That was, that was my main thing and straight like as long as where wasn't any. And the difference again, I said this a little bit earlier there's a difference between a routine, regular threat and a uh, a real critical threat threat that is actually substantiated, like I'm putting out real information about you I can.
Speaker 4:He was just making empty threats that's what it was.
Speaker 1:That's the difference. So all right, uh, j cole new dropped a new song the j cole song.
Speaker 4:I forget what it's called. It's called coleman domingo or no, port antonio I said coleman domingo, that's the gay man from that's doing the Met Gala stuff. So he dropped a song called Port Antonio and this is I think this might be the first song that J Cole put out like post, taking down first person shooter, like the other stuff that he released.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, seven minute drill person shooter like the the other stuff that he released. Oh yeah, seven minute drill um the stuff that he's released. In between, I was probably pre-recorded before the beef and everything okay I was trying to make sure you said yeah I think this is the first song that he recorded after the beef that he's put out, because he did what with daylight, and, and he put out a song with A$AP Rocky too, which both are both would be seen as Drake's ops.
Speaker 4:So he copped mad please. During the beef right Took down the song, said that he didn't want to be part of this beef, even though you are one of the big three, took it down and then now he put out this song, copping More Please. I don't want to hear J Cole talk hot shit ever again you can, because in the situation where you have to talk your hottest shit as a rapper, you decided to tuck your tail between your legs and run. You have to talk your hottest shit as a rapper. You decided to tuck your tail between your legs and run, and there's a moral and um spiritual, whatever reason that you decided to do that, which I do respect and I've said that after initially you backing out, after I I saw everything I was like, okay, j Cole did this for a reason, right, I do respect it.
Speaker 4:I respect a black man in hip-hop behaving like this kind of kind of, but then, like, as far as like me and how I like my rappers, like I like my rappers cut throat. So I didn't like the, the fact that he just ran from the beef, so he put out this song and he he definitely addressed the beef in the song and we're not going to read you the lyrics word for word, but he was basically like he didn't engage in that battle because he he wasn't. He wasn't afraid to lose, but he was afraid to lose a brother, which I don't think Drake or Kendrick are your actual brothers. Those are your co-workers. They're not your actual brother. How close do you think Drake and Cole or Kendrick and Cole are? Yeah, they're colleagues.
Speaker 1:I would see somebody like that.
Speaker 4:Yeah, they're just colleagues. So you backing out of a rat beef which, like we all, professionally knows that this is part of the game, right like you backing out of that is absolutely insane. So he said that he didn't want to do it for profit, he didn't want to do it for clicks. Blah, blah, blah. Like it's, it is a very mature way to go, but for my rappers, I don't want that. Now I think you're a bitch and I don't ever want to hear you talk shit about another rapper ever again. And that's.
Speaker 4:That's the sad thing, because nobody most of these niggas can't out rap J Cole for real. For real, like bar for bar rhyme schemes, like things of that nature, like they're not coming close to Cole and Cole would have probably decimated Drake in that rap battle One hundred percent. I don't know where it would have landed. Um Kendrick versus J Cole. I don't think there would have been a Kendrick versus J Cole situation because I genuinely think J Cole is on Kendrick's side. He's been on Kendrick's side. They were supposed to drop out. I've been waiting for a J Cole Kendrick joint album since 2011, when they announced that shit on Twitter.
Speaker 4:I hate both of you niggas still but, like J Cole and Kendrick are the lyrically more talented parties in this beef. So he I do think that J Cole wasn't worried about losing the rap battle, but you look so fucking crazy right now. You fucking copped mad please and then you went back to the store and copped more please and you were like he called drake his nigga on the song. He was like oh, we're still mans, though. After you did songs with multiple ops, you look crazy right now. Like most people don't know that these were songs with asap, rocky and daylight that were recorded before the beef and that j cole and his team probably just decided to put out because there was money put into the projects in the first place, were they?
Speaker 1:not. I thought he was features on those songs he were feet he was features, not his team. They even worry about, even yeah so, but like, and then um did drake not like, drake liked the tweet that basically said that obviously j cole yeah, obviously j cole picked a side yeah, I mean um, I've never really been a fan of j cole, so, like all of this stuff that people like, oh, that's because people be telling him.
Speaker 4:No, I just never liked the music I've just never liked.
Speaker 1:I honestly, it wasn't until that mic delete later that was the first body of work I've actually liked from drake, and I didn't like this song. Drake, see me, jay cole, jay cole, and then I didn't like this song that he just put out either like it just that was.
Speaker 4:That was the first time I heard multiple songs that I liked from jay cole on one project and then this song was like verse hook big ass, second verse, big ass, second verse, long ass, second verse. I didn't, I don't know. It's just like I'm still. Cole is probably going to drop a project soon. I'm still going to listen to it because it's Cole and I'm a fan of rappers who rap Like, so I'm still going to listen to it. But if you're talking hot shit, shit and if you popping your shit on that album, then I'm gonna, I'm gonna, it's gonna side eye. I'm gonna side eye when you're popping your shit, because when it came down to that action for real, you tucked your tail and you ran like a little girl.
Speaker 1:So that's unfortunate. Yeah, guardian officer, man, it seems that it seems that we just can't get to the end of this one here. Uh, he hasn't been clear in any any way, shape or form. He tells us one side, he wants to get a divorce and he wants to get rid of her and nobody wants her and he then he shows up at the family reunion dancing with his quinceana he showed up at cardi's grandmother's birthday party over here dancing with tia. Yeah, like, like in the Bronx at the family home.
Speaker 4:Tia, I thought Tia was on. I'm going to look it up.
Speaker 1:But yeah, you see him dancing with the family. I think somebody made an important tweet, though I think I should note. Nobody was black in that room. Nobody was black in that room at all. Everyone was Dominican. There was no black people in that room at all. Everyone was dominican. There was no black people in that room. This was all white dominicans.
Speaker 4:The depend, it was all white dominicans. They're not white dominicans. Hey, man, that's what it looked like and I'm talking about in the video. I'm just saying in the video they don't look like white dominicans.
Speaker 1:They look like I wasn't the only person who said that. When I saw the tweets, I seen it as I agreed. White dominicans all the hair texture was like kinky straight it was given black dominican, it was given it was given wavy, it's given. It was given a uh, wigger maxing, but uh, then it kind of gets a little crazier. She has an event, abuela, that's what it is. Yep, uh, so they have an event at the club it was supposed to, just her up on her.
Speaker 1:It was just supposed to be her event. He don't pop up on her, he got his own section. It's not popping up on you, that's just being at the same place you at.
Speaker 4:He didn't. Fucking was like oh, I'm going to be at your hosting tonight.
Speaker 1:Yeah, popping up on you is going to your section.
Speaker 4:She was there. There he did. She did not know he was gonna be there. He ended up there. He popped up on her, regardless of the fact that he was in the same section or not, he popped up on her.
Speaker 1:I don't agree I feel okay, continue, because that's what he did. He popped up on her, don't agree. He showed up to the same club. There was awkward contention in the club.
Speaker 4:I'll be trying to roll my eyes hard so that y'all can see what I'm rolling my eyes.
Speaker 1:Contention was in the club. She said that didn't. She say that she uh wasn't even aware that he was gonna show up at all. She was not aware, hey man shout out to you, he popped up on her hey, because she was 100, unaware that he was gonna be there offset. That's a pop-up offset clearly is the kind of individual that he believes hey, I don't want you, but I also don't want anyone else to want you.
Speaker 4:That's dangerous, so I I completely I know like we're having a comical conversation, but that's a very dangerous state of mind for a person that you're leaving to be having. Yeah, if I can't have you, nobody else will.
Speaker 1:But I just completely understand where he's coming from. In all these actions he's doing everything out the playbook Like he's working out, trying to get like the other nigga. You seen the post of him doing his curls Trying to get like the other nigga you seen the post of him doing his curls.
Speaker 4:So, allegedly the person that Cardi B cheated with was Stefan Diggs, and when I saw that I was like period, a football player who was very popular with the ladies, a football player who his own teammates all once said they would never let him anywhere near the system, I'd be smashing pussy, period done, just like he was smashing carties.
Speaker 1:Is he smashing pussy or is he just treating women as disposable objects?
Speaker 4:smashing pussy. Same thing she was married. She didn't want that nigga to marry her.
Speaker 1:She wanted some dick and she got it well from the nfl offset did the right thing. He made up a. That's what I believe he did.
Speaker 4:He went to the press. These niggas are toxic. Let me say that Offset and Cardi as a couple seem very toxic.
Speaker 1:I'm just gonna keep it real for you. If my wife is over here trying to leave me for another nigga, I'm definitely putting gay rumors on that nigga dog. Off top. You gonna like him more. I can't do that with my wife. She's gonna like him more with the gay rumors, so I'm gonna put ally that's disgusting all right. So there's, and I would only rock with by rumors so this, this is this is more than by rumors right here. So, uh, there's a gentleman by the name of chris blake griffin that's the. Griffin.
Speaker 4:Not Chris.
Speaker 1:Griffin, not Griffin Griffith.
Speaker 4:Griffith Okay, I was about to be like family guy.
Speaker 1:He accused Stefan Diggs of drugging him and trying to have sex with him, claiming it was a part of getting him jumped by. It also played a part in him getting jumped by Stefan's brother. I believe it is the brother that's a player.
Speaker 4:Oh, stefan has a brother. That's a player that plays for the Cowboys. Yeah, oh, that's a Taliesin family, so I just want to read like the- Imagine how they daddy feel.
Speaker 1:Yeah, if he around. I don't know if he around.
Speaker 4:Wow, and I hate black men. I'm just saying I don't know.
Speaker 1:I would assume I would see more of him if that was the case. I would see more of him if that was the case. So let's go right here. So let me see where he says Okay, here we go. Them other guys don't know. The depravity of all this shit is that Stefan tried to drug me, then have sex with me, and I escaped unscathed, thank you Jesus. I now knew his secret and it didn't sit well with him and it didn't sit well with him. Weeks later, his brother, uh, week weeks later, after his failed sexual attempt on me because I don't play like that and never have mishon realized that I was no longer affiliated with his half brother. So this must be this under brother that played uh, and because he's broke, not even being funny, but like actually he doesn't have any money and has like three kids no, this is he's talking about okay.
Speaker 1:He said, not even being funny he's actually doesn't have any money. Uh, he has three kids and actually doesn't have money. That's fucked up. Stefan doesn't take care of him because he didn't meet him until he was like 12 or something. So his brother just over here mad so basically he gets into it, this gentleman right here. I'll show you what a picture, what he looks like. Light-skinned brother. Clearly you got a type. You like the red ones.
Speaker 1:He looked like a female, cardi b slick that's his brother no, that's the man that said he got raped oh, he got tempted. He's cute. Hey, that's what I would do if I was offset.
Speaker 4:I'd pay this man thousands to to sully this man's name yeah, tell them niggas that you gay and he tried to rape you so that everyone thinks that the nigga who fucked my baby mom is a gay rapist yeah, like could you, oh man, could you.
Speaker 1:Oh, how upset you would be if this was for real too. Like, not only did you get a pussy away, you gave the pussy away, with my kid in the stomach with a queer.
Speaker 4:That nigga could have had aids you wouldn't have known, it is 2024 okay just because you get taken, prep, the, the like, the, the, the whole trope that the gay community with the hiv and aids is so tired now I mean it's not a trope though that's the, the gay men. They do not play about their status whatsoever. It's just straight people who have that shit more than gay people. Now, no, I'm pretty sure we look it up still.
Speaker 4:So let's prove the fact that you hate black men. Has been solidified because Aaron Diggs died of heart failure. Who?
Speaker 1:Aaron Diggs. That's not his other brother oh his brother His father.
Speaker 7:Oh, my bad, so that's not his other brother. Oh, his brother, his father, yeah, so he's.
Speaker 4:He's not you, I said he wasn't around, and he hasn't been around because the nigga died at 39 years old that's sad.
Speaker 1:I wasn't saying like I hate it. I said if the nigga, I didn't know because I you know why. I said that was because if my sons regardless of the relationship, are two of them are in the nfl, you're gonna see my ass everywhere. So that's why I said it made it's weird that you don't see him around because he did.
Speaker 1:It's fucked makes sense and I said he's if. That's why I said if he's around. I never said the thing like you implied it like it's abandonment I just made he could have passed away or he could just not be in the picture for whatever reasons, I support black men, not you. Don't, don't do that don't do that.
Speaker 1:Uh, stephan man, you can't be out here. This is what you kind of get a little bit. Man don't be messing with niggas women like straight, like that. But if this is, if these are two things, are, you know, connected?
Speaker 4:this is what you get, nigga. I don't think offset has enough power or money to make things happen in the media what you don't think.
Speaker 1:Offset could pay a nigga a couple thousand dollars to make up a story.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, pay the nigga yeah, that's all they need to do, nigga all he did was go on fucking Instagram. Nigga didn't go to the authorities. I was thinking it was more complicated than that, Like he went to the media outlets.
Speaker 1:No, nigga. He went on Instagram. Nigga said hey, man, post this for me real quick.
Speaker 3:Big dog Like that's exactly what I would have did, nigga yeah $100.
Speaker 1:That's super easy. Owe him another four, but he ain't gonna give him that. He just gave him two grand.
Speaker 4:Just to post that, nigga, I'm ruining your life too, nigga if you don't give him the other four, then the nigga's gonna come out and be like.
Speaker 1:He made me post this, it don't matter, nigga, the lie is way better than the truth. That's all he's gonna remember. Nigga, you try to get squirrely with the red nigga, he wasn't having it, but damn, I could definitely see where he could be. Look like he. I can see where he get mistaken though he doesn't look a little gay. I can see where he like oh yeah, this nigga, he down with it. It's like when Malik we talked about this before the show who Malik? The gang, when the big man came behind him.
Speaker 1:That's what Tyrone. That's what Stefan Diggs Did young Stefan Diggs nasty. Well, again this is all alleged allegations from Chris Blake Griffith, but no man. I just thought it was important that we see that Offset ain't stopping Offset. This is part of my theories. Offset is the mastermind of all this.
Speaker 4:And he going to get his family and his side bitch back and I don't think Offset is this smart? That's eight. That's eight what else do?
Speaker 1:we got, uh, we got to salute fbg duck's mama. Mama duck, uh, she's doing something I think is extremely hard and probably necessary, super challenging to uh. Just to think about the mental she got to be in after been kind of fighting this and trying to advocate for this. Y'all not know, mama duck has been a big advocate in chicago about ending violence, ending the gang uh conversations and things of that nature, and she has sued not only little dirt but the estate of king von for the death of her son as she should well.
Speaker 1:King von was like proven to be the one who killed him right they wouldn't say proven, but um his men, the guys who were actually there the night he died. A lot of those men were arrested for being in the involvement of killing the FBG duck. I think this is amazing though Like for her to just take that and not allowing them to make this kind of music. That's been, you know, disparaging against her son.
Speaker 4:Because they were literally making music like smoking on your son, like that's crazy. Music like smoking on your son like that's crazy. After you lose your son, you have to like listen to cars riding down the block with rappers talking about how they killed him and taunting you like club anthems that have this stuff going on in it.
Speaker 1:Um, I hope there could be more, but I think the problem with it is a lot of these kids are not getting killed by, or killed by people who are adjacent to these big time rappers like these guys. It was a public feud, like I always thought it was. The stupidest thing, and it kind of showed how dumb they all kind of were was that y'all was making money off of this feud. Why would y'all not empower each other and just make a, make a front, just making a front like everybody.
Speaker 4:We beefing when we, when we on camera and around each other but it's like kanye and 50 did when they were both dropping albums at the same time I'm talking about just having intelligence like my.
Speaker 1:My enemy is way more valuable alive than dead yeah because now I have someone I can always go back to and shit on. I can always go back, but it's nigga shit. But even if it's nigga shit we making money off of it why are we gonna kill each other and end our money? Cause nigga shit don't make sense again.
Speaker 4:That's why.
Speaker 1:I say these niggas aren't spry that's the first I first started is you would think you would take advantage of this, because I say this all the time. You know how one of the things that they used to make diss songs going back at each other so people would follow and stay engaged with them.
Speaker 4:The whole time. They're the best of brothers, the best of brothers.
Speaker 1:And this is why I don't see this here. This could have been all that All y'all niggas had checking. Hey, this is going to be the storyline this week. This is what we're going to do this week. Y'all could partly eliminate a lot of the deaths because fake beef, you just don't. You just shoot at niggas, but don't kill, just shoot at the area. Oh, we got this going on. This happened here.
Speaker 4:All you gotta do I feel like hip-hop and rap is so toxic that, like if there were multiple shootings that ended in nobody getting hit, like people would be upset and they'd be like somebody gotta get hit because all y'all niggas don't know how to aim like little baby just had like three instances like that if this happened for a long time, like if this was a regular thing and there were shootings but no deaths and nobody got even injured eventually, don't you think that people would be like what the fuck is going like? None of you niggas know how to aim and shoot I think that. I think that would be more of the conversation yes, like you can't make shooting shit up music if you're shooting shit up and missing everybody.
Speaker 1:I will say this uh, lucas from lucas films, the one who did star wars, made a whole series off of a group of soldiers that couldn't hit shit the mandalore, the um, the stormtroopers, the stormtroopers that's literally canon they didn't shoot shit.
Speaker 4:you can make a good storyline with niggas who can't shoot shit, but Star Wars fans are not the hood.
Speaker 1:Shit. There's a lot of similar premises. You got the dark side, you got niggas who think they on the light. You got demons, you got monsters. I just felt like that was always just a horrible way that you could just allow yourself to just be a crash out for shit, that you don't even really know where this shit all stem from. They all used to be friends. That's the crazy thing when you hear the stories about. They all was cool, they all was on the same block, and then all it was one nigga or niggas that got on sides with other niggas. And now we didn't have to change everything because it's done. We ended lives now. So it is what it is. Unfortunate. Unfortunate, though, but again I I want to hope. She said she's also doing music companies and record labels.
Speaker 4:Yo, that's I think that if she was able to get this lawsuit off the ground and actually win, that would be amazing that'd be a different that'd be.
Speaker 1:That would be a whole new precedent.
Speaker 4:Yes, because now you can go back to because these record labels have life insurance policies out against these rappers and stuff.
Speaker 1:When they die, they make a benefit off of it yeah, I mean that that doesn't adhere to them being, uh, a part of the problem. But when you go into the fact that they're giving them money like you have a video of king von breaking down 100 racks with the niggas that killed bg duck, like so, once you start to break all that down and you start to really get into, it's like no, you're enabling a criminal enterprise yes, and I think that she has a basis to file criminal charges against them, and I hope that it works out for you, ma'am.
Speaker 1:No for sure. I really do wish you the best, because you've lost two sons to this war. That's so sad.
Speaker 4:No parent should bury two of their children.
Speaker 1:And both of those kids were ridiculed in music by the individuals that she's.
Speaker 4:And then there's art, literally like solidified yeah and making fun of of your son's deaths. That's like I couldn't. I couldn't imagine how that feels as a mother, as a parent in general like that's fucked up. And then these niggas are still walking around making money, king monies and book. Oh yeah, king, thank god that nigga was a serial killer.
Speaker 1:Somebody needs to get him off the streets I mean, well, we can just get into some quick little sports hits and then we can great go. Cam newton just signed with uh, what's his name? Espn. For to be on first take so congratulations to you, cam newton. My wife didn't know we've been talking about your content for months and she thought you were just some nigga just jumping interview to interview with a the ugliest wardrobe and the stupidest hat and feathers oh, you made sure to say that in every episode.
Speaker 1:You made sure to say that about his yeah, I hate the way he looks. I mean I feel, hey, that's family. So you know, he my, he it's not, it's not genetic wise the.
Speaker 4:What I hate about him, it's everything he chooses to put on his body.
Speaker 1:I feel you. I'll just say he's salute, that's just family for me.
Speaker 4:That's all that nigga and I've seen him in person over and over and over again. I imagine he looks stupid in person. Every single time I see him.
Speaker 1:Hey, like I said, that's family.
Speaker 4:And he act poor and broke, but that's probably why he.
Speaker 1:A bunch of questions, taking up space and time and just being a broke nigga he just like I don't think that's what he's doing, I think he's just no, that's what he does in my experience with him in person in real life.
Speaker 4:Do you have experiences of what you experience cam to be like in real life? Do you to speak to no?
Speaker 1:I can only okay speak to the family member.
Speaker 4:He's impregnated okay, he didn't impregnate you, so oh shit, um.
Speaker 1:And then kendra perkins. He also is on espn and you're a piece of shit, my god, like real shit. So this report comes out today. Kendra perkins has co-founded a company named anilli that already sounds deceptive In which he's offering college athletes upfront cash in exchange for their portion, in exchange for a portion of their NIL earnings. So my nigga's giving payday loans.
Speaker 4:For scholarships in general, no, or NIL. So they're because I thought of them as scholarships for a reason, but there are deals that the football or whoever football players so it's not just football but let me just add one little part
Speaker 1:college sports people. I'm gonna explain everything to you just a moment, honey. So just to say this while perkins is meant to provide, says it's meant to provide financial security, critics warn that is an exploitative and it's compared to high interest loans. So nil is name, image, likeness, what that allows you as an individual playing any college sport. You can sign deals with companies beforehand. You couldn't even get a job for real when you play college sports, uh, but now you can go in and sell your likeness to whoever you want. What he's, what they're doing here is saying, hey, hypothetically you may not have any deals yet, but you know you're going to perform and do well and get you 100 grand at a 10% interest rate.
Speaker 4:But what if the kid never makes it to the?
Speaker 1:NFL it's not about the NFL. Nil has nothing to do with NFL. It's name image likeness.
Speaker 4:Yeah, but this is a college football thing, right.
Speaker 1:No, it's an NIL thing Meaning. So okay, the best way to explain it, it's not just for college players, it's for nil. So college players, anybody, college high school, anybody can, can get nil so if you're in the nfl, are you doing nil deals? Yes, but not the same way. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Let's get to. Let me explain here. So, college and high school, you have a name, your name, your image and your likeness. You at first were not allowed to sell those and get money.
Speaker 1:Now that you are, what he is offering is, like I said, I'm explaining I give you that I give you 100 racks, and then you give me 50 of your nir the problem is there's not a guarantee that you're going to get one nil deal that, uh, it's going to secure you enough to be able to pay back the loan, because it's a high interest loan. And then there's also no guarantee of you helping you, assisting you, find deals.
Speaker 4:I understand all of that. I was just asking if NIL deals are. That's just an endorsement deal Are exclusively for high school and college students.
Speaker 1:NIL is what they call endorsement deals for high school and college students.
Speaker 4:Okay, that's what I was asking in general. So I was thinking that he was giving out these loans to college students who are not even like prospects of the NFL and there was no way for them to even make enough money to pay this back. Like that's what I was thinking about and that's really fucked up For the people, for the players who do get the deals and then they make it into the NFL. Then it is still predatory.
Speaker 1:Well, the thing is this the deals you can make. It it depends on where you're at and where you play school, like if you go to school at Duke. You can make that.
Speaker 1:NAL money back, because there could make that nl money back because there's a lot of stuff around you uh, a lot of uh groups and internal people who are going to help you facilitate those things. So for some people it could. The thing is like you said, he could be doing this with anybody. There's no regulations, so he could go in and say, hey, you, uh, you just got accepted d1. It was your last offer, the only only d1 offer you have. You may make some nil money here. You go, like let me give you this hundred racks with a 30 percent interest and then did they say what the interest was on they just said that the experts compared it to high interest loans.
Speaker 1:So like college loans I mean, no, I mean college loans for the most part interest is what? No, it's just they're compounding interest, but high interest would be like seven, nine, ten percent like like a mortgage, like shit, like that, also like a mortgage. Yeah, higher than that, you know, than a mortgage.
Speaker 4:There's something that's trying to go in my eye.
Speaker 1:Okay, we'll wrap up in a little bit. Just look cute for a couple seconds.
Speaker 4:You can't do that, while something's true you can. There's a fiber on my eyelash.
Speaker 1:You just don't want to. I saw this was going to be what was going to be the end goal of this, because that's the only way you really make money out of a situation like this. It's just charge entry to everybody Just be like hey, no, we're just going to tax everything. We'll give you some money to help you out and then we'll just tax you to oblivion. So hey, at least the college players are going to get some student loans or athletic loans.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's crazy Welcome to the party. Yeah, that's crazy party not going to college and um on a scholarship and not having to take out student loans and then taking out a loan for some other shit is, but that happens actually more common than you think the sports?
Speaker 1:a lot of those players like when they this how it usually used to happen when you would be time for you to go get drafted you nfl or nba you would get an agent and sometimes that agent would loan you a little bit of money so you can live like a pro.
Speaker 4:Okay, I thought you meant like in college still, oh, no, they'd be like right. I was like they give these thing of stipends for everything in my schools. They did this the the athletes wanted for nothing.
Speaker 1:It depends because a lot of times those athletes got families and stuff that they also have to take care of with what they're doing. So that's why the stipends seem like a lot when you're a broke college kid.
Speaker 4:Yeah, for yourself, but when you?
Speaker 1:actually look at the expenses that they have and having to keep themselves in good shape and healthy. Like it's it's rough, it's tough. That stuff isn't really enough.
Speaker 4:The schedule of college athlete is crazy, because you got to keep your grades up and then you got to wake up at 5 am to go to practice and then go to class right after. Absolutely insane, I couldn't do it.
Speaker 1:But yo Kendra Perkins. You should definitely be ashamed of yourself if you're charging these kids high interest loans. Bro, you had a successful career. You came straight out of high school to be an NBA player. I think you won a couple championships, and for you just to now look at this as an opportunity to steal, I would say steal from your from your own brothers coming up stealing. Yeah, that shit is gross. Yo, that shit is trash I agree, all right uh, I think we're good.
Speaker 1:Nothing too much else we got to get into. You've been good though everything. You got everything off your chest. I want you to feel like you. This is a space where you, as a woman, can be opinionated and voice those thoughts.
Speaker 4:I'm going to do that anyways. That's peace. It is.
Speaker 1:It is definitely peace. All right, let's get up out of here. I'm going to wrap it up. It's funny too, when we did that Mean Girls review. Oh, oh, that says something else. Never mind, all right, life is a labor of love, so let's keep building these moments together and remember your job is not your family. The only thing you should be exploiting is these corporations. Want to thank you again for listening to talk.
Speaker 4:Fnf tv let them know what they gotta do um and follow us on all of the social media, at talk dot fnf dot tv, on twitter, facebook, instagram, and subscribe, like and leave a comment on youtube. Let us know if you agree with us or disagree with us. All of the things, love you, bye.